Children’s Bookshelf – El estante de los niños

Both Spiderman and Ironman loved to have books read to them. Every night we would read to them for a couple of hours before they went to sleep. I was once worried that our tenant upstairs would call the police for suspected child abuse, when the boys started screaming when I told them that nine books was a good number and I was not going to read anymore that night. Here they are very happy that Douglas is reading to them. I disguised their faces as they are minors.

Tanto a Spiderman como a Ironman le gustaba que le leyeran. Cada noche leíamos libros por unas horas antes de que se quedaban dormidos. Una noche pensaba que nuestra inquilina que vive arriba iba a llamar a la policía cuando los muchachos empezaron a gritar porque les dijimos que nueve libros eran suficientes y que no íbamos a leer más. Aquí están con Douglas. Disimulé sus caras porque son menores de edad.

Douglas reading to Spiderman and Ironman

After they left, I placed all of the books on the shelves, but I never reorganized them. A few weeks ago, I decided to make them look better. This is probably because I had other work that I needed to do. I am always most productive around the house when I have papers that I should be grading.

Después de que se fueron puse todos los libros en el estante, pero no los organicé. Hace unas semanas decidí clasificarlos. Probablemente lo hice porque tenía otro trabajo que hacer. Siempre hago más en casa cuando tengo papeles que corregir o algo así.


So, I sorted all of the books into categories. The top two shelves have always been for books for older children. Since we never know how old the children are going to be that we receive, I like to keep them all in there. The next shelf down has all of the books that are in Spanish. I have since taken them to school for my students to enjoy. The second to bottom shelf contains the books that were mine as a child. These were some of my favorites, and I don’t want them to get ruined, so they are now in the living room. On the bottom shelf, I divided the books that I have read on the left and the ones that I have not on the right. I hope to read them little by little.

Entonces, organicé todos los libros en categorías. Las dos baldas de arriba siempre han sido para niños mayores. Como no sabemos cuántos años van a tener los muchachos que recibimos, me gusta dejarlos todos allí. La siguiente balda contiene los libros en español. Después los llevé a mi salón de clase para que mis alumnos disfruten de ellos. La penúltima balda tiene los libros que eran míos de niña. Eran los que más me gustaban y no quiero que se dañen así que ahora están en la sala de estar. La balda más baja tiene los libros que he leído a la izquierda y los que no he leído a la derecha. Iré leyéndolos poco a poco.

Organized bookshelf

Then, Spiderman and Ironman came back to visit a couple of weeks ago to spend the weekend with us, and after they left the bookcase looked like this. Oh well, I tried!

Fue entonces que Spiderman and Ironman vinieron para pasar el fin de semana con nosotros y dejaron el estante hecho un desastre. Bueno, ¡había intentado yo mantener la organización!

Unorganized Bookshelf

Last week, I took Fred, our guest from Rwanda, to the Goodwill Store. Actually, we went to two Goodwill stores, and I bought lots of books in both. Ponche checked them out when I got home to make sure that there was nothing wrong with them.

La semana pasada, Fred, nuestro huésped de Ruanda, fue conmigo a la tienda de segunda mano, Goodwill, y compré muchos libros. Actualmente, fuimos a dos tiendas y compré libros en las dos. Ponche los investigó cuando llegamos a casa.

Cat with books

Once the cat had declared them safe, I put them on the shelves and organized all of the books once again. They look great, but I am aware of the fact that they will only look like this until the boys come back or we get other children. I just cannot help myself. I like things to be tidy, at least for a short time.

Una vez que el gato los había declarado libres de defectos, los llevé al cuarto donde saqué a todos los libros y los organicé otra vez. Se ven bien, pero yo sé que sólo estarán así hasta que los muchachos vuelvan o recibamos a otros. Lo que pasa es que no me importa, prefiero que todo esté arreglado al menos por un rato.

Organized bookshelf

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “Children’s Bookshelf – El estante de los niños

  1. Books are so enticing. I, too, love tidy spaces. The only time my house is really tidy is right after a party, then we start a new project and have a bit of chaos again. Hope you can maintain better than I. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

    • A tidy house makes me happy. We have one a lot more often now that we have people come clean once a week. We know that we have to have everything picked up for them.

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