New Old Clock

The other day I returned home to find that I had a package. Crème checked the box before allowing me to remove the contents.

Cat on top of box full of packing peanuts

Once I had Crème’s approval to continue, we dug right in. I did not even change out of my bathing suit before proceeding.

Unpacking a box full of packing peanuts

Inside was the clock I bought on eBay. I have been looking for a clock for the living room for a while. When Douglas received some gift money, my budget went up considerably, and Crème helped me pick this one out.

Cat and art deco clock

I was impressed how carefully the clock was packed and shipped from Amsterdam. Clock packed the bubble wrap

Here is the original listing on eBay. You have to scroll down to see it. I really like that the seller, Edwin, puts recordings of the chimes on YouTube. You can see all of the clocks that he has on eBay here. I highly recommend this seller.

Cat and art deco clock

Inside an envelope, I found the instructions, a key and a cookie!

Clock instructions and key

After removing all of the packaging from the inside and winding the clock, I still could not get it to run. With the help of Douglas and a cousin, I went over the instructions several times. We tried everything we could think of, but I could not find a pendulum, nor were we sure that there should be one. Thankfully, I had the YouTube recording to refer to. After watching that I was certain that there had to be a pendulum. We went back over through the box removing each piece of “popcorn” individually. Crème thought that it was the best game ever.

Art deco clock

Finally, Douglas spotted the pendulum in a lump of bubble wrap that must have come from the inside of the clock. I had not checked them all thoroughly enough. As soon as we hung the pendulum, the clock started ticking immediately. I love that sound. It took some adjustment to get the clock to keep time to the minute, but it is working well. We thought that it would take some time to get used to the clock’s chimes. I slept right through the first night and didn’t wake up once. Douglas woke up every hour on the hour the first night, but after that the clock ceased to bother him.

Art deco clock

The clock went right to the top of the bookshelf, but I needed to style the cabinet to better show off my “new” timepiece.


I have since done that, but I will show it to you in another post.

Art deco clock on top of bookcase

Happy Homemaking!

P.S. This post was written earlier and scheduled to post today. I am in Costa Rica and will not have regular access to the internet. Please, DO leave comments but understand that I will not be able to respond to them immediately. Also, feel free to extend your condolences to Douglas, Kahlua and Crème, who have been left behind to guard the fort while I am away.

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

7 Comments on “New Old Clock

  1. Wow, this is a spectacular clock! It looks Art Deco with the chevroned wood, and those beautiful numerals! Love the little zero in the ten. Do you know how old it is?
    How brave of Crème to put her life on the line for you and check the package for explosives! Good kitty!

  2. It was a frantic search for the pendulum. We had pretty much given up on it when I noticed something a little odd about a certain section of bubble wrap. Always carefully search packaging and make sure you have everything before disposal

  3. Love the clock, it’s gorgeous!!! And that the seller sent you a Stroop Waffle from Amsterdam! OMG that brings back so many luscious memories of eating Stroop Waffles over there… warm it up over your mug of tea or coffee – so good!

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