Magical Garden Transformation

We completely transformed our garden beds with two days worth of work last weekend. I cannot believe the difference a little mulch made. Well, it was more than a little mulch. It was a LOT of the stuff, but it made everything look a thousand times better. I am relieved that the end result was so positive, because it was a LOT of work. However, it was worth it.

This is what the gardens looked like before. They were full of leaves. Although things were beginning to sprout and bud, nothing looked very good.

Messy garden full of leavesMessy garden full of leavesMessy garden full of leavesMessy garden full of leavesMessy garden full of leaves

While Douglas went with a friend to get the mulch, I started cleaning the leaves out of the gardens against the front of the house. You may remember that I did this for the gardens by the sidewalk a couple of weeks ago. It was time to finish the task. I should have done this last month because it was hard to work around all of the newly sprouted plants.

Cleaning the leaves out of the gardenCleaning the leaves out of the garden

I had quite a bit done by the time that they returned. Removing the leaves alone made a huge improvement.

Newly cleaned gardenNewly cleaned gardenNewly cleaned garden

These are the leaves from the gardens in just the front yard. It is unbelievable how much was in there.

Buckets of leaves at the curb

I had to take out most of my “accessories.” The animals were in the garden when I moved in other than the big cement frog and the glass butterfly that we bought. We brought the shells home from Aruba and the bottles are purely free decorations.

Garden accessories on the lawn

Dave is a great friend. Douglas merely asked him to come over and help us take the cap off of our truck, but instead he offered the use of his brand new truck and even helped us unload the entire two yards of mulch onto a tarp in the driveway.

Unloading mulch off the truckUnloading mulch off the truck


The least we could do was buy him lunch and give him a few beers. Thanks, Dave!

Lunch on the porch with a friend

After he left, Douglas fixed the wheel barrow that we found in the trash last summer. The wheel was broken beyond repair, so he bought a new one and it was good to go.

Replacing the wheel on the wheelbarrowReplacing the wheel on the wheelbarrowReplacing the wheel on the wheelbarrowWheelbarrow full of mulchWheelbarrow full of mulch

The sidewalk gardens were the first ones that I mulched. It is back-breaking work, but everything looks much improved.

Newly mulched gardenNewly mulched gardenNewly mulched garden

Douglas cut out the rosemary and curry bushes that died over the winter. I will miss them, but this front garden does look better now that they are gone. I will put in a new rosemary bush later this spring.

Cutting out the dead rosemary and curryCutting out the dead rosemary and curry

With everything dead trimmed out and the new mulch, this garden looks spectacular.

Newly mulched gardenNewly mulched gardenNewly mulched gardenNewly mulched garden

The garden on the left side of the front door does not receive much light. I am so happy that it is finally starting to fill in.

Newly mulched garden


I am particularly glad that the bleeding heart came back this spring. I planted some two summers ago, but it did not survive. Last summer I tried again, but it died in the heat of August. I guess that it was not completely dead this time because here it is again.

Newly mulched garden

At this point we went to the back yard. I was exhausted by this time, but we did manage to get all of the leaves out and some of the mulch in before I collapsed. I had worked out there for six and a half hours with only a brief break to eat a sandwich.

Cleaning the gardenCleaning the gardenCleaning the garden

The next morning Douglas had to work. I was tired and achy, but I knew that I needed to finish. Here is what it looked like when I went out in the morning.

Mulching the gardenMulching the garden

This is the magical transformation! With Kahlua to keep me company, I finished the entire job.

Newly mulched gardenNewly mulched gardenNewly mulched garden

Once again we filled every available receptacle with yard debris. It is a good thing that the city takes it away for us. I guess we get some benefits for our high taxes.

Buckets of leaves at the curb

If you want to make a big difference in your garden, I suggest using mulch. It makes everything look purposeful. Here are some before and after pictures.

Spring gardenNewly mulched gardenMessy garden full of leavesNewly mulched gardenMessy garden full of leavesNewly mulched gardenMessy garden full of leavesNewly mulched gardenGarden full of leavesNewly mulched gardenMessy garden full of leavesNewly mulched garden

Happy Homemaking!



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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

10 Comments on “Magical Garden Transformation

    • We still have a lot of mulch left, so we are going to put it around some bushes. Then, we will turn our attention to the vegetable garden and get it ready for planting.

  1. You mentioned the frog and the butterfly, but not our sweet little raccoon. You can see him peeking out of the garden in one of the pics (just behind a blue bucket). I found him on side of road while running in Riverhead. Well, found part of him. He’d fallen off of truck(?) and only top half was intact. Carried him over a mile on my run, because I thought he’d look good in the garden and that Jessica would like him. Right on both counts… 🙂

  2. Lookin’ good!! I KNOW how much work this is! We are so far behind this spring because of indoor projects and rain. I need to mulch, too … after I dig up a million weeds. I am sore just thinking about it!

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