Garden from April to July – El jardín de abril a junio

Here is what the garden looked back at the end of April. We had not yet done anything, as we got a late start in the garden this year.

Aquí están las huertas de la casa al final de abril. No habíamos hecho nada todavía porque empezamos tarde este año.

Garden in April in New York

A month later, we had finally planted, nearly three weeks after we normally do.

Un mes después, por fin habíamos sembrado, casi tres semanas más tarde de lo habitual.

Garden in May in New York

In the past couple of years, we have had a lot of success with potatoes in pots, so this year, I decided to plant even more. We did dump all of the dirt that was in the planters from last year in the compost pile and add new soil. I did not want to chance diseases.

El año pasado y el anterior habíamos sembrado papas en macetas y cosechamos muchas, así que este año decidí plantar aún más. Pusimos toda la tierra que había estado en las macetas en el abono que estamos haciendo para el año que viene y les echamos tierra limpia para evitar las enfermedades.

Potatoes in pots in May

On June 24, we installed an irrigation system which waters the garden automatically every day. Since we travel a lot and often forget to water even when we are home, this was an important addition.

El 24 de junio, instalamos un sistema de irrigación automático para las huertas. Riega todos los días un rato. Como viajamos mucho y no siempre nos acordábamos de regar aun cuando estábamos en casa, esto era importante para tener éxito.

Installing an irrigation system in the garden

Here is the garden at the end of June. The plants are all very small despite consistent watering.

Aquí están las huertas al final de junio. Las plantas eran pequeñas a pesar de haber recibido buena cantidad de agua.

Garden in June in New York

At least our potatoes were doing well. Douglas thought that it might be too hot for them on the black top, but with a lot of water they were thriving.

Al menos las papas florecían. Douglas pensaba que haría demasiado calor para ellas en el pavimento, pero con mucha agua prosperaban.

Potatoes in pots in June

The cherries were out of control. I picked a huge bowl of cherries and then took this picture of the tree. The bowl yielded about four quarts of cherries (that’s a lot), and yet the tree looks as if I hadn’t picked a single cherry.

Las cerezas se desbordaban. Recogí un bol enorme de cerezas y después saqué la foto del árbol.  Había casi cuatro litros de cerezas (son muchos) en el bol y no parece faltar ninguna del árbol.

Sour cherries on tree

I think that I spent about ten hours pitting cherries last month. So far we have enjoyed sour cherry crisp, sour cherry scones, sour cherry ice cream, and sour cherry smoothies. If you have a good sour cherry recipe, please send it my way. The freezer is still full of cherries.

Pasé más o menos diez horas quitando las semillas de las cerezas en esas semanas. Hemos disfrutado de crujiente de cereza ácida, panecillos de cereza ácida, helado de cereza ácida y batidos de cereza ácida. Si tienes una receta de cereza ácida, dámela. El congelador sigue lleno de cereza ácida.

Sour cherries

The garden is still growing, but only a few things are thriving.

Todo va bien en las huertas, pero poco florece.

Garden in July in New York

The tomatoes are particularly disappointing. There are a couple there, but none are ripe.

Lo que más tristeza me da son los tomates. Hay algunos, pero ninguno es maduro.

Tomatoes in garden

We have harvested beans and peas, but we normally have a lot more.

Hemos cosechado guisantes y judías verdes, pero normalmente tenemos más.

Peas in garden

This year, I planted purple snap peas. They are ok, but I prefer the green ones. I don’t think I will plant these again next year.

Este año sembré guisantes verdes y morados. Los morados no me emocionan mucho. No los voy a sembrar el año que viene.

Purple Peas in garden

Hopefully, we will get some eggplant. There are several small ones on the plants.

Espero poder cosechar unas berenjenas pronto. Aquí unos pequeños en las matas.

Eggplant in garden

At least the jalapeños are doing well. I have made fresh salsa and guacamole so far, and it looks like I will be making more again soon. Too bad that all of the cilantro and the onions died. Since, the tomatoes are not ripe yet, I will have to buy all of the other ingredients for the salsa.

Al menos los jalapeños prosperan. Ya he hecho salsa fresca y guacamole con los jalapeños y hay más que están listos para cosechar. Es una lástima que el cilantro y las cebollas se murieron. Como los tomates no están listos, tendré que comprar todos los ingredientes menos los jalapeños para hacer la salsa.

Jalapenos in garden

The potatoes have been struggling with all of the heat, but I am still watering them a couple of times a day. I have also slowly been adding dirt to the pots so that the pots will be full of potatoes from bottom to top. In the past two years, the potatoes were concentrated high in the planters.

Las papas han sufrido con el calor horrible que ha hecho recientemente, pero les he estado regando varias veces el día para mantenerlas vivas. También les pongo más tierra en las macetas para que las papas llenen las macetas de abajo hasta arriba.

Potatoes in pots in July

There you have our successes and failures so far in the garden. Let me know if you have any advice for us. We could use it!

Ya has visto nuestros éxitos y fracasos en el jardín hasta ahora. Déjame saber si tienes algún consejo. ¡Los necesitamos!

Sour cherries on tree

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

10 Comments on “Garden from April to July – El jardín de abril a junio

  1. Oh my goodness, your cherry crop is amazing. I love cherries but I think I’ll stick to buying them. Same with tomatoes – I put some in containers and they are not thriving. I guess I’ll stick to the floral landscape – bushes, trees, perennials.

    • We don’t always have success, but we just keep trying. As long as you do well with trees, you should try cherries. They grow on a tree!

  2. Well, you’re still doing better than we are. Our garden crop consists of weeds! However, the containers are doing well. We grow purple potatoes which are almost ready to eat. We have sweet peppers getting ripe, and cukes for pickling (my first attempt). Tomatoes are slow this year, grapes are sparse due to overpruning. Blueberries are thriving. I miss the radishes and carrots … maybe next year! We’ll be RETIRED!!

  3. it’s too bad you’re not getting the amount of veggies you usually do, but at least everything is green and growing. amazing cherry tree! i remember when you pruned it and were worried you cut too much off. apparently it made it very happy to be pruned!

    • Yes, last year right after the pruning, there were not many cherries, but they were back with a vengeance this year. I think that the pruning ended up being best for the tree. I am going to prune again this fall.

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