Curb Sale Chaise – Update

You may remember when Douglas found this chaise lounge on a run last January. We left it in the truck for a month so that anything living in it would die in the cold.

Then, we cleaned and brought it inside. It was in pretty good condition, but there were worn areas that do not show up in pictures. Unfortunately, I never took a close up photo of the damaged areas.

Curb sale chaise lounge

Despite the wear, the chaise was comfortable, and we lived with it for almost a year. A throw covered the imperfections.

Clean living room

Then, in October, I found an upholstery shop a couple of blocks from our house. I was certain that it would cost too much money, but I called to find out. The owner of the shop, Elizabeth, came to our house to see the furniture in person. She gave me a good price, but she only had one red velvet, so she told me she would get back to me.

Elizabeth came back about a week later. She had found another red velvet and was willing to drop the price $80. I was excited about the savings, but I really liked the original fabric better. It was a heavier, better quality cloth, and the color was deeper and richer. Elizabeth told me that she would give me the price that she had quoted me for the cheaper fabric and use the higher quality material as a Christmas gift. I was thrilled!

She wanted to take the piece immediately, but I decided to wait until after my host family visited from Venezuela. I was afraid that there would not be enough seating without the chaise. It was a good thing that I waited because my host sister ended up sleeping on the chaise. I told you it is really comfortable!

In the end, they picked up the chaise the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. I was sure that we would have it by Christmas. The week after Christmas, I called and was told that they needed another week. I called every week after that, but the piece still was not ready. Every time I was told that they needed a couple more days.

Finally, on Saturday, nearly two months after they picked it up, they were ready to deliver my chaise. I had to go to swim practice and could not be home. I was nervous about what I would find when I returned.

Curb sale chaise lounge

Fortunately, it was better than I dared expect. I am thrilled with the color and the quality of work.Curb sale chaise lounge

Look at these details.

Curb sale chaise loungeCurb sale chaise lounge

Douglas and I could not be happier and neither could Crème.

Cat on Curb sale chaise lounge

Even Kahlua was too comfortable to run away when I started taking her picture.

Dog on Curb sale chaise lounge

This is the first time that she ever allowed me to get so close with the camera.

Dog on Curb sale chaise lounge

Tuesday, January 28, marked her second anniversary with us. Perhaps she has finally overcome her fear. Maybe she just loves the chaise too much to run away from the camera.

Dog on Curb sale chaise lounge

On Sunday, I moved the chaise to this side of the room. Anyone want to guess why?

Dog on Curb sale chaise lounge

Not bad for a chaise we picked out of the trash. I cannot get over the transformation.

Curb sale chaise loungeCurb sale chaise lounge

Happy Homemaking!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

22 Comments on “Curb Sale Chaise – Update

  1. WOW! Wonderful surprise, Jessica. It turned out amazing. I have upholstered many pieces and she did a wonderful job. There’s nothing like having a piece of furniture you really love looking like new. Congrats! I know you’re thrilled… and you should be. The best part is since it was a road side find you can’t even really spend too much on having it repaired. Every dollar is worth it!
    Enjoy. I mean… if you can actually have a turn on it. Crème and Kahlua may fight you for it. 🙂

    • Last night I sat down on the chaise and Kahlua came and stared at me until I moved over to give her space to sit next to me. Then, Creme jumped up and sat on the other side. It seems that they will allow me to sit on it, but I am going to have to share. 😉

      I am really happy to have found someone that can reupholster well and cheaply. I don’t even care if it takes forever! Older pieces are built better.

  2. WOW–the chaise is absolutely stunning!! It has such great, sexy lines. Clearly, Kahlua and Crème have excellent taste and are so pleased you got them this beautiful bed. I can’t believe someone would throw something this beautiful away. All it takes is some imagination and a “few” bucks to make the centerpiece of the living room!

    • Kailua and Creme have taken to lying on the couch and saying things like “Look at me. See how beautiful I am against the red. Worship me.” It’s a little obnoxious, but we love them anyway. 😉

      I don’t know why anyone threw it out, but I’m glad they did. I feel like knocking on their door and showing them a picture, but that would be obnoxious!

  3. Gorgeous! Could you send me Elisabeth’s info? I have some work for her!

    I am so awed by your consistent focus and ability to check things off your list.
    We’ve been in our place for 8 more years but we’re nowhere near you for finished”

    • Thank you, Tanya. The blog and the lack of kids help. I work better under pressure. Knowing that I have to publish gives me the deadlines I need to make things happen. I also really appreciate when people leave comments because it helps to know that people are reading my posts and like what I write. Otherwise, I probably would have quit a while ago.

      I will email you her number.

      • Dear Jessica,

        Congratulations on making a beautiful home and good luck on all of your travels. I’m wondering if you would please share the contact information for the upholsterer that worked on your chaise lounge?

        Many thanks, Victoria

  4. I love your idea of showing the old owners a picture. I’m in favor of writing them a thank you card for throwing it out and including a picture. Xo

  5. Fabulous job! The babies appreciate great workmanship when they see it hence you’re allowed to share it with them:) so who is this upholsterer and where can I find her? I had a chaise reupholstered about 4 years ago for 12K, but they didn’t do a great job on the structure because the springs creak and the middle of the chaise feel as if I’m gonna fall thru to the wouldn’t address my complaints and subsequently went out of business …I wonder why?!

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