How to Make a Grapevine Wreath – Cómo hacer una guirnalda de vides

Ironman and Spiderman are quickly adjusting to life at the Cape of Dreams. On Sunday, we took them for a hike at a local nature preserve. Spiderman loved it, but Ironman complained the entire time. It was really cold that day, so hopefully, future hikes will not be so traumatic. We learned on the hike that Kahlua has accepted the boys into our pack. Normally, she always walks in front of us, but that day she kept dropping back to walk behind the boys, especially if they dawdled. I think she was afraid that they might get lost. Here you can see that she is looking back to make sure that I am coming as well.

Ironman y Spiderman se están adaptando a la vida del Cabo de Sueños rápidamente. El domingo, hicimos una caminata en una reserva cerca de nuestra casa. A Spiderman le encantó, pero Ironman se quejó durante todo el tiempo que pasamos allí. Hacía mucho frío ese día, así que espero que las futuras excursiones no sean tan traumáticas. Aprendimos ese día que Kahlua ha aceptado a los muchachos en nuestra manada. Normalmente, quiere caminar enfrente de nosotros, pero ese día se puso detrás de los muchachos para que no se perdieran. Aquí puedes ver que se está asegurando que no me he perdidio yo tampoco.

Hike at Teatown

The project I am sharing today is B.C. or Before Children. Of course, it is hard to remember that was only a couple of weeks ago. On Saturday, November 5, I went out to Long Island to visit my mother and grandmother, and I brought a trunk full of wild grapevines that Douglas had cut out of the trees in our back yard, and some from our grapevine that I pruned last month. They made quite a pile on the porch.

Este proyecto que te voy a mostrar es a.C. o antes de chicos. Claro, es difícil recordar que eso fue hace sólo unas semanas. El sábado 5 de noviembre, fui a Long Island para visitar a mi mamá y mi abuela, y llevé un maletero lleno de vides de uvas. Eran de nuestro jardín. Douglas había cortado un montón de los silvestres que estaban subiendo por los árboles detrás de la casa y yo había podado las vides de las uvas que cultivamos por el invierno. Hicieron un montón grande en el porche.

Making Grapevine Wreaths

While we were eating dinner I put the vines that had been cut for a while in a bucket of water to soften them up. I did not worry about doing that with the ones that had been cut that day since they were already pliable enough.

Mientras almorzamos, se remojaban las vides que llevaban un tiempo cortadas en una cubeta de agua para ablandarlas. No hacía falta hacerlo con las que se cortaron ese mismo día porque ya eran bastante maleables.

Grapevines in water

The first step was to make a circle the size that I wanted and bind it with floral wire.

El primer paso fue hacer un círculo del tamaño deseado y atarlo con alambre para flores.

Making grapevine wreaths

After that I just started wrapping the grapevine around and around the circle while removing the leaves. Some of the pieces were really long, and it took a while to pull them through each time, but it is preferable to use long pieces so that you don’t have a lot of ends sticking out.

Después empecé a envolver las vides por el círculo mientras quitaba las hojas. Algunas de las piezas eran muy largas, pero es preferible que sean largas para que no sobresalgan los extremos muchas piezas de la guirnalda.

Making grapevine wreathsMaking grapevine wreaths

Whenever, I started with a new piece, I just tucked the end into the wreath securely and started wrapping again. You can make the wreath as thin or as thick as you would like.

Cada vez que empezaba con una pieza nueva, la metía seguramente en la guirnalda y empezaba a envolver otra vez. Se puede hacer la guirnalda del grosor que se desee.

Making grapevine wreaths

Here is my first wreath.

Aquí está la primera que hice.

Making grapevine wreaths

At that point my brother showed up as well. As you can see, my family was not interested in making wreaths, but they did keep me company and take pictures.

En ese momento llegó mi hermano. Como puedes ver mi familia no tenía interés en hacer guirnaldas, pero me daban compañía y buena conversación mientras yo trabajaba y también sacaban fotos.

Family on porch

I ended up making two good sized wreaths before I ran out of grapevine. You can see that the second is a little misshapen. That one was made with the older grapevine, so it was not as pliable. It probably would have been better for me to leave it in the water longer, but I don’t mind a little deformity.

Al final hice dos guirnaldas antes de quedarme sin vides. Puedes ver que la más pequeña está un poco deforme. La hice con las vides más viejas y no tenían suficiente tiempo en el agua. Pudiera haberlas dejado en la cubeta por más tiempo para no tener ese problema, pero no me importa de verdad la deformidad.

Making grapevine wreaths

Back at home the wreaths were inspected before I was allowed to hang them on the doors.

De vuelta en casa, las guirnaldas se inspeccionaron antes de que se pudieran colgar.

Making grapevine wreaths

The smaller one is in the living room and the bigger one is on the front door. I planned to decorate them, but then the boys arrived, and somehow I just haven’t had time. They don’t look bad plain, in my opinion.

La más pequeña está en la sala y la más grande está en la puerta principal de la casa. Había planeado adornarlas, pero llegaron los muchachos y no he tenido tiempo para hacerlo. No se ven tan mal en su estado natural, en mi opinión.

Making grapevine wreathsMaking grapevine wreaths

I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you are in the United States. I am thankful for my expanded family, especially my wonderful husband who helps me so much.

Espero que tengas un buen Día de la Acción de Dar Gracias si estás en los Estados Unidos. Yo doy gracias por mi familia expandida, especialmente por mi esposo excelente quien me ayuda tanto.

Making grapevine wreaths

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

6 Comments on “How to Make a Grapevine Wreath – Cómo hacer una guirnalda de vides

  1. I should try this when we trim our grape vine. It seems a shame to toss all that potential wreath material.
    Glad things are going well with the boys … and Kahlua, too! How are the kitties doing? Happy Thanksgiving! I’m sure it feels a little different at your house this year!

    • The kitties are traumatized, but the good part is that they are much snugglier now, but they wait until the boys go to bed.

      I trimmed the grapevine many times and threw out the vines before finally making wreaths. I am so glad that I finally did it.

  2. very nice! i love how large the big one is – i don’t think i’d have dared to make it so big but it looks fantastic! great job! even tho they weren’t in the mood to make wreaths with you, it must have been nice to spend some time with your family 🙂 glad to hear the boys are settling in, and that kahlua has adopted them as well!

    • It was nice to have the company while I worked. I would get a lot more accomplished if I just had people to talk to while I tackle projects. Maybe someday soon Ironman and Spiderman can start helping me.

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