Sour Cherry Crisp

As I told you on Friday, I have had a hard time getting myself in gear this summer. I have not been cranking out projects the way that I imagined I would once I was no longer working from 7:30 until late in the afternoon/evening. Unfortunately, I still do not have any big accomplishments to brag about.

This weekend, I headed to Long Island for a family party on Friday and spent Saturday at the beach with my aunt. I returned late that evening, so those two days were a wash project wise. On Sunday, I sprung into action, sure that the project I was beginning would be finished in a couple of days. I was wrong. Very, very wrong. It is going to take much longer than I anticipated, and it might be a total failure. I will update you on Friday. I really hope that it will turn out well because there is so much promise. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I will share one picture of what is a complete disaster so far. You can probably tell that this is a botched stain job.

Badly stained table top

On Monday, I decided to give myself some distance from the failed project and do something more fun. Some of my girlfriends were coming over that evening, so I used the sour cherries on my tree to make a crisp.

Sour cherries

I had already picked a few on Friday, but there were a lot more on the tree. When I was done I had this.

Sour cherries

However, the kitchen looked like this, so I had some cleaning to do before I could make my crisp.

Messy kitchen

Douglas is wonderful about washing up the dishes every evening, but he does not care if things are tidy. I gave everything a deep cleaning and organized  and stowed the things that were sitting out.

Clean kitchen

I also cleaned the rest of my house.

Clean dining room

Not only did I want it to look presentable for my friends, but I also feel better when everything is clean and orderly.

Clean living room

Back to my crisp. I will not give you the recipe because I pulled it off the internet. You can find it at All Recipes. First, I gathered all of the ingredients. I had to pit all of the cherries, but most of the pits had come out when I was picking them so it took me less time than I had imagined. It took me about ten minutes.

Sour cherry crisp ingredients

Mixing the ingredients according to the recipe took about twenty minutes. After that I just layered it into the pan.

Sour cherry crisp before cookingSour cherry crisp before cooking

I cut the recipe in half, so I cooked it for thirty minutes instead of the forty-five that the recipe calls for. From start to finish, I spent about an hour on the crisp.

Sour cherry crisp after cooking

It looked good, and it tasted even better.

Sour cherry crisp after cooking

I forgot to take any pictures at our little get-together, but everyone seemed to like the crisp.

Sour cherry crisp after eating

I froze a bag of the cherries, so I look forward to another crisp or pie in the winter.

Do not forget about Fertilizer Friday at Tootsie Time. Check out all the gardens!

Happy Homemaking!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

9 Comments on “Sour Cherry Crisp

  1. I loved the before and after pics of the kitchen and all the pics of your clean house. The living room looks completely different than when I was there. I am not sure that any of the same furniture remains except the coat stand you made doug.

  2. Hey, I found you from the YHL forums – I am a fellow cape-dweller, on Long Island. I love that you included some pictures of an untidy Kitchen – I always say if anyone ever saw my kitchen when it hasn’t been deep-cleaned, they wouldn’t want to eat in it, lol.
    I’d love if you’d come visit my blog!:

    • I am so glad that you visited my site. Where are you on Long Island? My dad is from Smithtown, and I still have a lot of family in that area. Honestly, I have a lot of family all over Long Island! I will visit your site.

  3. I think you’re being too hard on yourself for taking it easy for a while after putting work behind you for the summer! (If you can call cleaning your house, baking, and entertaining “taking it easy”!) I sure can relate to not getting as much done as you hope to. That’s been the story of our remodeling lives since we started our kitchen job. And you’ll notice I haven’t posted anything lately because of just that. Eric has been promising for days that great progress is imminent (and he IS working hard). I’ve learned that tackling any kind of project takes a lot of patience!
    What kind of wood is that table? If it’s a porous wood like pine, you might have to sand it down and apply a stain primer/sealer to make the stain take evenly. Good luck! And enjoy your summer off (so envious!!) 🙂

    • You are correct. I am often too hard on myself. I have to realize that I cannot do it all and that I need to relax sometimes… guilt free. That is the hardest part for me. I am sure that both your kitchen and my table will eventually be wonderful.

  4. Hola Jessica, como has estado … espero que bien ! mira, te queria comentar a ver que me dices si te parece bien la fecha que estimo poder estar alla en Nueva York.. seria algo asi como a partir del !ro de septiembre que cae domingo … si es positivo me avisas porque debo comprar mi boleto y mi regreso a venezuela seria desde Nueva York… y dime cual aeropuerto te conviene mas…. besos !

    • Hola Javier, Esa fecha está bien para nosotros. Estaremos trabajando pero puedes explorar la ciudad solo durante el día y me encontraré contigo después de salir de las clases. Hay tres aeropuertos cerca y no importa cual así que puedes escoger el que cuesta menos (La Guardia, JFK o Newark). ¡Estoy feliz de que vengas!

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