Something’s Seedy

On Sunday, Douglas and I woke up early and walked to our yoga class. It was a beautiful morning although it was a little chillier than the previous day. When we got back, he went for a run.

Blood Roots in spring 2015

I tried really hard to work up the motivation to get some work done. It was my intention to sand down the shelf that I had painted badly the day before. However, the shelf was outside. Also, outside was the hammock stand that Douglas had just finished assembling. Can you guess what I did instead of sanding the shelf?

Spring flowers 2015

Crème joined me out in the sun. She spent most of the time trying to escape so that she could chase the birds. Once she realized that I was not going to let her go, she did settle down for a while. It was a beautiful half hour on the hammock with my cat before she recommenced her efforts to break free. I took her back into the house and spent another hour reading.

In a hammock with a cat

Once Douglas returned from his run we decided to procrastinate further by taking a trip to Home Depot. That was a huge mistake as the hoards were out en force. They were out of yard tubs and replacement wheelbarrow handles, which were the two items that Douglas was after. I managed to find some pots since all of my terracotta pots disintegrated over the winter.

New yard tubs and pots


From there we traveled to a local nursery and preceded to spend $222.oo on seeds and yard tubs. Ouch!

Seed packets 2015

The tubs from the nursery are a lot more expensive than those at Home Depot, but they are also much stronger. Our town garbage men like to toss ours around, which means that they get broken quickly. Hopefully, the stronger ones will last more than one season.

Daffodils 2015

Back at the house, we set to work. Douglas mowed the lawn for the first time this year. I love the smell of fresh cut grass!

Mowing the lawn April 2015

This is the first year that I am attempting to start the seeds in the house. Normally, I just toss a bunch in the ground and cross my fingers. Planting them in trays and labeling all of them is more time consuming. I am not sure how I feel about it.

Planting seeds in trays 2015

The other problem is that we have a small house. The seeds are on a table in the middle of our living room for now. They had better grow quickly! Crème is keeping an eye out to make sure that nothing happens to them.

Seeds in trays in living room

The flower seeds, I put directly in the ground. Most of them went into the front beds by the sidewalk. Other than sunflowers, all of the seeds that I planted are perennials, so we should have flowers for a while.

Front flower bed April 2015

This year, I used all of my pots for herbs. Soon this wheelbarrow should be full of rosemary, parsley and basil.

Pots in wheelbarrow

The pots on the back porch were in sad shape. The only signs of life were the garlic chives, which had come back strong, and the cilantro, which had reseeded itself and just begun to sprout.

Pots on steps

I moved the cilantro to a sunnier location and re-potted the chives. In the other pots, I placed dill, bush basil and something else that I cannot remember now. I forgot to get sage and will have to pick that up on another trip.

Pots on steps

I put the crumbling pots along the edge of the yard in case anything else decided to make an appearance. If no other plants crop up, I will most likely throw all of these in the trash. You can see that the privets are just starting to green behind them.

Pots in the yard

One last note before I go. The asparagus and rhubarb finally decided to come out of hibernation. We anxiously await freshly picked asparagus and rhubarb scones. By that I mean eating the asparagus grilled for dinner and making rhubarb scones for dinner. Asparagus and rhubarb scones sound awful.

Asparagus April 2015

Happy Homemaking!

Yellow flowers April 2015


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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

7 Comments on “Something’s Seedy

  1. Are you SURE that’s what Crème is doing? Lacy would be investigating to see if all that soil is actually a new litter box. You are ambitious! I want to plant an herb garden, too. Hmm … maybe I should plant them in my front garden! Thanks for the inspiration. Btw, I had a dream that we met!

    • Someday that dream must come true! As for Crème, I believe that she is behaving because all of the dirt has stayed in the trays. You should definitely plant herbs in with your flowers.

  2. OMG I’m so behind on your blog! Holy cow. I thought I was a couple posts behind but now I realize my recent trip and sloth-ness have caused me to miss out on tons of good stuff! That a lot of seeds! I have to get seeds, too, but I usually just buy a few pouches of “bachelor buttons” and sprinkle them in our yard boxes. We don’t have a big enough yard for a garden. meh. someday!

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