Potty Training a Cat

You read it correctly. We are potty training here at the Cape of Dreams. No, we did not adopt or kidnap a child. Nor am I talking about Douglas. He came fully trained. Crème is the lucky victim of my latest plot.

We hope that she will learn quickly, and we will be able to get rid of the kitty litter in the closet. Crème is good about using the litter, and it does not smell… much. However, it is just the idea that it is in the house that we do not like. Plus, it is greener to not buy kitty litter -save more money and put less in the landfill. Once Crème is using the toilet, we will not need litter at all. This is the plan.

We are using the CitiKitty Cat Toilet Training Kit. We have not been paid for this post, nor any of the follow-ups that are to come. We have no idea if this will work. I read about this over at Apartment Therapy and decided to give it a try. Wednesday night was our first attempt.

CitiKitty Toilet Training System

Here is the toilet. Many of you have probably never seen a picture of the bathroom from this angle. I had to climb in the tub and assume a weird position to get this shot. There is also the not so awesome floor we are hoping to replace “soon.”


This is the training tray. There are perforated circles on the inside that you slowly remove until the cat is just using the toilet.

CitiKitty Toilet Training System in toilet

We bought flushable litter for the training process.

Swheat Scoop flushable kitty litter

Crème seemed amenable to the idea of using the toilet. She was immediately intrigued by what we were doing. You know how she likes to be in the midst of everything.

cat on toilet training system

However, she did not use it that first time. She sat there as if she were using it. Then, she did nothing. I checked it in the morning, and she still had done nothing. I was nervous about leaving for work that day in case she went to the bathroom somewhere else. So I opened the closet door back up and gave her access to the litter box while we were not home.Cat on toilet

Once I got home I shut the closet door again and reintroduced her to the toilet litter box. She was not interested in the least. She continued to ignore it for the next five hours. Then I remembered that the kit comes with catnip or kitty crack as we call it. I sprinkled a little in the litter and she immediately jumped up and used the pad. There is the proud mama shot of the first time the child uses the toilet.

cat on toilet training system

When I came to work this morning, I left the closet door is now closed so that her litter box is no longer accessible. Keep your fingers crossed that this works.

Have any of you ever toilet trained a cat or known anyone who did? Other than from the movie Meet the Parents?

Happy Homemaking!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog www.CapeofDreams.com

6 Comments on “Potty Training a Cat

  1. Our friend Ira has a toilet trained cat and he too is a proud parent and has a video on youtube. I think he used a similar method of training.

    • “Then you know what happens? Six years later you find yourself singing “Surrey with a fringe on top” in front of Ira!”

      Sorry. I had to. It’s the name. 🙂 I just hope Crème is as smart as Ira’s cat.

  2. Jessica!! How would you like it if Crème took pictures of YOU sitting on the toilet?? She is so adorable and looks so resigned to you taking her picture–I laugh every time I look at her. (Please don’t tell her that!) Good luck … I also hate having litter boxes in the house, but we have nowhere else to put them. If we could train all 6 cats to use the toilet, we’d need another bathroom!

    Why do you want to replace your bathroom floor?! It’s beautiful–classic pattern, great colors, and probably original to your house. I love it! I’d keep it!

    • I wish we could keep the bathroom floor. It is soft in places because the subfloor is rotting 🙁 the tile is also cracked and missing in some places. Luckily, those are only on edges, and the floor doesn’t look horrible. So it is not something that we need to start right away.

      P.S. Don’t worry about Creme. She is finding ways to make me pay!

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