Memorial Day Weekend – El último fin de semana

You were probably expecting a post about our last day in Scotland. I did promise that I would publish one yesterday, but life got in the way. Instead of writing blog posts, I spent the weekend hanging out with my man. Therefore, that post did not get written.

Probablemente esperabas un artículo de nuestro último día en Escocia. Yo sé que te lo prometí para ayer, pero la vida invadió y no me permitió escribirlo. En vez de escribir, pasé el fin de semana con mi hombre, así que ese artículo no se escribió.

Museum of Natural History

I promise to finish that post about Scotland soon, but in the meantime, enjoy these pictures from our Memorial Day Weekend.

Prometo escribir de Escocia pronto, pero mientras tanto, espero que disfrutes estas fotos de nuestro fin de semana largo. En Estados Unidos el lunes fue el día para conmemorar a los que dieron sus vidas en las guerras para mantener nuestra libertad.

Calle Ocho

On Saturday, we visited the Museum of Natural History in New York City, had dinner at Calle Ocho and went to a ballet performance of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Lincoln Center.

El sábado visitamos el Museo de Historia Natural de la Ciudad de Nueva York, cenamos en Calle Ocho y fuimos a ver el ballet basado en la obra El sueño de una noche de verano de Shakespeare en Lincoln Center.

Lincoln Center

I love that we live so close to New York City. It is awesome to be able to go in for a day and enjoy everything that the city has to offer. I always feel so lucky when I arrive in Grand Central Terminal to have that building form a regular part of my life.

Me encanta vivir tan cerca de la ciudad de Nueva York. Es increíble poder ir a pasar un día en la ciudad de vez en cuando para disfrutar de todo lo que ofrece. Me siento afortunada cuando llego en el terminal de Grand Central que ese edificio forma una parte regular de mi vida.

Grand Central Terminal

At Christmastime, my brother, sister and I visited the Museum of Natural History with my dad, and he purchased a year-long membership for Douglas and me. Saturday was Douglas’ first visit to that museum. I hope we can get back more in the next six months because we barely scratched the surface.

En navidad mis hermanos y yo visitamos el museo de Historia Natural con mi papá y él compró una afiliación de un año para Douglas y mí. El sábado fue la primera vez que Douglas visitó el museo. Espero que podamos volver más en los próximos seis meses porque no vimos casi nada en las cuatro horas que pasamos allí. ¡Es un museo enorme!

Museum of Natural History

The ballet was fun. We enjoyed the first act more than the second. In fact, we nearly left at intermission because it seemed to us that the show was over. George Balanchine was a genius, but his arrangement of A Midsummer Night’s Dream was a bit odd in my opinion. The entire story was told in the first act. The members of the cast even came out and bowed before the intermission. It certainly seemed that the ballet was over, but in the program it stated that there was a second act. Luckily, we stayed. The second act was merely dancing, but it was pretty. I enjoyed the part that told the story better.

El ballet fue bonito. Disfrutamos el primer acto más que el segundo. Casi salimos durante el descanso porque pensábamos que había terminado. Todo el cuento de la obra original ocurrió en el primer acto y el elenco salió para hacer una reverencia como hacen al final de las obras. Menos mal que nos quedamos para el segundo acto; era bello.

David H. Koch Theater

The ballet was performed in the David H. Koch Theater. This was the theater where I attended my very first Broadway play at age eleven. Of course, it was not called the David H. Koch Theater back then, but it always brings back memories when I go.

El ballet se hizo en el teatro David H. Koch donde yo asistí a mi primera obra de teatro de Broadway cuando tenía once años. Aunque no tenía el mismo nombre en esa época, siempre me trae recuerdo cuando voy.

David H. Koch Theater

On Sunday, we planted a garden before attending a party at our friends’ house. I will give you an update on the garden later this week. Don’t doubt me! I promise it will happen this time.

El domingo sembramos más plantas en la huerta antes de ir a una fiesta en casa de nuestros amigos. Escribiré más del jardín pronto. ¡En serio! Lo voy a hacer; te prometo que lo haré esta vez.

Garden May 2016

On Monday, we walked into town for a yoga class, and then came home and started working on a puzzle. After four hours we did not have much finished! I can normally finish a puzzle at a much faster rate, but this one is more difficult than it looks!

El lunes caminamos al centro para tomar una clase de yoga antes de volver a casa y empezar un rompecabezas. Después de cuatro horas de trabajar en el rompecabezas no habíamos completado casi nada. Normalmente puedo hacer los rompecabezas más rápidamente, pero ¡este es más difícil de lo que parece!


The kittens enjoyed the puzzle as well. Or rather, they would have enjoyed it had we not kept pushing them off the table. They let us know that they think we are really mean.

A los gatos les gustaban el rompecabezas también. O sea que les habría gustado si les hubiéramos dejado participar y no les hubiéramos quitado de la mesa cada vez que subían. Nos dejaron saber que piensan que somos antipáticos.

Cat in a puzzle boxCat and a puzzle

I hope you had a mosquito free holiday weekend, at least those of you that were in the United States. I hope everyone else enjoyed the normal weekend.

Espero que tuvieran un fin de semana largo libre de mosquitos, al menos los que estaban en los Estados Unidos. Espero que los demás disfrutaran el fin de semana normal.

Museum of Natural History

Happy Homemaking!

¡Que todos sus sueños caseras se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

12 Comments on “Memorial Day Weekend – El último fin de semana

  1. No explanation on why Douglas is bald? It’s a bold new look for sure! I haven’t been to the NYC Natural History Museum in way too long. Love the dinosaurs! Sounds like you had a really nice long weekend 🙂

  2. That sounds like a great weekend. We, on the other hand, toiled in the yard all weekend, but we finally got the veggie garden and tomatoes planted! I would love to do puzzles, but with 8 cats, it would be disastrous. Crème and Ponche (who is starting to look as big as our Chex) might be mad, but they’re good kids.

    • Crème and Ponche have wrecked minor havoc on my puzzle, but they are good kiddens. I roll the puzzle up in a mat when I am not working on it, or I am sure that the pieces would be everywhere. It’s funny that you think that Ponche is looking big because he is still a little guy at just under 10 lbs.

      • So he’s still a kid … but in that pic above he has the look of future bulk about him. I know a few black and white cats and they are all stocky. Coincidence or genetics?

  3. Great weekend fun. The thing that attracted my attention is that when Douglas takes a selfie he looks exactly the same in each photo. I almost thought it was a cutout in front of various venues but you changed so I knew that wasn’t so. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

    • You finally figured out my secret. I actually don’t have a husband, I just drag a cutout around with me so that I don’t feel lonely!

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