Happy New Year, Everyone!

Every year I like to make a goal for myself to reach in the twelve months ahead. I know it is cliché, but it helps me focus on improving at least one aspect of my life. In general, I have done well with my goals.

Last year, I was a little too ambitious with my list. I will write the final update next week, but I am sure that it will come as a surprise to no one that I was unable to complete all of the projects on my list. I did well but just could not finish. The damn trim was just too much for me… or rather I wish that I could blame it on the trim. The truth is that I never even got around to starting that item on the list.

Therefore, this year I am going to go a little easier on myself and shorten the list. I have pared it down to five items this year instead of eleven.

1) Lose 20 pounds- This is the one area where I am not going easy on myself, and it is the most important thing on my list. My weight has slowly been increasing over the years, and I need to put an end to it before it gets out of control. This is not only an aesthetic choice; it is important for my health. My husband is one of the fittest people that I have ever met, and I need to use him as motivation. I want to look like this again. This was New Year’s Eve 2007 in Venezuela.

New Year's Eve 2007

2) Improve my family relationships and friendships- Second only to my health, my loved ones are the most important part of my life. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with work and all the things that I want to do around the house, and I need to remember that people are more important. The work will still be there, but my loved ones may not.

Family Family

3) Travel- I make it my goal to leave the country at least once every year. I hope to continue this in 2015. I would also like to get to one of the five states I have yet to visit. This is less likely, but I want to keep it in mind. You never know when an opportunity might present itself for us to go to Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska or Hawaii.

Beach, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

4) Finish at least one room in the house- Last year I put two rooms on my list and did not finish either one. This year, I hope to finish at least one. I am going to keep which open, although it will most likely be the kitchen since it is the closest to completion.

Kitchen December 2014

I lied. There are not five. Once I started the list, I decided that I wanted to keep it even more simple than I had previously planned. The first item on my list is going to take a great deal of time and dedication.

So, there are my goals for 2015. Anyone else making some resolutions? Please, share them with me. I am going to need other people on a mission to keep me focused and motivated!

Happy Homemaking!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog www.CapeofDreams.com

10 Comments on “Happy New Year, Everyone!

  1. Sigh … I need to lose the 20, too. You are a very determined person and I know you will succeed. Me? I’m on my way to the kitchen to make croque madame for breakfast!! Happy 2015!!

  2. you look smokin’ in the pic.
    I often wish I could lose the extra stored energy,
    working out regularly at least stopped me from gaining more,
    I have to focus on portion control and not eating mindlessly in the evenings, in the past green smoothies helped me lose weight,
    I should get in the habit again

    best wishes for a happy year

    • You are too sweet! It used to be so easy for me to lose weight, but it has gotten a lot harder in the last decade! Let’s see how I do this year.

      Wising you all the best in 2015!

  3. Happy New Year Jessica!

    My list is very similar to yours, getting one room finished has been like the holy grail for me…almost but never quite there. Also, Xmas and being away from work over the last 6 weeks recovering from yet another back surgery has not done my waistline any favours…scales this morning were a horror story!

    Lots of Love for 2015


  4. Such a smart list. I’ll be with you on your weight loss journey as soon as I have my knee surgery scheduled for the end of January. (It has kept me out of the gym for a year.) PS I never finish all my goals in the time frame I set but I do make progress and most things eventually get done. PPS Trim is a bear. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

    • Best of luck with your surgery. My dad had a knee reconstruction, and it added years to his life. His only regret was that he did not do it sooner. Hopefully yours will be as successful. Then you can join me on the weight loss journey.

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