Uncluttered Cabinet
This was a quick weekend project. My media cabinet is a source of contention for me. I bought it from Ikea in 2003, and it has served me well, but I would like a really nice piece of furniture in this corner. I am hoping to someday find an antique corner cupboard; maybe that is because my parents had a thing for antique corner cupboards. We had more than I can count in our house. Until the right one (and by that I mean an affordable one!) comes my way, I will keep the Ikea piece. This is something along the lines of what I am looking for. I got this picture from Etsy.
However, it was getting really cluttered inside, and since the cat likes to perch on top of it, I needed to clean that off as well. Here you can see it inside and out. It was not good.
First, we installed a corner shelf that we bought last year and never got around to putting up. That cleared one thing out of the basement, which if you follow the blog, you know is My Big Dirty Secret.
Of course, Crème helped a lot.
She takes the work seriously. You can tell by the look on her face as she and Douglas discuss what needs to be done.
I moved the sculpture to the shelf. This is a piece that I made in the tenth grade. Moving it off the top of the cabinet freed up space for Crème to spread out.
While Douglas and Crème were finishing up, I used the opportunity to clean out the light.
Once the cabinet was moved back into place, I took out the television. I never watch it, so it is silly to have it take up so much space. We have two LARGE televisions downstairs. I also took out the VHS which was broken and one of the DVD players. I moved the other DVD player to the top shelf with the receiver. I do use the receiver to listen to Pandora on my laptop, but I always have to prop it up on something because the cord is too short. For that, I brought up this box from the basement. I found the box in the trash; it works perfectly for its new purpose. Everything else was just moved around and organized. I think it looks much better.
I love projects that take less than an hour and help me feel organized and happy!
Happy Homemaking!

About your desire for a corner cupboard………your daddy is 60 years old……..patience my dear!
It does not necessarily have to be one of yours…but I’ll take one if your offering!!!!!