Craigslist Circular Couch – Update

Back in November 2012, I bought this enormous circular couch on Craigslist for $200.

Circular sofa couch

Last February, I asked for opinions for what fabric to use to reupholster it, most people said red velvet. In March, I gave some more ideas about fabric, but opinions were split. I had picked a velvet fabric, but was considering a pattern for the back.


In the end, I decided to go one solid color on the couch. I was afraid that I would tire faster of a print or that it would not wear as well. I did buy several yards of that material. I plan to either recover my dining room chairs with it and/or make pillows for the couch.

So, are you ready to see the couch yet? You probably already skipped ahead to look at it. Purple Velvet! It is very similar to the color I picked out last spring.

Purple Velvet

I now introduce to you the new and improved Craigslist Circular Couch!

Circular sofa couch

I love, love, love the circular couch almost as much as I love the chaise lounge. I know that there are many people that will not like the color combination. However, I do! I think that it is going to look beautiful once the other pieces are done and the entire room is finished.

purple velvet couch with red velvet chaise

The couch color does reaffirm that this map needs to leave the room. I love the map, but it is not right for the space. I plan to put it in the guest bedroom.

Purple sofa couch in front of world mapPurple sofa couch in front of world map

You can tell that the couch seems to be a different color in every picture I have posted. It has proven difficult to capture the true color of the sofa. The color changes as the light in the room changes, so that makes it all the more challenging. I experimented with natural light and flash.

Purple velvet circular sofa couchPurple velvet circular sofa couchPurple velvet circular sofa couchPurple velvet circular sofa couchCircular sofa couch

I think that the corner that you can see in the picture below is the truest to the actual color.

red velvet chaise, purple velvet couch, oriental rug and cat

Crรจme asked me to include this picture as well. She really is vain.

Cat in front of purple velvet circular sofa couch

The couch cost $770 to reupholster. They had it done in a week. I think it looks good, but when you look really closely there are some details that are not as well done. Elizabeth admitted to me that the circular couch was a difficult piece for them to do, and they had never done anything like it. However, I am satisfied.

Circular sofa couch

I was less pleased with the hole they put in the door when delivering the couch. She swore she would bring someone over to fix it, but Douglas had to do it instead.

Broken window

Overall, I am still satisfied with the work done and hope to have this chaise reupholstered next.

Chaise after the first step of reupholstering

Here is one last look at the before and after. Not bad for a $970 solidly constructed unique couch.

Circular sofa couchCircular sofa couch

Happy Homemaking!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crรจme de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

35 Comments on “Craigslist Circular Couch – Update

  1. Now you have two stunning pieces of furniture! Purple and red are great together. In fact, purple goes with anything–it’s the perfect neutral because it has both red and blue in it. I think the print fabric will be perfect for dining chairs (a project I want to do soon).

    I can’t get over how identical Crรจme and Lacy look! Lacy also has the gray/rust winter undercoat. I hope Crรจme isn’t a couch scratcher. Lacy would shred your new furniture, as she has mine! AARRGGHHH!!!!

    • Purple does make a great neutral. I am so glad that someone agrees with me. When I told the upholsterer that I wanted purple velvet, she told me that no one wants purple in their house. I told her that I did not care; I wanted purple! I think that purple and red looks royal.

      Luckily, Crรจme, unlike her doppelganger Lacy, does not like to scratch furniture. She will occasionally do it when we are sitting there, but I think it is just to get our attention. She had not ruined anything so far. Also, I read that cats do not like to scratch velvet. I hope that is the case!

    • I am definitely drawn to the unique. Those pillows are gorgeous. They would definitely go well with my couches. Now I have to fight myself about whether to spend another $75 or more!

  2. I LOVE the color choice (in fact i’m buying a sofa now of almost the same hue, unfortunately not as rich) and what a unique curve. Are you in the tristate area and if so, what upholsterer did you use? i know it’s not perfect but I’m impresses with how tidily they dealt with the curve, I’ve seen real botch jobs, it’s not easy work.

    • Thank you, Dina! I am thrilled with how it turned out. There were slight imperfections that I noticed at first, but the overall craftsmanship was very well done. I will email you the phone number.

  3. Wow, what a piece! Never seen anything like it before. And glad to see someone else with a cat and velvet as I have 3 cats and want velvet but have reservations b/c my cats are not always post scratchers. Ruining my current (but older) furniture. What a great deal you have found. $200 for that unique piece? You hit the jackpot. And I think the lil imperfections add to the glory of it. I love that all the pix look different and will add to the joy of owning the sofa b/c throughtout the day it will look a different color and not become boring. You’ve inspired me!

  4. Oh! Forgot to add…..wouldn’t it be nice to have a lil table to insert for a small dinner party with close friends? Just a thought.

    • Yay! I am so glad that I could inspire you. That is the goal for this blog. I really think that velvet is a good fabric to have with cats. I actually do have a little table that I can put in the middle. Unfortunately, my first two attempts to refinish it were not successful. I am hoping that I will be able to get it done this summer.

  5. Whoo-ha! I have found somebody who has my color sense! If you hadn’t have grabbed that sofa, I might have. For a table, I would use one or two of those C-shaped tables where the bottom of the C can slide under the sofa, and the top of the c is the table top (usually just big enough for a mug and a book).

    • It is wonderful to hear from someone who shares a love of red and purple! I cannot even tell you how many people warned me that my living room would look terrible should I go ahead with my design plan. The best revenge is now those same people think that it is beautiful. ๐Ÿ™‚

      The idea of a C-shaped table is a good one. I will be on the lookout for one at our local thrift shops as I have determined not to buy anything new that is not a “need”.

  6. Hi,

    We are interested in getting couple of sofas reupholstered and are in Somers NY 10589. Can you kindly advise who did your upholstery work . Thanks in advance

  7. I love this sofa and love the mohair you used! The color is fantastic! Can you tell me the name of the upholsterer you used?

  8. You have a beautiful finished product! I love Craig’s list finds ๐Ÿ™‚ could you please also email me the name of your upholsterer? Thank you!

  9. Your sofa looks wonderful! I’m looking for an upholsterer in the NYC areaโ€”would you mind sending me her info? Thanks!

  10. I really love it. It is so unique. And create such an exquisite statement.
    I have a sofa that I’m getting and you have inspired me to do the same.

    Can you kindly share the infos of where you had your reupholstering done please? I thank you in advance.

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