Mother’s Day 2016 – Día de las madres

This Mother’s Day I could be found outside in the garden. It had finally stopped raining, and I was able to get to the nursery to pick up some plants and seeds. You might remember that this is where we left the garden a couple of weeks ago.

Este Día de las madres pasado, me podía encontrar afuera trabajando en la huerta. Por fin había dejado de llover después de una semana completa de lluvia, y pude ir al vivero para comprar plantas y semillas. Puede ser que recuerdas que dejamos la huerta así hace unas semanas.

Dividing the garden

First, I decided to create a grid to delineate each square foot of the garden. In the past I have attempted square foot gardening, but I have do not seem to have a good concept of space, because I have consistently over-planted the beds. Therefore, I measured each foot and put nails in the sides.

Primero, decidí crear una cuadricula para delinear cada pie cuadrado de la huerta. En el pasado he intentado estimar los pies cuadrado y parece que no tengo buen sentido de espacio porque siempre siembro más de lo que debería sembrar. Entonces, medí cada pie e inserté clavos en los lados del cantero.

Creating a square foot grid in our raised bed garden

After that, I used twine to map the grid. I started by tying off at each nail, until Douglas pointed out that it would be easier to twist the twine around the nail and then continue on to the next one.

Después, usé hilo para trazar la cuadrícula. Empecé por atar la cuerda en cada clavo y después cortarlo hasta que Douglas me dijera que sería más fácil enroscar el hilo en el clavo y continuar al siguiente.

Creating a square foot grid in our raised bed garden

Thankfully, it went a lot quicker after that, and I was able to finish the next two beds in half the time it took me to do the first. However, I am not sure if you can tell in this picture, but I missed a line.

Gracias a dios, fue más fácil después de eso, y pude terminar las siguientes dos huertas en la mitad del tiempo que me tardó hacer la primera. Sin embargo, no sé si se puede notar en esta foto que se me olvidó hacer una línea.

Creating a square foot grid in our raised bed garden

After I had finished that task Douglas and I went down to the local nursery. One hundred and six dollars later, we had plenty of seeds and plants. Those are now in the ground, but I still want to purchase a few more things. Some of them were not available at the nursery we visited, and some of them I will wait until later in the spring to plant.

Después de terminar eso, Douglas y yo fuimos al vivero local. Ciento seis dólares después teníamos bastantes plantas y semillas. Esas ya están en la tierra, pero me faltan algunas que espero comprar más tarde. Algunas no las tenían en el vivero que visitamos y las otras voy a esperar para sembrar más tarde en la primavera.

Creating a square foot grid in our raised bed garden

Happy Homemaking!

¡Que todos sus sueños caseras se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “Mother’s Day 2016 – Día de las madres

  1. I am trying to convince Eric to do the square foot method this year. The veggie garden is his bailiwick, but I am not above suggesting what to do! 🙂 You’ll have a big yield with all that garden space–ours is about the size of your bed on the left. Looks great!

    • We hope to have a big yield, but the weather has not been cooperating so far this spring. The things that I planted a couple of weeks ago are not doing that well. 🙁

    • Plants are expensive! We did better this year because we bought mostly seeds. The bay tree was the most expensive purchase, but we will never have to buy bay leaves again.

  2. love the twine/square foot method! if i had a garden, i would do that too. i still haven’t bought any potted plants for our yard – it’s been so cold and damp, as you know! brrrrrrr. it doesn’t feel like we’re a week away from june. great job with your gardens. love your seed basket, too!

    • The plants that I have in the garden are not doing well, and I have not put any more in since it has been so cold. I am hoping to put in more this weekend.

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