The Best of Intentions
Bad weather. That is what happened to us this weekend. We were all prepared to work on the roof. Well, we would be on the roof working on the dormers to be exact. Last November, we replaced the roof and the new flashing does not come up as high as the old flashing did, leaving an unpainted and therefore unprotected space at the bottom of the dormers. You can see how bad it is in this picture.
So, the plan was to get up there and paint the dormers. It took a while for us to figure out how we were going to do it. Finally, we borrowed a 32-foot ladder. We were ready to go. We both had to work on Saturday, but Sunday we were free and prepared to go for it.
It rained. Hard. All Saturday night. There was no way that things would be dry enough to paint on Sunday. It was frustrating and disappointing, but there was nothing that we could do about it. Douglas used it as an opportunity to clean the sides of the dormers. He used the sprayer and a vinegar solution.
We will attempt to paint the dormers this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes according to plan this time.
Happy Homemaking!

Be careful on that “deathtrap” of a ladder!
(When I liked your Facebook post, my cousin saw it on my timeline and somehow thought it was my post. FB does weird things sometimes.) Anyway, hope your weather cooperates!
The weather is looking good so far. We will be very careful!