New Year’s Resolutions 2014

On Wednesday I published my past new year’s resolutions. Creating a goal every year or so has really helped me to accomplish a great deal in my life. Last year I wrote “The Neverending Story of Home Renovation” at the beginning of January, which helped me to create the “Project List.” This lineup will be along the same lines but will be specific things that I want to finish this year. It will include life goals as well as home renovation projects. Here they are in no particular order. I was going to try to list them in order of importance, but it was too difficult to decide which were more significant.

1) Leave the country – I try to leave the country at least once every year. If you read this post, then you know that I have succeeded more often than not. I do not want to break the streak now. I have a trip planned for China in March. One more dot on my map at least.

Global map hanging on wall

2) Write at least one post a month in Spanish – I am a Spanish teacher, and I have many friends who do not speak English. I would like for them to enjoy my blog as well, but so far I have not been diligent about writing in Spanish. These will be at “Cabo de sueños en español.”

Guest book

3) Move more – No, NOT to a new house, just my body. Moving is more important than exercising, and all exercising is a form of movement. I am determined to be more active overall and hope to “exercise” at least five days a week for a minimum of a half an hour. It would be nice if this would lead to some weight loss, but I would be content to just be in better condition. Kahlua will also be happy if I take her for more walks.

Hike in the autumn woods

4) Visit one of the last six states on my list – I have been to 44 of the 50 states and hope to get to all of them. My goal is to have all 50 checked off by age 50, but I will do at least one of them this year. That means a visit to Maine, Utah, Washington State, Oregon, Alaska or Hawaii before 2015.

Map of roads traveled

5) “Finish” the kitchen – I had to put finish in quotations, because nothing in my house is ever truly finished. However, there are only a few things left to make this room more acceptable to me. The first is to replace the counters. I despise the counters that we currently have and will be happy to see them go. Then, we need to move one outlet and tile the back splash. We already bought the tile and have been waiting a year and a half to get to this step. After some touch up painting and painting the back door, I will be happy with this room. There are a few other things that I would like to do eventually, but they are not necessary for my comfort.


6) Take better care of the garden – Last year we planted a lot, but then we traveled for most of the summer, did not water the plants and lost most of them. This year I want to be a better steward and harvest more.

Garden in July

7) Do more for Douglas – I need to be a better wife. He does so much for me, and I do not do nearly as much for him. He is part of the problem, because he refuses to ask when he needs help or even admit that he might need assistance with anything. That means that I have to guess when there is something that I could do for him.

Douglas at our wedding in white suit

8) Finish cleaning out and organizing the basement – It has come a long way for the hoarder’s basement we started out with in 2013, but it still needs a great deal of work. We had one garage sale last year and made over $400. I am hoping to have another one this summer to get rid of even more. There are also some items that I would like to put on Craigslist.

Uncluttered basement

9) Paint all of the trim in the living room and dining room – How embarrassing that it has taken us this long to do. I am sick of looking at half painted crown molding and baseboard, not to mention the door in the living room. I would eventually like to replace that door with a solid one, but in the meantime a coat of paint would make it look much better.

Empty living room

10) “Finish” the dining room – I love my little black and white table and my great grandmother’s chairs that I painted and recovered the seats. It was a great look for my last two apartments, but it just does not fit the decor of the Cape of Dreams. I will look for a good home for the little table, and recover the chair seats with a fabric that will tie in the colors of the room. I may have to repaint them, but I am hoping that I will not have to. I also need to refinish my great grandmother’s dining room table.

Cape of Dreams Dining Room

11) Regrout the tile in the bathroom – There are more projects that need done in the bathroom. The tile for the floor is sitting in boxes in the basement, for example. However, I do not want to be overly ambitious in my list for this year. I am going to focus more on the kitchen and dining/living rooms and be happy if the tile gets regrouted.

Tile needs re-grouted

I realize that there are more than ten items on this list. I had to refrain myself from adding even more. There are so many things that I would like to accomplish this year, but I need to be realistic and focus on my efforts. Wish me luck! Is anyone else creating new year’s resolutions?

Happy Homemaking?

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “New Year’s Resolutions 2014

  1. Good list. I particularly like the cuteness of Number 7.

    After last year, we’re not making any lists at all – our main aim is to to just “live” again, especially in the home we’ve created.

    Oh, and blog more regularly, but that’s’s about it!

    • Just living sounds like a lovely resolution. I seriously considered not making any list, but I ultimately decided that I needed the motivation this year.

  2. Haha–you have written my list for me! (Except for doing more things for Douglas and writing in Spanish.) We are planning a trip to Panama, I’ll visit Michigan, I also need to move more, redesign some gardens, organize the attic, finish the kitchen, and regrout in the bathroom!

    If you visit Washington, please be sure to let me know so we can meet!!!

    • Always happy to help people out with their lists. 😉 You will be the first one to know when I plan my trip to Washington. Hopefully before too long!

  3. ah, that husband of yours is a pain in the ass. good luck with #7. that guy thinks he can do it all without help, and will never admit to needing it, though he often does. suggest smacking him in the head a couple times, maybe it will reboot his ‘sense’ circuits…

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