Curb Sale Finds in the Garden

Things have been happening here at the Cape of Dreams. We have been traveling a great deal, but that has not stopped us from accomplishing quite a bit on our project list. Unfortunately, I am behind in sharing these projects with you, and to tell you the truth, I am a little discouraged. If you would like to know why, continue reading. If you would like to learn how I jazzed up my yard with items found in the trash, skip the next two paragraphs and skip to where it says TRASH TREASURES.

There are many reasons why I blog, but one of the biggest ones is that I love the interactions that it brings about. I have enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know others better. I love, love, LOVE when people take the time to comment or share my project with others. I do not earn money with this blog, but hearing from my readers makes the effort I put into it worthwhile.

That being said, it seems that the number of comments has been dwindling, and I have not had any new followers for a while. It makes it difficult for me to want to keep the work. I am not sure if it is due to summer or if people just are not enjoying my blog as much. So, if you do enjoy reading the Cape of Dreams, please take a moment to leave a comment, follow by leaving your email in the “Subscribe” tab on the right hand side, or share a post via email, Facebook or Twitter, etc. I would greatly appreciate it. And now…


Long, long ago, back in April 2013, I found this cute little wagon in the trash. Sure it was rusting and not suitable for use with children, but I was sure that I could come up with a better place for it than the trash.

Rusted Radio flyer wagon

Alas, the projects abounded at our little house, and the little Radio Flyer sat unutilized in or around my shed for the next thirteen months before I finally got around to doing something with it. Back in May when I planted the garden, I had Douglas drill some holes in the bottom of the wagon, and I planted some seeds in pots to put in the wagon. I did not share this with you at the time because there was nothing really to show. No one wants to see picture of dirt in pots. Now, however, the plants are finally blooming, and I think the little wagon looks adorable. I am thrilled to have saved him from the landfill he was headed to.

Rusted Radio flyer wagon with plantsRusted Radio flyer wagon with plantsRusted Radio flyer wagon with plants

In June, Douglas came home from a walk with Kahlua carrying these pots. Actually, the big ones are quite heavy, so he probably had to make several trips. I found them in my yard in the morning and was thrilled with his discovery.

Pots found in trash

One pot was in perfect condition.

Pots found in trash

The small ones were in good shape save some chips along the rims.

Pots found in trashPots found in trash

The larger ones had some cracks along the sides and more chips, but they were quite sound overall. My sister tested them thoroughly.

Pots found in trashPots found in trashPots found in trash

I debated for a while whether to repaint them completely or leave them the color they are. I do not really like the color, but I am not sure how they will hold up. In the end, I decided to paint the chips but leave the overall color. If they remain in good condition next year, perhaps I will paint them red as I originally wanted to.

Painting the pots found in trashPainting the pots found in trashPainting the pots found in trash

For now, I am satisfied with the results of only painting the rims.

Newly painted pots found in trashNewly painted pots found in trash

After painting them, I left for Maryland for a week to visit family, and when I returned Alex had arrived. Little did he anticipate all of the thrilling things that he was going to get to do while living at the Cape of Dreams. I asked him if he had ever read my blog before coming, and he had not. Silly boy. He had no idea how many projects we do around here!


My grandmother came back from Maryland with me to visit for several days. She accompanied me to the local nursery where I spend way too much money. $150 too much. She did not think that I was going to have enough space for all of my plants. Silly Grandma.

Plants from nursery

The first thing that I did was to lay all of the plants next to the containers they would be planted in.

Plants from nurseryPlants from nurseryPlants from nurseryPlants from nursery

These two coneflowers were the only plants that remained without a pot. I decided to add them to the newest garden bed along the front sidewalk.

Plants from nurseryGarden bed

So, one of Alex’s first projects was to help me plant all of my new flowers and greenery. Despite much grumbling, he did a marvelous job. He did the two largest planters all by himself.

Plants in potsPlants in pots

Here are the rest of the newly planted pots.

Plants in potsPlants in potsPlants in potsPlants in pots

Next up, I cleaned up the porch which needed it badly.

