DIY Spider Web for Halloween or Just Because
In January, I went to Las Olas Art Show in Ft. Lauderdale and fell in love with some rebar spider webs. Since then, they have stuck in my mind, and I have been trying to think of a way to recreate them. In the end, I came up with a way to make a spider web in my own way inspired by Ortega’s beauties.
It all started with a frame that I pulled out of the trash. The beautiful cat is optional, but I really would not recommend getting one for this project. She was a bit of a nuisance.
She is cute, though. Look how she is waving at you. She really knows how to ham it up for the camera.
After selecting the frame, the first task was to put nails around the perimeter from the back of the frame. Just be careful not to pound the nails through the wood. You do not want them sticking out the front.
Next I threaded the wire around a nail, stretched it to the opposite side, cut it with a pair of wire cutters and twisted it around the nail on that side.
Once I had all of the wires stretched across the frame, I started weaving the wire on the inside. I started by twisting the end around a wire.
Then, I went around in a circle weaving the wire first over and then under the wires. This was the most difficult part. My wire was not originally on a spool. I had found a wire figure in the trash and unraveled it. Not wanting to cut the wire and unsure of exactly how much I would need, I had a ridiculously long piece of wire that I had to weave through. It took me forever, but it was worth it. I expect that the project would be a great deal easier if you were to begin with wire on a spool. Unfortunately, ridiculously seems to be the manner in which I prefer to do most things.
Despite the challenge of working with about twenty feet of wire, I made good progress and finished the web in a couple of hours.
Periodically, I would wrap the wire around another. At the end, I cut the wire and twisted the end around another strand.
Here is my finished web from the front and from the back. I am no spider and may not catch any flies, but I am proud of my work of art.
Douglas helped me hang it from the curtain rod with fishing line. A big spider quickly made her home there, much to Menderes’ dismay. He hates spiders.
I have enjoyed the changing look at different times of the day. Please excuse the poor photography. My good camera broke, and the poor little cheap one I am working with is on its last legs.
Here is the web at sunset.
And from outside, it looks pretty good as well if I do say so myself.
I hope I have inspired you! This makes a lovely Halloween decoration, but I like it well enough that I am tempted to leave it up year round. I am thinking I could hang it on the porch in the summer.
I am linking this post at Black and White Obsession, Pneumatic Addict, BD Design Blog, Splendid Design, and 365 Days of Craft.
Happy Homemaking!

your good camera did not break. you can still use it on manual focus and it works just fine. it is just the lens gears for autofocus that are broken.
It’s broken! I killed it!!!! 🙁
It really looks lovely on the picture taken from outside, like a real web.
I think that it looks too much like a real web for Menderes’ liking. He hates spiders as much as I love them.
I like the way it shimmers in the light! I bet Crème was actually very helpful … at being adorable!
It is super shimmery! Crème is taking all of the credit for the spiderweb. Any time someone comes to visit she is all,”How do you like the web I made?” I guess I should just be glad that she hasn’t attacked the spider yet.
I love it!!!
Thanks. I am thinking of hanging it on the porch this summer.