Help Me – Ayúdame

The past couple of months have been slow in the projects department. I just cannot seem to summon the motivation necessary to get any work done. However, this weekend I should have some time to do a small project. What do you think I should work on? The choices are below.

No hemos hecho casi nada en la casa por unos meses. No he tenido la motivación que necesito para empezar. Sin embargo, este fin de semana debería tener un poco de tiempo para hacer un proyecto pequeño. Necesito ayuda para escoger dónde empezar. ¿Qué opinas? ¿Con qué proyecto debería empezar? Las opciones están abajo.

Post exterior house painting

The first is to paint the door in the living room. This has been on the list since I moved in. That was back in 2010. It is pretty pathetic that it has not happened yet. Part of me keeps putting it off because I think that we should replace it, but the other part knows that is not going to happen for a really long time. Painting the door would be one step closer to finishing.

La primera es pintar la puerta en la sala de estar. Este proyecto ha estado en la lista desde que compré la casa en el 2010. Es bastante patético que no lo he hecho todavía. Hay parte de mí que no quiere hacerlo porque pienso que deberíamos reemplazarla en vez de pintarla, pero existe otra parte que sabe que pasarán años antes de comprar otra puerta. Pintar la puerta sería un paso más cercano hacia el final.

Horseshoe hanging over door

Possibility number two is to finish painting the kitchen finally. This last little strip above the counter that we replaced is the only thing left to paint. This has not been on the list for nearly as long as the living room door, but three years is long enough.

La segunda posibilidad es terminar de pintar la cocina por fin. Este poquito arriba de la encimera que cambiamos recientemente es la única parte que falta pintar. Este proyecto no ha estado en la lista por tanto tiempo como la puerta, pero tres años es bastante.

Newly tiled backsplash

Behind door number three, or actually to the side of the front door, is the lack of a house number. I have been meaning to get them back up since we had the house painted in the fall. At four months, this project does not seem that urgent, but it would be good to have the numbers back on the house.

Detrás de la tercera puerta, o al lado de la puerta de la entrada, se puede ver que no hay números caseros. He estado pensando en re-colgarlos desde que nos pintaron la casa en el otoño. Con sólo cuatro meses, este proyecto no parece ser tan urgente, pero sería bueno tener los números en la casa de nuevo.

Mid exterior house painting

So, what do you think I should work on?

¿Cuál es tu opinión? ¿Qué debo hacer?

Living room on a winter's day

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

18 Comments on “Help Me – Ayúdame

  1. I’ll be at work all day Saturday with a wonderful fencing tournament that you know I love sooooo much. I suggest all of them… 😉
    Personally, I think we should get new house numbers (bigger) as opposed to putting old ones back up. And there is still a little patching around the counter that needs to be done before paint (maybe I’ll get done tomorrow night?)

    • Noooooo! Well, hopefully your absence will motivate me to get working. I think that our house numbers are fine. I have an idea to make them stand out.

  2. I would buy the house numbers or come up with a cute idea for house numbers such as stenciling them on the door – only after it is painted.

    Then I would set aside a weekend, get up early to paint the door so it will dry by the end of the day, head into the kitchen and paint that last section, head out to hang the numbers and then head for a long bubble bath complete with candles and soothing music.

    And now, I need to get busy and paint the back door porch that has been on my list for 19 years!

    • Thank you for your suggestions. Your plan is perfect… with the exception of the getting up early part. I am not very good at that! I forgot to mention that the door needs puttied and sanded before it can be painted. I have the house numbers that we taken off when the house was painted. Douglas thinks they are too small, but they worked for 64 years. I think they are fine.

  3. Priority: get the house numbers up! For police, fire dept, EMS, and other reasons. New number or old doesn’t make any difference as long as numbers can be read for the street.

  4. How cold is it where you are? If too chilly or icy, would avoid the outdoor work. If too cold, painting the inside of a cold door would cause the paint to not stick or blister off. So a nice, cozy inside project like the kitchen work? or the blue jean chair?

    • This weekend was unseasonably warm, but all of those projects are interior ones. That door in the living room leads to the stairway to the entryway and though there to the outside door.

  5. I’m not really helping here, but I think you should mosaic some new house numbers! (Assuming you don’t have too many digits.) It won’t take long to paint the inside of the door. A coat in the morning (at a decent hour) and another in the afternoon. Voila! I’m with you … my progress has been incredibly slow and I need to step it up. Not even writing a blog motivates me anymore!

    • I am planning to mosaic the numbers on the house, but I think that traditional numbers are important. Not everyone will look at the mosaic when searching for the numbers. Painting the door will not take long, but patching and sanding the trim will. I hear you on the motivation. I am trying desperately to get it back! Finally, thank you for the correct spelling of voila (albeit sans the accent that is hard to do on our keyboard). I have seem too many bloggers spell it walla. Ha!

  6. As a serial project starter, I’m always tempted by starting work on something new! Having said that I always feel so much better when I completely finish a project. It may not always be overly exciting to finish something but the feeling of being able to tick something completely off my to-do list is always amazing and in a way motivating, too! So, the kitchen gets my vote! Having said that, I’d love to see some lovely house numbers, too! 😉

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