Rental Renovation Update – La actualización del trabajo en el apartamento de alquiler

I have been in Buenos Aires, Argentina for five days now having fun while Douglas is back home working hard. The truth is that I have been studying here, but I must admit that I am enjoying myself more than he is. I have been visiting classes in a school, making new friends and visiting with old ones.

He estado en Buenos Aires, Argentina por cinco días ahora divirtiéndome mientras Douglas ha estado en la casa trabajando duro. La verdad es que he estado estudiando aquí, pero tengo que admitir que me estoy disfrutando el verano más que él. He estado visitando clases en un colegio de aquí, haciendo nuevos amigos y visitando con amigos de hace años.

History class in Buenos AiresMALMA Museum of Buenos AiresGay pride in Buenos Aires

I did do some work in the apartment before I left. I painted the ceilings in the entire apartment.

Hice un poquito de trabajo en el piso de alquiler antes de venir a la Argentina. Pinté el techo del apartamento entero.

Painting the ceiling

Painting this beam was a chore. I put four coats on it before I left, but the pine was still showing through. I am not sure how many Douglas ended up adding before it was finished.

Pintar esta pieza de madera fue mucho trabajo. Le puse cuatro capas antes de irme, pero todavía se veía el pino. No sé cuántas capas tuvo que ponerle Douglas antes de que se quedara blanca.

Painting the ceiling

I also painted the entire bathroom. Ok, that is not exactly true. Douglas painted the trim and corners, and I finished the walls and ceiling.

También pinté el baño entero. Bueno, Douglas pintó las molduras y los rincones y yo terminé las paredes y el techo.

Painting the bathroom

Crème tried to help with the painting and ended up with white on her nose, whiskers, side and tail.

Crème intentó ayudar a pintar y se quedó con blanco en la nariz, los bigotes, el cuerpo y la cola.

Paint on the cat

Then she yelled at me for laughing at her and for taking humiliating pictures of her.

Después me gritó por haberme burlado de ella y por haberle sacado fotos humillantes.

Paint on the cat

Our tenant is due to move in today, so I hope that Douglas got the apartment done. I must tell you that there were some tense texts flying back and forth a couple of times this week. The tile that we ordered did not arrive in full, receipts were lost, refrigerators started leaking, and cats were breaking down the doors to investigate what the cleaning ladies were doing… I hope that house is intact when I get back!

Nuestra inquilina iba a llegar hoy, así que espero que Douglas terminara. Tengo que decirte que hubo unos textos muy intensos volando de allá por acá esta semana. Los azulejos de vinilo que pedimos no llegaron, un recibo se perdió, una nevera empezó a botar agua y los gatos tumbaban puertas para investigar qué estaban haciendo las mujeres que estaban limpiando la casa… ¡Espero que la casa quede intacta cuando vuelva!

Removing tile

Happy Homemaking!

¡Que todos sus sueños caseras se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “Rental Renovation Update – La actualización del trabajo en el apartamento de alquiler

  1. Where is the apartment, Jessica? Is it on your property? It must be if Creme is involved? It certainly looks like hard work. I agree with D’Arcy!

    There does not seem to be an option on your posts for ‘like’? Am I right about that or am I missing something?

    • The apartment is the second floor of our house. You can probably tell from pictures that our house is two stories, and we live on the first floor. Here is the floor plan that might help.

      I turned the “like” off because nobody was using it, and the only people that wanted to use it were those without WordPress accounts that were unable to use the like button.

  2. Wow, you are a busy girl! Your trip looks amazing, I really enjoyed seeing the classroom. All those kids being so studious! Sounds like a great trip and also you both got so much done on the apartment. Poor Crème!

    • I so thankfully that I am able to travel as much as I do. Visiting the school was a lot of fun. Poor Douglas has been working away without me there. I am a bad wife!

    • Life is good! I agree that Douglas deserves something special, but I am not sure that there is anything that I can give him that would equal all that he has done for me in the past couple of weeks.

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