Hanging Tight(s)….and Scarves
Last weekend I went to Burlington Coat Factory for the first time. Did you know that there are more than coats at Burlington Coat Factory? I had no idea, but I am sure that you, a much more experienced shopper than I, knew that. While my friends were shopping, I wandered the aisles looking at all of the things that tempted me and that I was not going to buy. Then, I saw these.
Flocked, flower-shaped hangers! It was love at first sight. Of course, I had to have them. I also convinced my friends that they had to have them. I am going to convince you that you have to have them as well. This is not a paid endorsement, but I wish it were. I cannot say enough good things about these hangers.
My tights used to be kept in the top drawer of my dresser. Then, I got the idea to hang them on a hanger in my closet, but they kept falling off. I knotted them onto the hanger, but it was bulky and I did not like the look.
They look much better on their new perch.
My scarves were wadded in the bottom drawer of my dresser with too many other things. I do not wear them as often as I would like to since they are hidden away.
They are hidden away no longer! Look at how beautiful they are hanging proudly.
Why are my scarves so much more adventurous than my tights? I need more colorful tights!
I also need to paint this closet. The colorful scarves highlight the dinginess of the closet around them. That is a project for another day. There are a lot of projects that need doing!
Happy Homemaking!

This is a really neat idea!
pretty sure they need to pay you for this post! great sell!!! they are also cute enough to hang on the wall if you don’t need to use them!
You are so right! I think you could even hang them on the wall with the scarves, and it would look great.