Upstairs – La parte arriba
If you have been reading this blog for a while, you might know that when I first purchased the home, I rented out the second floor apartment. This allowed me to purchase the home as a single woman. It still worked out well once Douglas moved in, but when the boys arrived, things got a little tight. That was when we decided to buy the Pink House, which wasn’t pink yet. Then we rented both apartments.
Si ha leído este blog por un buen rato, sabrá que cuando compré la casa hice la decisión de alquilar el primer piso. Eso me dejó comprar la casa sin esposo ni compañero. El sistema todavía funcionaba cuando Douglas y yo nos casamos y él vino a vivir aquí también. Sin embargo, cuando llegaron los muchachos, era más difícil. Fue en ese momento que decidimos comprar la Casa Rosada que de momento no era rosada. Después de mudarnos, alquilábamos los dos apartamentos en la casa.

When we decided to move back to the smaller house, we decided to convert it into a single family again. We gave the tenants, who were all paying month-to-month over two months notice to move out. Our realtor offered to work with them for free to find new apartments. The downstairs tenants moved out without complaint before the deadline. They sent a nice email thanking us for sharing our home with them for the past three years.
Cuando resolvemos volver a la casa más pequeña, decidimos convertirla en una vivienda unifamiliar otra vez. A los inquilinos, quienes no tenían contrato y estaban pagando por meses, les dimos dos meses al firmar el contrato para mudarse. Nuestra agente inmobiliaria ofreció trabajar con ellos sin combrarles. Los inquinos en el apartamento abajo se mudaron sin quejar dos semanas antes de la fecha límite. Nos mandaron un correo electrónico para agradecernos haber compartido nuestra casa con ellos por los últimos tres años.

The upstairs tenant was a whole other story. I won’t get into the whole story, but suffice it to say, she did not want to move. She finally agreed to move at the beginning of March, which was a month and a half after the deadline we gave her. That meant that we could not move all of our stuff in, and we had to rent a storage unit. It also meant that we could not start any work in the house until after she left. Once she was finally out, March 3, we removed the kitchen and hired plumbers to cap the gas and water lines.
La mujer que vivía en el primer piso reaccionó completamente a revés. No voy a contar la historia completa, sólo diré que no quería irse. Al final, nos dijo que partiría el primero de marzo, un mes y medio después de la fecha límite que le dimos. Eso significaba que no podíamos llevar todas nuestras cosas y tuvimos que alquilar un almecén. También, implicaba que teníamos que esperar hasta que se fuera para empezar a remodelar los cuartos. Cuando por fin se fue, el tercero de marzo, sacamos los muebles de la cocina y contratamos a un plomero a tapar las tuberías de agua y gas.

Because I hate to skim coat and paint ceilings, we also hired someone to prep the walls in the former kitchen for skim coating and to paint all the ceilings. Things looked a lot better after they were done.
Porque no me gusta ni hacer la capa fina de revestimiento en las paredes ni pintar los techos, contratamos a otra persona para hacer esos trabajos. Todo se veía mejor cuando terminaron.

I thought that painting the walls would be easy. I forgot that having children makes everything more difficult. It turns out that it has been hard fitting it into my schedule. Since I am not working outside of the house, I am not sure why there are so many things demanding my time! I keep plugging away at it, however. I am not sure when I will ever be done. The boys wanted me to paint a galaxy on the bedroom walls. I did not think that I would be able to do that. We decided to paint the trim and the walls the same dark blue, and I found tapestries to hang on the walls. I think it will look cool when it’s done… in a hundred years.
Yo pensaba que pintar las paredes sería fácil. Se me olvidó que tener hijos hace todo más difícil. Al final, ha sido complicado encontrar el tiempo en mi horario pintar. Porque no estoy trabajado fuera de la casa, no sé por qué hay tantas cosas que tengo que hacer. He estado pintando poco a poco. Los muchachos querían que pintara la galaxia en las paredes, pero no soy tan artística. Yo no me sentía capaz de hacerlo lo suficiente bien para satisfacerme a mí misma. Decidimos pintar las molduras y las paredes de azul oscuro y compré unos tapices para colgar en las paredes. Creo que se verá chévere cuando termine… en unos cien años.

We have to get the painting done soon because I don’t want to keep paying to keep our things in storage. Once we get the two big rooms upstairs painted, we can start moving things in. I am not sure what color to paint the other room, so I am just focusing on the boys’ bedroom for now. Wish me luck with the painting!
Tenemos que terminar de pintar pronto, porque no quiero seguir pagando por almacenar nuestras cosas. Una vez que terminemos de pintar los dos cuartos grandes del primer piso, podremos empezar a colocar todo. No sé qué color pintar el otro cuarto, así que me concentro en la habitación de los muchachos por ahora. ¡Deséeme suerte con la pintura, por favor!

Happy Homemaking! ~ ¡Que todos sus sueños caseros se cumplen!

They make all kinds of things that you can put on ceilings and walls. They are temporary! I know years go they had the galaxy. That would please your son and keep you from having to spend all of that time!
I bought two tapestries for under $30. The plan is to affix them to the wall with starch. I’ll definitely write a post to let you know how it goes.
Those rooms with dormer windows and sloped ceilings are charming! Let’s see … how long have I been repainting my living and dining rooms? I am still working on the trim and it’s been like 4 or 5 years! We may be having a party this July, so that’s my deadline for finishing the last of the window trim (LOTS of mullions!). I feel your pain.
We’ll both get it done. It does help to have something to motivate the work. I am excited to start decorating. Those rooms are beautiful with lots of light.
You’ve had lots of challenges. We do what we can do when we can do it. But paying for storage is a big motivating factor! Good luck!
I’m hoping to finish one room tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for sharing your journey, Jessica and Douglas!
You’re inspiring us to finish our billion projects! Can’t wait to see the next phase and finished results!!!
Gracias, Camille de Ossining. I am glad you are following our journey.
You’ve got it!
Thank you!
Your journey through out has been inspiring, would love to see your next step and the results. Great work!!
I am glad I can inspire. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.
I’m so glad you’re back in “Cape of Dreams”. I look forward to your progress. This far it’s impressive. Jo
We are happy to be back!
It’s going to be so wonderful having both floors again. I’m sure Creme and Ponche will love having new nooks and crannies to take sun naps in! I am sorry to hear all your troubles with your upstairs tenant. that super sucks. I’m sorry to hear it cost you $ with storage fees. *angry face*. I am glad they finally left and you have been able to start the reno/painting.
Creme and Ponche LOVE being back in the Cape of Dreams. We frequently find them upstairs and down.