What’s Going On? – ¿Qué pasa?
The past couple of weeks have been crazy. I thought that I would have more free time after I stopped coaching in February, but the universe seems to have conspired against me to keep me from accomplishing anything.
Las últimas semanas han sido locas. Pensaba que yo tendría más tiempo libre después de que terminó la temporada de natación, pero el universo parece haber conspirado en contra mía para prevenir que realizara cualquier cosa.
First of all, Douglas and I have been working on something, but it is a super-secret, something that we cannot talk about for a few more months at least. I hate to be such a tease, but I cannot say anything more at this moment. Suffice it to say that we have dedicated a lot of time to this secret project this month, and I just hope that it pays off in the end.
Primero, Douglas y yo hemos estado trabajando en algo, pero es un super-secreto, algo de que no podemos hablar por al menos unos meses. No me gusta tentar sin poder explicar, pero no puedo decir más en este momento. Basta decir que hemos dedicado muchísimo tiempo a este proyecto secreto este mes y espero que el trabajo nos compensa al final.
Kahlua has also required more attention in the past couple of months. She had some problems with her eyes this fall, and we were given drops by her regular veterinarian. Things were better for a while, but just after Christmas I noticed that her right eye in particular really seemed to be bothering her. Douglas took her to a veterinary eye specialist, and they gave her more drops and pills. That has meant more care and more appointments for her. She has been going in to work with us so that we could give her all of the attention that she required. Finally, last Thursday they removed the right eye. Here are the pictures from right after she got home. Ponche and Crème were concerned about her. They both investigated her wound, and Ponche patted her very gently on the cheek with his paw. Who says that cats and dogs do not get along?
Kahlua también ha requerido más atención en los últimos meses. Ella tenía problemas con sus ojos en el otoño, y el veterinario nos había dado gotas para darle. Todo mejoró por un rato, pero después de la Navidad me dio cuenta de que su ojo derecho en particular le molestaba. Douglas le llevó a un veterinario especialista y le dieron más gotas y pastillas. Nos obligó a darle más vigilancia y cuidado además de llevarle a más citas médicas. También la llevábamos al trabajo todos los días para poder darle todo lo que necesitaba. Por fin el jueves le quitaron el ojo derecho. Aquí están las fotos que saqué cuando ella regresó a casa. Ponche y Crème estaban preocupados. Los dos le investigaron la herida, y Ponche le acarició suavemente la mejilla con su pata. ¿Quién ha dicho que los perros y los gatos no se llevan bien?
The good news is that she is recovering well. She hates wearing the dreaded cone, but we have been leaving it off when we can watch her closely. When it is off, she seems much more relaxed and happy than she has been for a while. I think that she feels much better now that the offending eye is gone. Ponche continues to remain close and give her a lot of love.
La buena noticia es que se está recuperando bien. Odia el cono que tiene que llevar, pero se lo hemos estado quitando cuando podemos vigilarla bien. Cuando no lo está llevando, se ve mucho más relajada y feliz que había estado por mucho tiempo. Pienso que se siente mejor ahora que el ojo ofensivo ya no está. Ponche sigue cerca y le da mucho cariño.
Here is the final reason that we are not getting any work done in our house. Our bathroom ceiling is cracking, and we are terrified to open it up and look at what might be lurking underneath. This could end up being a huge job, and neither one of us have had the energy to start it. We could get lucky, and it could be a simple patch job, but let’s be honest. How often does that happen in home renovation? Next to Never!
Aquí está la última razón de que no hemos estado trabajando en la casa. El techo del baño tiene unas grietas alarmantes y me da miedo abrirlo para ver que puede haber escondido detrás. Al final podría ser un proyecto enorme y ninguno de nosotros tiene la energía para empezarlo. Podríamos tener suerte y podría ser un trabajo pequeño, pero tenemos que ser honestos. ¿Qué tan a menudo ocurre eso en la rehabilitación de viviendas? ¡Casi nunca!
Until we get this sorted, we cannot really start on anything else, and therefore it is literally hanging over our heads. I am not sure when we are going to have the courage to look in there, but it is going to have to happen fairly soon. Wish us luck!
Antes de terminar con esto, no podemos empezar ningún otro proyecto, así que literalmente nos está colgando sobre la cabeza. No sé cuándo vayamos a tener el coraje de abrir el techo, pero va a tener que ocurrir pronto. ¡Deséenos suerte!
