
I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. I am a modern woman.

Soy profesora, viajera, artista, escritora, ama de casa y mucho más. Soy una mujer moderna.

Jessica on wedding day

In January 2010, I bought the Cape of Dreams in Westchester, NY. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. The name “Cape of Dreams” comes from the style of house and the dreams that occur inside of it.

En enero del 2010 compré el Cabo de Sueño en Westchester, NY. Es la segunda casa propia que he tenido, pero la primera que compré solita. Le di el nombre <<Cabo de Sueños>> por el estilo de casa que aquí es popular en el Cabo Cod y por los sueños que multiplican adentro.

Cape of Dreams with tulips

At first, I lived in the house with my faithful companion of twelve years, Freckles the Freak. Freckles had been through many moves and life changes with me. She was fourteen and a half years old when we moved in and completely blind in her old age.

Al principio vivía en la casa con mi compañera fiel de doce años, Pecas la Fenómena. Pecas me había acompañado por muchas mudanzas y cambios de vida conmigo. Tenía catorce años y medio cuando llegamos y estaba completamente ciega en su vejez.

Jessica and Freckles the Freak

Right around that time I started dating Douglas. You can read about our relationship in “How to Refinish a Man.” Or you could read his blog “In Training” about his work as an athletic trainer and all of the crazy competitions he does as an athlete.

Un poco antes de comprar la casa había empezado a salir con Douglas. Escribí de nuestra relación en este artículo. O puedes aprender de él en su propio blog.

Jessica and Douglas on beach

He and his dog Sambucca became frequent visitors at the Cape of Dreams. Sambucca was another old lady.

Su perro Sambucca y él eran huéspedes comunes del Cabo de Sueños. Sambucca era otra viejita.

Douglas and Sambucca

Since then, a great deal has changed in our lives. Both Freckles and Sambucca have gone to the big dog park in the sky. Douglas and I made our union official in a wedding ceremony June 28, 2012. I have written about aspects of our wedding in several posts: here, here and here.

Desde entonces, nuestras vidas han cambiado muchísimo. Pecas y Sambucca se murieron y Douglas y yo nos casamos el 28 de junio 2012. He escrito de nuestra boda aquí, aquí y aquí.


We also adopted Kahlua, the dog and Crème de Menthe, the cat, in 2012. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? You can read about Kahlua’s adoption here. You can see pictures of Crème in just about every post because she is not as camera shy as Kahlua. I wrote about her adoption here. Sadly Kahlua passed away on December 17, 2017.

Adoptamos a la perrita Kahlua y a la gata Crème de Menthe en el 2012. Escribí de la adopción de Kahlua aquí y de Crème aquí. Hay fotos de Crème en casi todos los artículos porque a ella le encanta participar en los proyectos y salir en las fotos. Kahlua es más tímida. Tristemente, Kahlua se murió el 17 de diciembre del 2017.

Kahlua the dog and Cream the cat

Then, in August  2015, Ponche Crema joined our little family.

En agosto de 2015 Ponche Crema llegó a vivir con nosotros.

Kitten on red velvet couch

We have also given refuge to several boys of all ages. The first was Alex, who came to stay with us for two months during the summer vacations of 2014.

También hemos dado refugio a varios muchachos. Primero, Alex pasó dos meses con nosotros durante las vacaciones de verano del 2014.

Alex June 2014

After him, Menderes arrived in September of 2014. He was an exchange student from Berlin. He spent a year with us and then returned for a visit in July of 2016.

Después llegó Menderes, un estudiante de intercambio en septiembre del 2014. Es de Berlin y pasó un año con nosotros, y después volvió para visitar en julio del 2016.

Menderes at the Croton Dam

In November of 2016, Ironman and Spiderman, two children in foster care, came to live with us. They were only with us for seven weeks, but they stole our hearts. Now we are waiting to receive other children that need a place to stay.

En noviembre del 2016 vinieron Ironman y Spiderman, dos niños en cuido del estado. Sólo estuvieron por siete semanas, pero nos robaron los corazones. Ahora estamos esperando a otros chicos que necesitan dónde quedarse.

Presenting Ironman and SpidermanThen, on March 6, 2018 Big S and Little D came to live with us. Then have been with us ever since.

El 6 de marzo del 2018, Gran S y Pequeño D vinieron a vivir con nosotros y han estado con nosotros desde entonces.

The boys and I

In January 2019, we purchased The Aerie, another house in the same town. Now we are starting over with a whole new project list.

En enero del 2019, compramos El Nido del Aguila, otra casa en el mismo pueblo. Ya empezamos de nuevo con la lista de proyectos.

Exterior 2018

I also write about our travels both domestic and abroad. We travel a lot!

También escribo de nuestros viajes. ¡Viajamos un montón!

Pudong as seen from the Bund, Shanghai, China

You can also follow the Cape of Dreams on Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest.

Se puede seguir el Cabo de Sueños en Facebook, Twitter y Pinterest.

Front of house with new numbers

Please, leave comments! I love to hear from my readers.

¡Comenta! Me encanta aprender de mis lectores.

Red roses

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

8 Comments on “About

  1. My boss made the comment that our (Douglas’ and my) pets won the doggie lotto. I think we do spoil them.

    It is hard to lose them, but we know when we get hem that they do not live as long. We just have to make the most of the time we have with them and carry the memories on after they are gone.

    • Thank you! The best part is that I have totally converted my husband. He used to be disturbed when I would ask him to pick things up for me since he has a truck. Now he brings things home on his own!

  2. You have such a nice story! I love your Cape, it’s just adorable. And my hubby is a teacher, too! And I love, love, love your little fur babies! I have one, too – a black and white cat named Tony. I’m your newest reader!

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