Preparing for the Boys – Preparando para la llegada de los chicos

The weekend before the Spiderman and Ironman arrived at our house, we did a few projects to prepare for their arrival. We also spent the last alone time that we will have for a while. We had breakfast at a local diner and then went for a hike with Kahlua.

El fin de semana antes de que llegaron los muchachos, hicimos unos proyectos para preparar la casa para su apariencia. También, pasamos el último momento junto a solas que vamos a tener por un buen rato. Desayunamos en un comensal local antes de ir a caminar en una reserva cerca de nuestra casa con Kahlua.

DD's Diner, Ossining, NYTeatown Hike Teatown Hike

Looking back I miss the quiet, peacefulness of our time together, but it is fun having the boys around.

Ahora que no la tengo, me hace mucha falta la paz silenciosa de nuestro tiempo en pareja, pero es divertido estar con los muchachos.

Teatown Hike Teatown Hike Teatown Hike

As I have mentioned in the past, our town has a Buy Nothing Facebook page. Someone gifted us some seat cushions and carpet treads for our stairs. I had been planning to make a cushion for this bench, but it hadn’t happened for fours years, and I am doubtful that it will happen anytime in the near future. In the meantime, these cushions fit perfectly, cost nothing and Crème approves of them.

Como he mencionado en el pasado, nuestro pueblo tiene una página de Facebook donde la gente regala lo que ya no necesita. Alguien nos dio unos cojines para los asientos y unas alfombritas para las escaleras. Había estado planeando hacer un cojín para este banco por cuatro años, pero todavía no lo he hecho y dudo hacerlo en el futuro cercano. Mientras tanto, estos almohadones le quedan bien, no costaron nada y Crème les da su aprobación.

Seat cushions on benchSeat cushions on benchSeat cushions on bench

We had been meaning to buy stair treads for a while, since Kahlua sometimes slips on the stairs. I guess it is a good thing we put it off since we got these for free. The stairs are a lot safer now for her and for the boys. I just stapled the treads on. The staples stuck up until I hammered them down, and now they are hardly noticeable.

Habíamos planeado comprar las alfombritas para las escaleras también, porque le es difícil subir y bajar a Kahlua. Al final nos convino procrastinar porque las recibimos gratis. Ahora las escaleras son más seguras para ella y para los chicos también. Las aseguré con grapas. Estaban levantadas, pero las metí con un martillo y ahora no se ven casi nada.

Carpeted Stair TreadsCarpeted Stair TreadsCarpeted Stair Treads

Our last task was a trip to Target, my favorite store! We had a lot of fun picking some things out for the boys and ended up spending a lot more money than we planned to. Isn’t that always the case? We could have spent even more, but we reined ourselves in because we were not sure what toys they would most like. We did well to buy everything but the plastic animal figurines; they haven’t shown much interest in those.Gifts from Target

La última tarea fue ir de compras en Target, ¡mi tienda preferida! Nos divertimos mucho seleccionando cosas para los niños y gastamos más dinero de que habíamos planeado. ¿No es siempre así? Podríamos haber gastado aún más, pero nos paramos por no saber qué les gustaría más. Hicimos bien con todo menos los figurines de animalitos de plástico; no les interesan mucho.


Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “Preparing for the Boys – Preparando para la llegada de los chicos

  1. I’m still trying to imagine what it feels like to have an instant family. Has having kids meant you have to give up some of your extra activities, like coaching? I’m glad you haven’t given up blogging! How do you deal with the boys feeling homesick or missing their family? (I know you might not want to write about this for their privacy, but I’m curious.)

    • For the first week, I was in tears every night as they would cry to go home. It was so hard to witness their pain and inability to comprehend what was happening to them, and not be able to do anything to make it better. Thankfully, they have adjusted very quickly, and they rarely seem homesick. Lately, they have been pushing the boundaries a lot, but I think that is normal as well. We just have to stay firm. Thankfully, I was given some family leave at school, so I had time to settle into the new routine. I will be going back to work on Monday, but I will not be coaching. It just seemed that it would be best to focus on the boys for now. I will miss coaching, but I plan to bring the boys to the swim meets.

  2. the new grapevine cushions are very pretty, a nice pop of color! i am glad the boys are settling and you’re all getting into a nice routine. they will be opened up to a whole new world with you guys!

    • I like how the cushions bring more purple into the dining room. We are hoping that we will be able to travel with the boys soon. Right now we cannot leave the state, but there are still lots of great things to see in NY!

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