New Addition to the Family

It has been a difficult week. Everything began on Wednesday, August 29. We were supposed to take a friend’s cat. He has been traveling a lot, and the poor cat was left alone in the house. Douglas and I were attached to the cat. Every time that we would visit, Richard would sit on our laps for hours, purring away. We were happy that Richard would be coming to live with us. I have wanted a cat that would cuddle more than Crème.

As soon as Richard arrived, I knew that something was wrong. He was so thin. Shortly after his arrival, he started choking. Kahlua was concerned and immediately ran to his side. Douglas tried to call our vet, but they were already closed. He called another service, but they referred us to a vet that was over a half hour away. We knew by then that we did not have that much time. In the meantime, Richard was in even greater distress, and Douglas started performing CPR. I got online and found an emergency 24-hour veterinary service that was close to our house. I called as we rushed Richard into the truck, and we started driving. Douglas continued CPR even though Richard went limp shortly after we pulled out of the driveway. Douglas turned to me and said, “We lost him.” We were both close to tears at that point.

The drive to the vet seemed to take an hour, although I am sure that it was only about 10-15 minutes. Douglas continued CPR the entire time. When we got there, he ran in with Richard as I parked the truck, but it was too late. At that point we needed to call our friend to let him know that Richard was dead and ask what he wanted us to do with the body.

I hardly slept at all that night. I just kept picturing poor Richard’s inert little body as he lay on the metal table in the examining room. On Thursday, I received some bad news from school, and on Friday I learned that my father was scheduled for open heart surgery. To say that it was a bad week would be an understatement. I desperately needed something good in my life.

On Saturday, when Douglas got home from work, I asked him to accompany me to the local SPCA. We were looking for a black male cat, but the only one there did not seem that interested in us. However, there was a little black and white kitten that was thrilled to see us. He curled right up against me and started to purr. I decided that he was the one that I wanted. We filled out the paperwork and brought him home.

He was exhausted when we arrived at the house and fell asleep on my lap immediately. He did not even mind that Kahlua was lying on the couch next to us. At one point the kitten was sleeping with his head resting on Kahlua’s back. Kahlua did not mind, but Crème was not happy about his presence.

Kitten asleep on my lapKitten asleep on my lap

That night he slept on my head or Douglas’ head the entire night. At that point, we were not sure what his name would be. Douglas has the tradition of naming his animals after alcoholic drinks. That is why we currently have Kahlua and Crème de Menthe. I was debating between Coquito, a Puerto Rican Christmas drink, or Ponche Crema, a Venezuelan Christmas drink.

Kitten asleep on my head

By morning, I had decided that his name would be Ponche Crema or Ponche. That was the name that I was using more often. I also liked that it was related to Venezuela, my second home and to Crème. At that point, I just had to convince Crème that Ponche could be her friend.

Cat and dog ignoring the kittenCrème was angry when we brought the kitten home. She continuously voiced her displeasure over our decision to bring home a strange animal. She assured us that she would never love him or forgive us for our offences. She repeatedly attacked poor Ponche, but she never hurt him. He was intimidated but not scared enough to run away or hide.

Cat attacking kittenCat attacking kittenCat attacking kitten

Ponche has proven himself to be a loving and amusing addition to the family. He sleeps curled up against us every night. He also makes us laugh with his antics. He was exactly what I needed through this difficult week.

Kitten dancingKitten dancingKitten and cat playing

Kahlua has been very patient with Ponche. At first, the kitten is a little afraid of Kahlua no matter how gentle she is with him. He would hiss and swat at her when she tried to approach him. Therefore, I decided to put him in a basket so that Kahlua could introduce herself without him running away. She is so calm that I was not worried about him at all.

Dog investigating kitten in basketDog investigating kitten in basketDog investigating kitten in basket

While Kahlua and Ponche were getting acquainted, Crème decided to investigate. As much as she insists that she hates the little kitten, she never wants to be very far from him. She swatted at him through the basket a couple of times, but the were only halfhearted little swipes that never made contact.

Dog and cat investigating kitten in basketDog and cat investigating kitten in basketDog and cat investigating kitten in basket

After a couple of minutes, I took Ponche out of the basket and allowed him to interact. He stood his ground, even after Crème swiped at him again.

Dog and cat investigating kittenDog and cat investigating kittenDog and cat investigating kitten

On Tuesday, Ponche learned how to climb up the jungle gym. The problem is that he does not know how to climb down. He sits up there and screams until I go and take him down.

At one point he was determined to climb from one perch to another. I was not sure why he was so determined to get over there until I realized that Crème was on top of the china cabinet. She soon joined him on the perch.

Cat and kitten on perch

Everything was good until Crème suddenly attacked, and I had to go rescue Ponche.

Cat attacks kitten on perchCat attacks kitten on perchCat attacks kitten on perch

Crème is still mad at us, but she is slowly coming around. She and Ponche love playing together. Crème refuses to forgive us, but she is much more gentle with him than she was in the beginning. Now they wrestle and chase each other around, but it is obviously in play. I just hope that she will warm back up with us soon.

Cat and kitten playingCat and kitten playingCat and kitten playing


In fact, last night Crème took the huge step of finally coming back into our bed for the first time since the kitten arrived. She has always preferred to sleep on the rug beside the bed, but she used to spend some time with us in bed before going down. Once Ponce came to live with us, she had refused to snuggle with us at all and when placed on the bed would give us a disdainful look and immediately jump down. To see her settling in on the bed with the kitten and with us gives me hope that our pardon cannot be long in coming.

Cat, kitten and dog on the bed

In the meantime, we love our newest son. He came to live with us during a low point, but things have already turned around. We look forward to a long life with him and our girls.

Kitten on chairKitten in windowKitten in window

Happy Homemaking!

Update: Crème is on my lap for the first time since Ponche arrived on Saturday. He is curled up against Kahlua. I think think that we are going to be a happy family.Dog, cat, kitten and human on the couch

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

16 Comments on “New Addition to the Family

  1. I am so happy you got a new kitten. Nothing like their antics to bring a smile to your face! I’m sure the girls in your house will love him soon as well. Thinking of you always!

  2. Awwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! He’s so cute! Love the video with his little kitten meows. Also love that you put him the laundry basket so they could all get better acquainted. I’m glad Crème is finally coming around! And I’m sorry to hear about the trauma with Richard – how AWFUL! How’s your Dad, is he back home yet?

  3. Such an emotional week of peaks and valleys. The dying cat must have been horrible. So glad your new little guy is bringing such joy even to “Old Deuteronomy” aka Crème. Here’s to a better day. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

  4. poor richard, so very sad. ponche is such a cutie. my kitten used to sleep on our heads like that, but now that she’s a few years older, you can’t even pick her up! however, she does lick us when she’s in the mood. it’s like she’s a totally different cat. i hope yours stays as affectionate!

    • Neutered male cats tend to be more affectionate than females, so I am hopefully that he will stay cuddly. I just hope that Crème will start snuggling us again. She never did it frequently, but at least once a day she wanted to be on our laps.

  5. Oh, poor little Richard! How heartbreaking! I’m so glad you found Ponche–what a cutie! Our Checkers is black and white, and has been champion snuggler since he turned up on our porch as a 1-yr-old. He’s now 6. It’s hard to introduce cats, but it looks like Crème is over the hump. She will love having a kitty friend. So happy for you all!

    • She is mostly glad to have him. They play a lot, but sometimes she can get really rough. I keep telling her that she shouldn’t be mean to him because he is going to be bigger than her soon, but she doesn’t listen to me. She will learn!

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