Guggenheim Museum New York City – El museo Guggenheim

Happy New Year! I hope that you had a safe and enjoyable evening on Saturday.

¡Feliz año nuevo! Espero que tuvieras una buena noche el sábado.

Guggenheim Museum, NYC

Sofi is visiting and will be staying with us for the next couple of weeks. I have decided to write some posts about the places we visit as if I were a tourist in my own town. We will start with the Guggenheim Museum. I did not take a picture of the outside on Friday, but here is the iconic building in August when Taylor was visiting.

Sofi está visitando y estará aquí por las próximas dos semanas. He decidido escribir de nuestras excursiones como si fuera turista en mi propia ciudad. Empezaremos con el museo Guggenheim, adonde fuimos el otro día. No saqué ninguna foto del exterior el viernes, pero aquí tienes una foto de agosto cuando estaba visitando Taylor.

Guggenheim Museum, NYC

These birds kept us amused while we waited in line. There were about thirty of them in the bushes, and they just kept popping up and then disappearing whenever we took our cameras out. I think they were shy, but I finally got a shot with five of them in it.

Los pájaros nos entretenían mientras esperábamos en la cola. Había unos treinta de ellos en los arbustos, y salían y se escondían a cada rato. Bajaban cada vez que sacábamos las cámaras – eran tímidas, pero por fin pude sacar una foto con cinco de ellos.

Guggenheim Museum, NYC

I had been sent a free pass for the museum that expired on December 31, so it was a good thing that I was able to use it. That way we only had to pay one entrance fee or $25. Here are a couple of pictures looking up from the ground floor.

Había recibido una entrada gratis que se caducaba el treinta y uno de diciembre, así que fue bueno que pude usarla. Sólo tuvimos que pagar una entrada o $25. Aquí tienes unas fotos de la planta baja.

Guggenheim Museum, NYCGuggenheim Museum, NYC

The exhibition right now is by Agnes Martin, so the walls along the spiral were covered with her art.

Ahora hay una exhibición de Agnes Martin, y las paredes de la espiral estaban cubiertas con sus pinturas.

Agnes Martin Exhibit, Guggenheim Museum, NYCAgnes Martin Exhibit, Guggenheim Museum, NYC

Most of her work is very simple. She was obsessed with minimal colors and grids. We thought that this work looked like the Argentine flag.

La mayoría de sus obras son muy simples. Estaba obsesionada con los colores mínimos y las cuadrículas. Esta pintura nos hacía pensar en la bandera de la Argentina.

Agnes Martin Exhibit, Guggenheim Museum, NYCAgnes Martin Exhibit, Guggenheim Museum, NYC

I had never heard of her before Friday, and I feel that I had been missing out. I enjoyed the exhibit.

No había escuchado de ella antes del viernes, y siento que había perdido algo. Me encantó la exhibición.

Agnes Martin Exhibit, Guggenheim Museum, NYCGuggenheim Museum, NYC

If you ever visit the Guggenheim, do not forget to step into the reading room which is through this circular door. There is currently a video of Martin painting, and it is a nice place to sit for a while and peruse the books of her art.

Si algún día tienes la oportunidad de visitar el Guggenheim, no olvides entrar en la sala de lectura que se entra por esta puerta redonda. Ahora hay un video de Martin pintando, y es un buen lugar para sentarte un rato para leer los libros de su arte.

Guggenheim Museum, NYC

Looking down from above gave me the sensation of vertigo, but of course that did not stop me from leaning over.

Mirar desde arriba me daba la sensación de vértigo, pero claro que eso no me detuvo.

Guggenheim Museum, NYC

Frank Lloyd Wright’s building is unique. I love how it looks from every angle.

Este edificio de Frank Lloyd Wright es único. Me encanta cómo se ve de cada ángulo.

Guggenheim Museum, NYCGuggenheim Museum, NYC

At the top of the rectangular portion of the museum there is an outdoor garden styled like a Japanese garden.

Arriba de la parte rectangular del museo hay un jardín afuera diseñado como un jardín japonés.

Guggenheim Museum, NYCGuggenheim Museum, NYC

Beyond the Asian garden you can see Central Park. The view is, of course, much better in summer… spring or fall… or in winter when there is snow.

Más allá del jardín asiático se puede ver el Parque Central. Claro que la vista es mejor en verano… primavera o otoño… o en invierno cuando hay nieve.

View of Central Park from the Guggenheim Museum, NYC

The permanent collection is the in the rectangular side of the building. I did not take that many pictures over there.

La colección permanente está en la parte rectangular. No saqué muchas fotos allí.

Guggenheim Museum, NYCGuggenheim Museum, NYC

It was a lovely day. I highly recommend a visit if you are in New York City.

Fue un día agradable y recomiendo que visites el museo Guggenheim si estás en la ciudad de Nueva York.

Guggenheim Museum, NYC

Happy Travels!

¡Feliz viaje!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

11 Comments on “Guggenheim Museum New York City – El museo Guggenheim

  1. You look lovely in yellow, thank you for the tour, my favorite was the clawlike sculpture, must be very pleasant to wind your way down taking it all in.

    • Thank you. It is not a color I wear often, but it was nice and cheery on a cold winter day. I liked that sculpture as well. It was very different from her other work. I vary the direction I walk every time I go in. This time we went from the bottom up, but sometimes I go from the top down. Sometimes I do the permanent collection first and sometimes I start with the temporary one.

      • Ha! That’s how I always approach my visits to the New England Aquarium in Boston. It has a big spiral through the center, so sometimes I start at bottom, sometimes at top, sometimes at new exhibits, sometimes with my favorites.

  2. Being a life-long FL Wright fan, this building is on my bucket list! I’m not familiar with Agnes Martin, either, but I like her style. I didn’t know there was a Japanese garden up there. Cool!

    • I am not sure that Japanese garden has always been there. I did not remember it from my last visit, but that was a while ago. I highly recommend that you come visit. You can stay with us!

    • So true! There is no way the bamboo is getting out of there. It’s too bad that it is so invasive. I would love to plant some in the back yard but I’m not the masochistic.

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