Since I’ve Been Home – Desde volví

Things have been busy since I returned home. We have been working in the apartment, doing projects around our house and my mom and Menderes, our German exchange student from 2014-15, are currently visiting. We did find some time to relax and enjoy being back together, only Douglas refused to be appropriate for a picture.

He estado muy ocupada desde volver a casa. Douglas y yo hemos estado trabajando en el apartamento que alquilamos, haciendo cosas es nuestra casa y mi mamá y Menderes, nuestro estudiante de intercambio de Alemania de 2014-15, están de visita. Aún con todo eso pudimos encontrar unos minutos para relajarnos y pasar tiempo juntos, pero Douglas negó tomar una foto seria.

On the porch

I have not been very good about taking pictures, but here are some of the things that we have accomplished in the last four days. I caulked the upstairs tub and re-caulked our kitchen.

No he sacado muchas fotos, pero aquí están algunas de las cosas que hemos hecho en los últimos cuatro días. Yo sellé la tina del apartamento y nuestra cocina.

Caulking in the kitchen

Douglas fixed the leak in the upstairs toilet. This turned out to be a three-hour project that involved a lot more work than we had expected, but we should have known since every plumbing project in this house turns out to be a nightmare. I was too busy caulking to take many pictures.

Douglas arregló el escape de agua en el escusado del apartamento. Al final fue un proyecto de tres horas, mucho más tiempo y trabajo que habíamos esperado. Todos los proyectos que tiene que ver con la tubería y el agua en esta casa se vuelven en pesadillas. Yo estaba ocupada con calafatear y no pude sacar muchas fotos.

Fixing the toilet

We cleaned out the shed. Yes, this is cleaned out. It had gotten to the point where we could not reach the chest of drawers.

Limpiamos el almacén. Sí, así está limpio. Antes de organizar todo y tirar muchas cosas ni podíamos entrar.

Organized shed

We also cleaned and organized the porch. These are two chairs that I pulled out of the trash a couple of years ago. I bought cushions for them, and I am enjoying them a lot more than the bar-height stools that we had before. Now I just need to find a little table to put out there.

También limpiamos y organizamos el porche. Saqué estas sillas de la basura hace unos años. Compré unos cojines y me gustan mucho más que las sillas altas que teníamos antes. Ahora sólo necesito encontrar una mesita para usar allí.


I also started tending my long neglected gardens. There is a lot more work to be done out there.

También empecé a cuidar las huertas abandonadas. Hay mucho más trabajo que hacer.

Garden bed

So, we are doing well, happy to be all together again. Traveling was fun, but I did miss my family.

Así que estamos bien y felices de estar juntos otra vez. Viajar fue divertido, pero me hacía mucha falta mi familia.

On the porch

Happy Homemaking!

¡Que todos sus sueños caseras se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

6 Comments on “Since I’ve Been Home – Desde volví

  1. What kind of little table are you looking for for the porch? I see you have nesting tables; would one of them work? Happy to see all your progress. I haven’t mentioned our shed in quite a while and for good purpose — it’s stuffed. Jo @ Let’s
    Face the Music

    • I would like a table that we could eat at, but in the meantime, the nesting tables are working out. It is my theory that stuff multiplies on its own inside sheds and basements.

  2. Welcome home!! I’m sure everyone was glad to have you back again. Yes, I noticed the nesting tables, too. You want to see stuffed? You should see our little garage (a.k.a. “the shed”). Another one of the spaces I refuse to enter.

    • My photography must be better than I thought. Kahlua was miserable to be out there, and we had to keep calling her over because she continuously snuck over to the door trying to get back in. I enjoyed our porch update though!

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