Can You Please Give Me Your Time?

That title is not meant to be figurative, as in listen to me for a while. What I am asking from you is to give up an hour, as in you would end up with 23 hours in one day, and I would have 25. I figure if I could just get one hundred of you to go for that deal, I would have the time that I need to get some things done in my house.

No time to work on projects

Winters are tough for me. I am not exactly sure when that happened. I used to love winter, but lately all of my motivation to get anything done fades away along with the daylight hours. Since we have such little sun these days, I do not feel productive at all. I technically have enough time to get things done when I get home from work, but I just do not have enough energy. My real problem is that when I come home and it is already dark, I only want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep.

No time to work on projects

Even if I do manage to complete a project, there is not any light with which to take pictures. No natural light = bad pictures = ugly blog posts = no interest in my blog. I feel like a bad blogger these days. I began this blog so that I could motivate myself to get work done around my house and to share my projects with my friends and family and anyone else who might take an interest. I really appreciate those of you that I have come to know through this blog as well as those I have grown closer to. Unfortunately, I feel that I am letting you down; I am letting myself down by not living up to my goals.

To tired to blog

To top it all off, I have had many technical problems lately. First of all, I have been unable to connect my gravatar to my new blog site. My pleas to WordPress for help with this problem have come to naught. A friend told me that I could delete my old page, but I am still getting people visiting that page via old links, and I do not want to lose those visitors. Such is my dilemma.

Frustrated and shaking computer

Facebook also seems to be conspiring against me. Lately, I have not been able to get any pictures to attach to the links I post from my blog to Facebook. Perhaps this is another WordPress problem because the pictures are coming from them after all. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to investigate this problem. Neither do I know exactly what to look for.

Trouble blogging

Add to this the fact that this is my busiest season at work. I teach full time September through June, but in November through February, I am also coaching after school. That means that I get home three hours later than normal on days when we only have practice. On days that we have meets, I am sometimes not home until ten o’clock at night. When am I supposed to get everything done? I am tired.

To tired to blog

On a positive note, five members of my host family from Venezuela are coming to visit for a couple of weeks. They arrive this Saturday. That means that I might actually be doing something fun if I fail to post in the next couple of weeks. I will try not to be completely absent over that period, but I know you will understand if I am not posting regularly.

Happy looking at a picture of my Venezuelan family

This is the family that welcomed me into their home in rural Venezuela over twenty one years ago. I lived with them for an entire year, attending a local high school, before returning to the United States. I felt like a part of their family from the first moment, and we have only grown closer in the last twenty odd years. This is their first time in the United States, and I am looking forward to showing them a part of my world.

Me with a picture of my Venezuelan family

I hope that all of you are doing better with your projects. Please, feel free to write. I need to hear about your failures and successes. Receiving your comments always brightens my day.

Happy Homemaking!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “Can You Please Give Me Your Time?

  1. Hey Jessica! I totally understand how you feel in terms of the winter months and the lack of light leaving you unmotivated. I’m struggling, too! Hang in there.

    As for the technical stuff. If you don’t want to delete your old blog maybe you should contact about a redirect service. There’s a small fee but it may help you.
    Your gravatar is directly connected to your account which is why I believe they need to be the ones to help you with this issue. It’s so frustrating when you don’t get any answers. Keep trying!

    • Hi Stacey, thank you for all your help with this issue I never even would have known it was happening if you had not alerted me. I think that perhaps someone at WordPress read this post because today, miraculously, it was fixed. Yay!

      As for the lack of light, we just have to keep in mind that we will appreciate it that much more when it returns!

  2. hibernation mode, futile to resist sleep,
    often when I go to bed earlier, I wake up earlie,r and have a bonus hour or 3 in the early morning when the others are sleeping, I love that time

    • Oh, lucky you! That never seems to work for me. I will wake up in a better mood if I go to sleep earlier, but I can never get up earlier than I have to. I definitely have not been resisting, though. I am in bed really early these days.

  3. Boy, I hear ya about the darkness. It zaps me, too. If this were a summer evening, I’d feel like the day was young! But at 5:00 it’s dark and I feel hibernation kicking in. Hang in there–only about 4 months until Daylight Savings Time comes back! 🙂

    Your FB post for Autumn in NY did have a photo attached, btw … and the link worked for me (11/7).

    • Isn’t it weird how darkness affects us like that?

      Thanks for letting me know about the Facebook post. I tried for days and wasn’t able to get a picture to attach, but yesterday I finally succeeded. Let’s hope the issue was resolved!

  4. I actually tend to go along with every aspect that is written inside “Can
    You Please Give Me Your Time? | Cape Of Dreams”. Many thanks for all the information.
    Thanks for your time,Katrina

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