Still Not Finished – Aún no terminado
I have been in Argentina for thirteen days now. I truly thought that the rental apartment would be done by now, but alas it is not, making me feel guiltier than ever for leaving. However, this trip was planned since last fall, so I had no way of knowing that our tenants would be moving out. Douglas is nearing completion, but I might still get the opportunity to help if he doesn’t finish before Tuesday.
He estado en Argentina por trece días ahora. De verdad pensaba que el apartamento de alquiler estaría terminado ya, pero no lo es, lo cual me hace sentir aún más culpable por haber venido, aunque tenía el viaje planeado desde el final del 2015 así que no podía saber que los inquilinos se iban a ir. Douglas está llegando al final, pero todavía es posible que yo tenga la oportunidad de ayudar si no hay terminado antes de lunes.
The paint job looks great upstairs in the apartment – I really like the color. It almost makes me want to paint our living room grey. Douglas assures me that there are a lot of things that need to be done before we can even start thinking of doing that… like maybe finishing the paint job that we started five years ago.
La pintura se ve bien en el apartamento – de verdad me gusta el color. Casi me hace querer pintar nuestra sala de gris. Douglas me asegura que tenemos mucho más que hacer antes de empezar a pensar en eso… como terminar la pintura de ese cuarto que empezamos hace cinco años.
Besides the paint job, Douglas has been working on the floor in the kitchen and hall. This picture was taken after day one. The new vinyl tile is under the new stove and the washing machine that our tenant bought. She also brought a new refrigerator with her, but Douglas did not send me a picture of it.
Aparte de la pintura, Douglas ha estado cambiando el piso de la cocina y el pasillo del apartamento. Está cambiando las baldosas antiguas de no sé qué material por unas de vinilo. Esta es la foto después del primer día. El piso nuevo está debajo de la nueva estufa y la lavadora que la inquilina compró. Ella también llevó una nevera nueva, pero Douglas no me mandó una foto del frigorífico.
New fans were installed in the kitchen and living room. I am showing you a picture of the box because you cannot really see what they looked like in the picture that I received. I don’t think that he wanted to turn them off even for a second because it has been so hot and humid. I am not sure why he has not brought up the air conditioner from the basement.
Nuevos ventiladores se instalaron en los dos cuartos grandes. Te muestro una foto de la caja porque no se ven bien en las fotos que recibí. No pienso que él quería apagarlos ni por un segundo porque ha hecho tanto calor y estado tan húmedo. No sé porque no ha subido la máquina del aire acondicionado del sótano.
Alas this might be the last update that you received on the rental apartment because Linda has moved in, and I am not sure if she would want me to share it. We want her to stay for a very long time, so we are going to do everything we can to keep her happy!
Esta podría ser la última actualización que recibas del apartamento de alquiler porque Linda ya vive allí y no sé si ella quería que yo compartiera fotos. Queremos que se quede por muuuucho tiempo así que ¡haremos todo lo que podemos para mantenerla feliz!
Happy Homemaking!
¡Que todos sus sueños caseras se cumplan!

Love the gray paint and the flooring! What are those little greenhouses on the floor? The only thing missing is a couple of cats.
The little greenhouses belong to the tenant, so I’m not sure. She also has the most adorable rag doll cat, named Sugar, whom I hear is a big mush. I can’t wait to meet him.
Oh boy–hope you can get some pics of Sugar … and that Crème and Ponche aren’t too jealous!
I have a good picture of Sugar. Now I just have to ask Linda if she minds if I post it. By the way, I hope you had a happy birthday today!
It looks amazing! Love the grey. And the floors. Great job guys! Her little terrariums are so cute.
It’s look perfect! nice choice on color! You guys do such a great job!
We had nothing to do with the color choice as we allowed our new tenant to pick it. I was surprised how much I liked it. The apartment looks really good.
This paint give the elegance to the apartment. Yeah I also love the small green house as D’Arcy H said, that cute and bring us the feeling of the nature inside the house. Anyway, you guys have done well!
Thanks! The tenant set everything up beautifully. 🙂