Newly cleaned porch

Douglas put brackets on the porch rails so my planters could move up off the floor where they had been sitting since May, slowly dying. They have been doing much better since they are now out in the light.

Newly cleaned porchNewly cleaned porchNewly cleaned porch

Here is the view of my newest acquisitions along the front walk and the back porch. Don’t they look great? Now that everything is clean and the space is brightened by flowers, these are spaces where I actually want to spend time.

Cape of Dreams June 2014

So, what do you think? Was I right to leave the pots or should I have painted them red? Or do you think that another color would have been better?

Please, do not forget to leave a comment to let me know what you think of this project. If you have not yet done so, enter your email to subscribe to my posts. That way you will never miss a project. Feel free to share this post or another with your friends on Facebook or Twitter. The buttons are below.

Happy Homemaking!



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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

17 Comments on “Curb Sale Finds in the Garden

  1. love the pots in the pretty blue black, kudos to your husband for the find, today I found a “set” of shiny black buckets to repurpose as planters

  2. I think red pots would complement your front door (another project for you). Love the Radio Flyer planter.

    Don’t be discouraged about fewer comments. I have noticed the same thing and I think it’s that everyone is so busy in summer. In the winter we have more time to sit with our computers. I have found that I’ve been commenting less, myself, just because I don’t have time. But I am still reading the blogs I follow, and I bet your regulars are still reading yours!

    • I appreciate that you have been my most faithful commenter ever! You are the best. Thank you! If the pots survive the winter, I am pretty sure that they will be red next summer.

  3. I completely understand how you feel. According to the site I blog on, I have one follower, my husband. Write because it’s a good way to reflect, and keep up your beautiful work because it’s beautiful!

    • Not possible, I follow you! There are many reasons why I blog, which is why I continue to do it, even despite the lack of feed back at times.

  4. Jessica,
    I wouldn’t worry about the comments: everybody is busy in summer since if we read your blog, we probably love projects as much as you do! I must confess I still read blogs but comment less in summer!
    I love your little wagon and the pots are lovely. Red is a good idea as it would match your door, but I love them blue also.
    Have a nice busy day,

    • That makes a lot of sense, because my numbers are actually much higher than last year, but I am not getting many comments. I always appreciate the ones that I do get, so thank you!

    • Oooooohhh, green with red and purple flowers, I like that idea! This is what I love about blogging, having people to bounce your ideas off of and get new ones. 🙂

  5. Yes, I read most of your blog posts, especially the gardening ones. Great curb-side finds. We call it “dumpster diving.” It’s crazy what people throw away. I love the rusty wagon and your use for it. The pots are great too. Leave them blue – they’re a great contrast. Besides it’s about the flowers and if they were red, it would be about the pots.

    • Thank you so much for commenting, Joanna. I appreciate knowing that you read and enjoy the gardening posts. You are right that red pots would take attention away from the plants. I am currently leaning towards painting them green as Jo suggested, although the blue might grow on me. I just don’t have much blue in my house.

  6. I totally get where you’re comming from with the commenting. Try not to be discouraged though. We’ve noticed the same thing although our stats have actually improved slightly. I like to think that people still read what we have to say and I’m sure that people are still interested in what you share, too.
    We’re probably all guilty of not commenting and sharing stuff as much as we should, but it is kind of sad when you share something that you’re really happy and proud of but noone has anything to say about it.
    We’re all still here – stick with it!

  7. I love your blog! I realize this post was written last summer… but still – I look forward to all your new posts, and I’m thoroughly enjoying reading through your older posts when I have time! Your stories and insights are fascinating, and your projects are inspiring! I didn’t think anyone was reading my blog, which is discouraging, but then I added the page and post counter widget around Christmas and it’s been really neat to see how many people read my posts, even though hardly anyone (except you and my parents) comment!
    I love your new planters – I find myself staring at your pictures of flowers and sunny patches of grass and PINING away for summer! Even spring would be nice… it has to get here eventually, right? This winter has been so brutal! I think the planters would look kick-a55 shiny red!

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