The Leibster Award

This was a busy week. It felt as though every free second was taken up by meetings – meetings with students, meetings with co-workers, meetings to organize more meetings. I am fortunate to have wonderful co-workers, inspiring students and a job that I love, but sometimes I get overwhelmed. That made it particularly nice to find out that I was nominated for a Leibster Award by Coley at Chelsea’s Mommy Experiencing New Things Loving Life. (The pictures are just reminders to stop and smell the flowers.)

Red roses

It turned out that I was nominated back at the beginning of November. Somehow I missed the notification in my inundation of email. It often feels as though I am drowning in email, so I am not surprised I missed one. What shocks me most is that I have not lost more of them.

Pink roses

The rules for this award are to:

  • Write 11 Facts about Yourself
  • Link back to the person who tagged you
  • Come up with 10 questions to ask your nominees
  • Tag 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers
  • Let the person who tagged you know when you answer their questions
  • Have fun with it, and get to know some new people

Pink roses

Here are eleven facts about myself.

  1. I have the most amazing family in the world. We are spread out across the country, but we find every opportunity to get together and sincerely enjoy each other’s company.
  2. My wedding was the best day of my life. I loved being surrounded by my family and friends as I vowed to spend my life with a man that I love.
  3. I lived in Venezuela for a year in high school, and the family that I lived with has become my family as well. I go back to Venezuela almost every year to visit.
  4. I have lived in six states and two foreign countries.
  5. Purple is my favorite color, and I am a little obsessed with it.
  6. Reading has always been a part of my life. My parents used to read out loud to us every day, and I have been a voracious reader. I still read books, but now I read a lot of blogs as well.
  7. I was attracted to my husband from the moment I first saw him. I had to wait a while before we got together, but it was worth the wait.
  8. Teaching was not the profession I thought that I would practice when I grew up, but I have fallen in love with it.
  9. My parents collected antiques, and I hated them. I never would have believed you if you had told me that someday I would stop at every antique store I pass by.
  10. My grandfather was a photographer, and I wish that I had learned more from him while he was alive. I hope to take a class someday.
  11. Someday I would like to own a bed and breakfast.

Yellow roses

These are the questions from Coley:

  1. What made you start blogging, and what have you learned along the way?

I started in order to chronicle the changes that we are making in our home and share our projects with friends, family and other bloggers. Writing regularly on my blog has made me a better writer and a better photographer. I am pleased to make some good friends along the way.

  1. What is your biggest accomplishment?

Learning to speak Spanish fluently was my biggest accomplishment. It changed my life.

  1. What are the 3 most important things in your life?

My family, my friends and my husband are what matter to me most.

  1. What is the best new product you have tried since starting your blog?

I have never received a product to promote on my blog.

  1. Are you doing a Holiday Gift Guide this year? If so what is your favorite item that you got so far for it?

I started doing the Holiday Gift Guide but decided that it was not the right direction for my blog. I never received any items while I was participating.

  1. Who is the most inspiring person in your life?

My grandma Bernie inspires me every day. I am blessed to have had her in my life to teach me how to be a strong woman.

  1. What does your “me time” look like?

I am curled up in bed with a good book.

  1. What advice would you give to other new bloggers?

Don’t try to blog for the money because only a small percentage of people make any money through blogging. Only blog if it is something that you really love.

  1. What do you think is the most important thing to teach your children?

I want my students to know that it is important to have self-respect as well as respect for all other people regardless of race, gender, sexual identity or any other difference.

10. What makes you special?

There is no one like me. You will have to trust me on that one.

11. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?

I guiltily enjoy chocolate or being lazy on a weekend morning when I should be working.

Pink roses

I know that it is a busy time of year, so do not feel that you need to participate if I nominate you. Also feel free to wait until the New Year. There is no need to do so right away. This award is limited to bloggers with fewer than 200 followers, so some of my favorite blogs are not eligible. There are also some that do not publish their list of followers, so I am not sure how many they have. Here are many, but not all, of the blogs that I love.

Douglas a.k.a. my husband at In Training

D’Arcy at Our Bungalow’s 2nd Century

Jo at Let’s Face the Music

Christine at Little House on the Corner

John at AZ DIY Guy

Nadia at MaMeMiMa

Tanya at The Happy Badger

Eve at Box of Ticky Tacky

Jude at Making a House Our Home

Pink roses

Here are my questions:

  1. Why do you blog?
  2. What advice would you give someone who is starting a blog?
  3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  4. Where do you go when you need inspiration?
  5. What makes you happiest?
  6. What is your favorite book? (or books if you are like me and could never pick just one.)
  7. What was the most influential moment in your life?
  8. Who inspires you?
  9. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
  10. Where do you hope to go next year?
  11. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Yellow roses

Happy Homemaking!


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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

16 Comments on “The Leibster Award

  1. Jessica, thanks for the honor! What an interesting challenge. I am going to have to think about this and put it on my blog list for the new year. (Is there a time limit?)
    Have a great weekend and enjoy some chocolate!

  2. Thanks for my shout out…very much appreciated…Must get my butt in gear and get some posts sorted and get some rooms finished and shared…I have been away for a little while but yours was the first blog I checked out this morning when I opened the laptop for the first time in weeks.


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