Before you start feeling sorry for us, you should know that there are some good things going on in our lives. First of all, spring is on its way! The crocuses have sprouted all over the yard. I love the purple carpet of hope that has been laid out in for us.
No hay que sentirnos lástima, debería saber que hay unas cosas buenas en nuestras vidas. Primero, ¡la primavera está a punto de empezar! Las azafranes se han brotado por el jardín. Me encanta la alfombra púrpura que ha sido presentado delante de nosotros.
The bees are also loving the flowers. I was surprised to see them out there, but indeed there they are. Warmer weather is on its way, and with it will come the garden produce. I cannot wait!
A las abejas también les encantan las flores. Me sorprendió verlas allí, pero están. La primavera ya viene y con el tiempo más cálido vendrán los productos de la huerta. ¡No puedo esperar!
We have also booked a trip to Edinburgh, Scotland to visit our lovely niece! This will be my first trip to Scotland in twenty years, and my first ever to Edinburgh. It will be the first time for Douglas in Scotland. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, we would love to hear them.
¡También hemos reservado un viaje a Edimburgo, Escocia para visitar nuestra querida sobrina! Será mi primera visita a Escocia en veinte años, y la primera a Edimburgo. Para Douglas será su primer viaje a Escocia. Si tiene alguna sugerencia o recomendación, nos encantaría escucharla.
Happy Homemaking!
¡Que todos sus sueños caseras se cumplan!

Poor Kahlua! I do hope she’ll feel better soon.
The garden is looking lovely. A real promise of spring.
Thank you, Jacqui. Kailua seems to feel better already. She just hates wearing the come, but she’ll have to endure it for another two weeks or so.
Hulaaa!!!…que bueno tener noticias de Uds., triste lo de la bebe peluda mayor de la casa, pero de seguro se sentirà y se siente ya, mucho mejor…Que bellas.las fotos del jardin, se ven espectaculares las flores, la verdad es que no todos tenemos ese Don con las plantas!…por otra parte, me contenta mucho que vayan a Escocia!, no he ido, pero lo imagino bello, verde!…Un beso grande y cariño a Doug.
Besos y abrazos, mi prima querida. Nos haces falta. Cuando Vienes a visitarnos?
Sorry your animals have been suffering. Hope they’re on the mend. The cat and dog are so sweet together. I don’t like the bathroom crack but the trip sounds divine. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music
You win some and lose some. I just have to keep my eye on the prize or in this case the trip. Not long now.
Oh, poor Kahlua! I don’t know how long you’ve been following my blog, but my old Maine coon cat, Rosencrantz, had an eye removed due to glaucoma. It looked hideous at first, but soon healed and his fur grew back, and his face had such character. Of course he was MUCH more comfortable without the painful eye … but we had to take away his car keys.
I hope your upstairs bathroom or kitchen isn’t leaking into your bathroom ceiling. There’s no end to blog topics! 🙂
Animals don’t suffer the vanity that humans do. There were things we could have tried to save the eye, but there was no guarantee they could alleviate her discomfort. We had a cat when I was in high school that had to have her eye removed. She snuck out the day that she got back from the vet and caught a snake. We used to tell people that she had two eyes, but liked to wink a lot.
As for the bathroom, don’t think that possibility hasn’t crossed our minds. I am terrified to open the ceiling up!
Poor Kahlua! But I bet you are relieved that the problem has been taken care of. One of my cat had one eye torn, probably in a fight, I nursed his eye for weeks. The eye has been saved, but it’s clear, in some situations, that he can’t see well at all from this eye. He’s still a very happy cat, he’s the best mouser, all he needs is for me to leave a chair in front of every window for him not to jump on the sill in one single jump (that’s too difficult with only one eye apparently).
Poor kitty. It is good to hear that he still has a good quality of life even though he cannot jump directly onto the window sill. I think that animals deal with the loss of appendages much easier than humans do.
oh poor puppy! but ponche really stepped up to the plate with his bedside manner 🙂
love the crocuses! sorry to hear about the ceiling. but i’m excited to hear about your secret project!
Ponche is such a sweet boy. He drives his sisters crazy, but we know they love him.