New Kitchen Cabinet

Almost two years ago we hung these wine crates in the kitchen. They looked great then and I still really like them, but over time they have become cluttered, and it is a pain to clean the items that are on them. I am baffled why open shelving is so popular these days in kitchens. I prefer to do as little cleaning as possible!

Wine crate shelving

There were also jars of grain lining the tops of the cabinets. Since I am barely taller than five feet, it was a problem. Cooking rice or quinoa or anything else required me to climb on top of the counter to get the jar. No wonder Douglas has to do all of the cooking.

Newly refinished wooden kitchen cabinets

For months, I have been scouring Craigslist, eBay and local curbs looking for a cabinet that I could hang on the wall beside the refrigerator. This was unused space, and more storage is always welcome.

Empty wall in kitchen

The idea was to get a cabinet that had glass doors so that I could display some things without having to clean them as frequently. The problem was finding a used cabinet that fit the dimensions but did not cost an exorbitant amount. I preferred to find something secondhand not only because it is cheaper but also due to the fact that I would prefer to keep something out of a landfill rather than purchasing a new cabinet that might eventually end up in the trash.

Finally, I found a cabinet that could work. It is not perfect because it is a little smaller than I would like, but it is nice. The idea is that I will continue to look for a cabinet that is 32 inches wide, and when I do this one will go into the bathroom.

After we picked it up, Douglas hung it for me. It seemed to be missing the hardware that would be used to hang it, so we came up with a creative solutions that was strong enough to not have to worry about the cabinet falling on our heads.

Hanging a cabinet in the kitchen

It is all good now, and I am happy.

New cabinet in the kitchen

Crème made sure that it smelled ok.

New cabinet in the kitchen

Well, to be honest, I am still looking for a bigger cabinet, but not as rigorously as before.

New cabinet in the kitchen

In the meantime, I took all of the jars of grains from the top of the cabinets around the room and arranged them on the wine crates. I like them so much better there and now I can actually reach them! Does that mean that I have to start cooking?

Jars of grain on wine crate shelves

What do you think?

I am linking up with Outside the Box and  Wow Us Wednesdays. Check out the other projects.

Happy Homemaking!


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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

11 Comments on “New Kitchen Cabinet

  1. I think it does mean you have to cook now, in such a pretty kitchen! Oh, you meant what do I think about the cabinet? It’s adorable! I also think it looks a lot like te one I have on the right of my window, the one you’re not supposed to have noticed in my last post… But mine isn’t painted!

  2. That’s a nice looking little cabinet! I also have stuff that stands out in the kitchen and gathers dust. We’ve talked about building even more cabinets with glass doors, but we’re so out of steam on the kitchen, I bet it’ll never happen!

  3. Love the little cabinet. I’ve been reading your blog on an old iPad which shows the tall photos sideways (does the same with my blog) so I didn’t want to comment until I had a good look. You’re so sweet to leave me a message. I’m especially tickled with your wine crates. If I had some it would be a difficult decision where to use them. You picked a great spot. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

  4. I love the jars of grain on the wine crates! And the ants in the cabinet, you might want to call someone for that!

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