Windows to the World
Speaking of windows, mine look a lot better these days! The difference is astounding. How do you like it now?!
This is the best part about the window installation. Do you know who that guy is in the picture below? No? Neither do I. That is the best part! Douglas and I had to do very little.
The fact that someone else was doing all of the work and only taking two days to do a job that would have taken us months was a positive. However, it was not an easy decision for me. I do not spend money comfortably, and this project cost a lot more than I was prepared to spend. When I first moved into the house, I was not planning to change the windows at all. It was the entire day that we spent attempting to wash the old windows that convinced me that we needed new ones. After hours of back-breaking labor, the windows did not look any better than before, and I wanted to cry.
Now, the old windows would have looked better with new screens, but there was also a security problem. Many of the old ones would not lock. This meant that anyone could get into our house if they pulled the screen out of the window on the porch. It was convenient when I locked myself out of the house, but it made me nervous when we would travel.
So, I agreed to have new windows installed. My plan was to replace the windows in one room at a time. Douglas had other ideas and immediately made an appointment for someone to give us a presentation. A salesman came from the Powers Home Remodeling Group. He was extremely thorough, and his spiel lasted well over two hours. He gave us significant discounts if we agreed to do all of the windows at once and also for signing a contract that night. Then, he went out to his car and gave us some time to think discuss it. I jumped online to try to find out if I could find out anything negative about the company, but I did not find anything. Everything I found seemed positive. We decided to go for it. I nearly hyperventilated at the thought of spending such a huge chunk of our money. Douglas had no such qualms; he was willing to pay whatever it would take not to have to put the windows in himself and to avoid ever having to clean the old ones again.
Although, I agree that the decision to replace the windows was a good one, the timing could have been better. March 15-24, we worked in the kitchen tiling the floors. Then, we had a good but exhausting trip to South Carolina. We came home to a mess and the next week was spent trying to finish the trim, move the appliances and clean the house. Immediately after finishing that, on Thursday, April 04 we had to prepare the house for the window installation. We did this knowing that we had a guest coming from Rwanda on Saturday to stay with us for a week. My anxiety level was high. Douglas sensed this and did most of the prep work. First, he had to take down the curtains and blinds and remove the hardware.
I asked him to take off the old latches as well. You might ask what I am going to do with them. He certainly asked me, but I do not have an answer for either of you. I only know that there might be a use for them somewhere at some time, and I did not want them to end up in a landfill. This might be part of the reason our basement looks like something out of the show Hoarders.
We also had to move all of the furniture away from the windows, so the house was thrown back into chaos mere days after being organized from the last disaster, er, I mean project.
On Friday morning, I left the house bright and early with Kahlua and Crème in tow. Our friend Neil had generously offered to host our animals for the day so that Crème would not escape out a window and Kahlua would not have a nervous breakdown. Douglas was at the house to greet the men from Powers and take some pictures before leaving for work. That is the old basement window in the picture.
They just popped the windows out.
I know I am over-simplifying things, but they were sooooooo fast. This would have taken us years to complete, and the windows would not have been custom sizes. Also, Douglas would have had to be up on a ladder, and he hates that.
If you found this site because you were investigating Powers Home Remodeling Group, I have to say that we were pleased with their work. They were professional, experienced and fast. They cleaned up everything and disposed of the old windows for us. I have flower beds all the way around my house, but they only damaged one small hyacinth. I have not been paid for this endorsement; I am merely a satisfied customer.
By the time I arrived home from work at 5:30, the workers had already left for the day, but twenty windows on the first two levels had already been installed. All that was left was to finish the trim outside and replace the four windows in the basement. Rather, that was all that was left for them. I had this mess to clean and a guest coming at 2:30 the next afternoon.
My plan was to work well into the night, but I collapsed shortly after arriving home. The long week of work both at my job and at home had taken their toll. My wails consisted of “Why did I let you talk me into doing this NOW?” and “Why do I always do this to myself? Why do I take so much on all at once?” There was also some “How am I EVER going to get this house looking decent?” Douglas told me to go to bed. At least the windows looked much better.
The following morning I arose earlier than normal and started working. I did not have time to take pictures, but I did have to take one of Crème investigating this man’s work. Luckily, she gave it two paws up.
We never did get the blinds up before Angela arrived, but at least the rest of the house looked good. The windows were and are spectacular.
I am very happy not to have to look through small panes and dirty screens.
So, now that the weather is getting nice we finally have energy efficient windows. We really could have used them this winter, but better late than never. I am so glad that spring is here!!!

This decision was so brilliant all the way around – for many reasons (even resale value, should that ever be a consideration). I had all of mine done before Alex was born (after doing one on my own) and I have been very happy ever since!
Looks great!
p.s. – Too funny that in one of the before photos snow shovels are visible, and in the after photo the daffodils have come out to meet the sun.
Unfortunately, the snow shovels are still there! You are right about the resale value. The best part is that our lifetime warranty is transferable to anyone we sell the house to.
The windows look great! I’m happy for you that your contractor did good work. It’s a leap of faith to spend big money on an important project, but this is a good investment in your house, and having it professionally done saved you guys a ton of time and frustration. Like you, we tend to want to do everything ourselves, but that’s why we’re MONTHS into our kitchen project with no end in sight!
I also followed some of your other links to previous posts. You are so brave to expose your basement to the blogosphere! Mine is too gruesome and darker and danker than yours. Thanks for being so honest … you make me feel kind of normal, like I’m not the only one whose house is out of control! 🙂
I am so glad that my craziness can help others feel more “normal.” It is nice to know that it serves a purpose. I often feel that I am drowning in all of the projects we have going on along side our every day work. I just have to keep telling myself to have patience!!!
As for the decision to hire this project out, I am glad that we did. It is good to know your limit and what projects you will be able to complete yourselves without completely losing your mind. Windows was way beyond our ability. I have no doubt that we would have been able to do the job, but not nearly as quickly or competently as the professionals. I console myself with the knowledge that there are other things that I do well. 🙂