The Christmas City
On Thursday, Douglas and I decided to go to Bethlehem for the weekend. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania that is. It was a last minute decision to get a romantic night away from home.
We stayed at the Sayre Mansion, which was stunning. We hope to own a Bed and Breakfast one day, so we will call this visit research. Obviously, I did not take the picture below; it came from their website. Things were slightly whiter this weekend.
Bethlehem was one of Pennsylvania’s renowned steel producers. When you drive into town it is hard to miss the old mills. Douglas made several negative comments upon our arrival. He was disappointed by his first impression of the city.
However, Bethlehem has been doing a lot to transform what was once an industrial area. The old mills and stacks remain, but some of the buildings have been transformed into an entertainment district.
The Bethlehem Visitor Center is down there, as well as the National Museum of Industrial History. Just to the east of the stacks there is a casino. That is not our things, so we skipped that. I would have liked to visit the museum, but it was already closed when we got there.
We spent the evening at the SteelStacks, an art and entertainment center. We went to see a movie, but we arrived an hour early in order to walk around and take in the sights.
I loved these chairs. They were bizarrely comfortable for plastic chairs designed more for their look than their function. I am hoping to find one at a second hand shop someday. What do you think the odds are that I will own one eventually?
While we were there we ate a couple of flatbread pizzas. They were delicious. Douglas also appreciated that we were able to purchase beer and bring it into the theater with us. We saw Birdman. That was the most disappointing part of the evening.
When we came out of the movie, there was a free concert going on by the band Kagero. They bill themselves as a Japanese gypsy band. I was reminded of Pink Martini while listening to them, which is a good thing since that is one of my favorite bands.
As ugly as the decaying mills are from the highway, I must admit that they possess a certain kind of beauty when studied up close. I took a lot of pictures, but I did not have my good camera on me.
My mother’s family comes from Pittsburgh, and several of my family members worked in the mills. Maybe that is why they fascinate me so. Pittsburgh has torn down most of the mills that lined its rivers, and it saddens me to know that history is gone forever.
I also found myself wondering what these stacks must have looked while they were functioning. I can only imagine the awesome and terrifying sight of the molten steel flowing along. My grandfather was an artist who worked very briefly in a steel mill and had nothing favorable to say about the experience.
I really liked how they were lit up at night. The red on the shoots gives the impression that the steel is flowing once again.
In conclusion, no work was done on my chair this weekend. Once we got back I had a lot of grading to finish. The good news is that I got it all done, and now that I am not coaching, I will be able to do more in the afternoons. Of course, I have said that before in the past couple of months and very little has happened. Let’s hope this time will be different!
Happy Homemaking!

cool! love the pictures. my husband loved Birdman. I haven’t seen it yet (I opted NOT to go with him, but the way he raves about it makes me want to give it a try, but your comment is more along the lines of my first opinion!). did you take any pics inside the Sayre Mansion? it looks amazing! the Conservatory Room (on their website) looks INSANE!
It is interesting how people have such different opinions of things. Variety is what makes the world go ’round. Douglas did not appreciate it either. I should have taken pictures in the mansion. It was beautiful. That glass roof is crazy. I want one desperately!
You’re so courageous to do “research” on your weekends 😉
It is hard work, but someone has to do it. 😉
I love Pink Martini, too! We’ve seen them several times because they play out here quite a bit, being from Portland.
I also think the mills have a striking, haunting beauty. I’m glad to hear that Bethlehem is reinventing itself and at the same time honoring its past. Seattle has Gas Works Park (near where I toured the houseboats this past summer). The “ruins” at this very popular park are an iconic Seattle landmark.
I am so glad that someone else knows them!!! I found out that they are going to be in Westchester County on May 10, and I am having the hardest time finding anyone that wants to go to the concert because no one has heard of them. Douglas is taking one for the team, but I hope that some friends will join us because I want to share my love of this awesome group!
It is really nice to see some cities able to turn around these industrial areas without completely leveling them. I can’t wait to visit Seattle one day.