DIY Duck Dynasty Costumes
It took me a while to decide on our costumes this year. Last year, I knew for months that we were going to be the Zombie Bride and Groom. This year, my mind was a complete blank. Then, I saw a picture that a friend of mine posted on Facebook. Her six-year-old daughter was dressing as Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty. We had never seen the show, but I knew that it my aunt loved the show. I talked it over with Douglas, we watched an episode and decided that it would be a good costume.
I gathered the wigs and clothing. The wigs came from the local dollar store, and Douglas’ beard came from Party City. I bought the camouflage shirts at Dick’s Sporting Goods. Everything else we already had, so we spent about $51. I am sure that we will use the wigs again in the future, and if anyone invites us to go hunting we will be ready with our camo.
I wore a pairs of jeans, cowboy boots and a red cross with my shirt and wig. I figured that the cross was a good touch since the family on Duck Dynasty is so religious.
Douglas wore his work boots, hiking pants, camouflage shirt and a camouflage hat. I was a little worried that people would not know if he was Duck Dynasty or the Unibomber, but there did not seem to be any confusion at the party.
I think we make a good couple. The long hair and beard on Douglas actually turned me on a little.
While I was getting our costumes together, Douglas made the duck calls. He cut the end of a straw. You can read how in this post here. To make the duck call more substantial, he wrapped the straw in a piece of cardboard and taped it up. It was a little tricky to use, but it really sounded good. Too bad that Douglas was a couple years too late. We could have been millionaires with our own show on A & E. He also put them on lanyards so we could carry them easily. They added the extra touch to the costumes.
A lot of people at the party we went to seemed to like our costume as well. We tied for best couple’s costume, making this the third straight year that we won the competition. Woo hoo! Here is our prize.
So, the Duck Dynasty costumes were a success. The pressure is on for next year!
What are you going to be for Halloween?
Happy Homemaking and Happy Halloween!

Great Halloween costumes, and Halloween house, too!
serendipitous discovery! We have a green decanter/bottle exactly like the blue on your wall display…
I have a couple of princesses, I’m supposed to be a dandelion puff (can’t find white hair spray, so maybe a yellow dandelion instead).
You guys look AWESOME! Great idea for a costume. I actually watch DD from time to time and it’s such a cute show.
Thank you! I wore the costume to school today, and it was pretty funny to see the students reactions. Many of them did not recognize me at all.
Love the costumes!!! You’re so creative – I never can think of anything to be for Halloween. It’s amazing how completely different you guys look in your costumes!
Thank you! Halloween is a blast!