Mowing, Mowing, Gone

On Saturday, April 12th I was complaining about how awful our yard looked despite all of our work. Normally we are mowing the lawn by April 16th. This year the grass had not grown an inch. So Douglas, aerated and fertilized and seeded the mess, and we crossed our fingers and hoped that things would improve.

Collapsed on the lawn

Fast forward to Saturday, May 03, and the grass was growing out of control. Douglas had let it get especially long so that it would be well established before he mowed it.

Lawn with long grass and dandelions

I took some pictures to commemorate my dandelions before they were all mowed down. I love these cheery flowers.

Lawn with long grass and dandelionsLawn with long grass and dandelions

They look so pretty next to the tulips. By now, the dandelions and the tulips are all gone, and I miss them. However, they will live on forever here on my blog.

Lawn with long grass and dandelions and tulips

I picked several dandelions and violets just before he mowed to add a little color in the house.

Dandelions in crystal vaseViolets in crystal vase

I also added this tulip that Douglas found on the sidewalk. I have a feeling that a child picked it and then dropped it after his mother scolded him. Maybe I just have a vivid imagination.

A rose in a glassDandelions, violets and a tulip in vases

He was afraid that our little mower would have trouble with the longer patches. He decided to cut them by hand before mowing.

Trimming the grass by handTrimming the grass by hand

I went into the house to clean the basement and organize my bookshelves. When I came outside again to check out the progress I was shocked by what I saw. Instead of rows of freshly mowed grass, I was greeted by a big hole.

Digging a hole in the lawn

Is this what you do to improve the curb appeal? Douglas tried to convince me that there was a rock under there that was ruining any chance we had at growing grass, he would have to extract it. The problem is that the rock might be as big as our house. No matter how big he dug the hole, the rock refused to budge. We had to accept the fact that the boulder had beaten us. If we are going to have our perfect lawn, it is going to have to happen over that thin patch of dirt covering the  rock.

Digging a hole in the lawn

Finally, after all that the mowing commenced. Douglas was right about it being difficult. The fertilizer was working its magic because it was thick, thick, thick.

Mowing the lawn with a hand mowerMowing the lawn with a hand mowerMowing the lawn with a hand mower

Things were looking good at the Cape of Dreams that Sunday. You can hardly tell where the hole was, can you?

Newly mowed lawnNewly mowed lawn

One week later on Sunday, May 11, and the grass was high again. I did not take a good picture, but I think that you can tell in this picture. Douglas had already mowed area in the background, while I was sitting in the tall grass.

Planting the garden

We also had to fix another hole in the back yard. Kahlua was the culprit responsible for this one. For some reason, she just keeps digging in that spot right in the middle of the yard. We protected it with this wire. She went straight for it when we let her out and seemed upset to find she could not get at it.

Trying to grow grass where a dog keeps digging

Things were looking good again. Unfortunately, I cannot show you the full picture or I ruin Wednesday’s surprise. Check back to see the new awesomeness in our yard.

Newly mowed lawn

One last update on how well our grass is growing. Despite mowing on Sunday, Douglas had to mow again on Wednesday because the grass is growing like gangbusters. I hope all is growing well for you also.

Happy Homemaking!





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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

9 Comments on “Mowing, Mowing, Gone

    • It is nice having the help. Before he moved in and even for a while after, I had to pay someone to do it, because I just could not keep up with all the maintenance. I wish I could help you, but you are a bit too far.

  1. Mowing that thick grass is quite the job with a push mower! Good thing Douglas is so fit! I love the sound of a push mower … it reminds me of my childhood, when my mom was the one who mowed our big back yard. It’s such a beautiful summer sound.

  2. Jessica complains about my hole making in the front yard, but guess what I found in the front yard when I got back from my ride today? A big hole and a bunch of little ones. Initially our fuzzy daughter got the blame, but Jessica quickly fessed up. She was extracting weeds (the one spot must have been seriously infested!) in attempt to make the yard prettier. I had mixed feelings. Part of me was glad for the yard help, but part of me was like “it was green! Now I have more brown!” But, I filled the holes and through down more seed. Hopefully grass will return there quickly (still waiting on grass in my hole…)

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