Mirror, Mirror on the Wall….

I love mirrors…..and not just when I am reflected in them. Although, that is nice too!

Bride reflected in mirror

They reflect light and make everything seem bigger. When set up correctly, they reflect beauty. They make every space better than it was before. I have mirrors all over my house. We are now going to take a break from wedding diy to take inventory of the mirrors in the Cape of Dreams.

This was brought about because Douglas found these two mirrors while on his run with Kahlua Sunday night. I particularly like the curves on top of the mirror on the right. They do not look like much right now, they are filthy, but trust me when I say that they will look much better when I get through with them. Just not quite sure when that will be.

Mirrors from trash
Here are the other mirrors around the house. Warning! There are a LOT!

The Living/ Dining Room

The first mirror in the living room is beside the couch over the end table. Douglas found this mirror in the trash last year. It is in perfect condition.

Mirror from trash

There are also three mirrors on top of the entertainment center. They reflect light up to the plants, and I must say that the plants grow very well up there. I found five of these square beveled mirrors at school. A student had used them to make a shadow box for a project and threw it out when finished with it. Luckily, none of the mirrors broke.

Mirror under plantMirror under plantMirror under sculpture

This mirror is a new addition. My friend Kathy gave it to me last week. There are a few chips on the side, but it is really pretty. It makes that wall look so much better since there have been Christmas decorations on that wall since last Christmas.

Large mirror

My uncle Patrick gave me the other mirror in the dining room. The wood is gorgeous.

Large mirror

The Kitchen

There are two mirrors in the kitchen, and they are both advertisements for alcohol. I bought the smaller on for $5 in an antique store in South Carolina, as I mentioned in an earlier post. The Yuengling mirror I found in the streets of Manhattan. It was one of three advertisements that I found for Yuengling while living there. The other two were metal; I kept one and gave one to my brother. It was serendipity, as Yuengling is my favorite beer.

Wine advertisement mirrorYuengling mirror

The Main Bedroom
There is only one mirror in our bedroom, making it the room with fewest mirrors. I have a collection of paintings of women in the bedroom, so there is not much room on the walls for mirrors. This dresser belonged to my great grandmother. I love it.

Dresser with mirror

The Second Bedroom

The second bedroom has six mirrors on display, more than any other room. This first mirror is on a dresser given to Douglas by a friend.

Dresser with mirror

This one, I found in the street in Manhattan and painted red. It is just a cheap mirror of the kind that you usually see hanging on the back of a door. It was hanging in my last apartment, but I have not gotten around to hanging it here. I do not want to put holes in any of the doors because they are so nice. Maybe I could hang it on the closet because I really do not like those doors.

Mirror from trash

This vignette contains three mirrors. The large one, I found on the streets of Manhattan. The frame is not real wood, and it is very heavy and probably the mirror that I like the least. There are a few chunks missing in the frame. I plan to someday putty them and paint the mirror, but it has not happened yet. The second largest mirror was given to me by a coworker, and the third was from the student’s project that I mentioned earlier. The fifth mirror from that group is actually underneath it waiting to be used elsewhere.

Mirror from trash

You might recognize this mirror from another post. This is another one culled from New York City trash and recently painted.

Mirror and dresser with books and plant

The Bathroom

There are two mirrors in the bathroom. The big one on the cabinet reflects the smaller one sitting on the shelf behind the jars. Douglas uses the little one to see the back of his neck when he shaves. He brought that one with him from his last apartment.

Medicine cabinet mirror

The Back Yard

Yes, I have mirrors in my garden!

Mirrors in garden

I found this one on the streets of the City. It has beveled edges and looked nice until it broke. After the corner snapped off, I was going to get rid of it. As I was taking it out to the trash, I had the idea to put it in the garden. It makes the concrete foundation look much better.

Mirrors in garden

This spring I found four more mirrors in the trash down the street from the Cape of Dreams. These are big square ones, and I decided to put them in the garden beside the other, since I was not sure what to do with them. They looked especially good this spring reflecting the azaleas, but unfortunately, I could not find the picture that I took of them from the front.

Mirrors in gardenMirrors in garden

This concludes the tour of reflection. Let me know if you have any good ideas of what I should do with the new ones. My mother suggested putting them over my bed. Douglas might like that idea!

Happy Homemaking!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog www.CapeofDreams.com

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