The Mütter Museum – el museo Mütter

This was a good weekend. Douglas and I went ice skating at Bear Mountain and out to dinner. We watched the movie Paper Moon, one of my all time favorites, and we got a lot done around the house. I am finally feeling motivated to continue with my life. Hopefully, some projects will recommence around the house.

Los últimos tres días fueron bonitos. Douglas y yo patinamos en el parque de Bear Mountain (la Montaña del Oso) y salimos a comer. Miramos la película Paper Moon (Luna de papel), una de mis preferidas de toda la vida e hicimos muchas tareas en la casa. Por fin me siento motivada de nuevo para continuar con mi vida. Espero que eso signifique que los proyectos de la casa recomenzarán.

Ice skating at Bear Mouuntain

This post, however, is about my trip to Philadelpia with Sofi on January 14 and in particular our visit to the Mütter Museum, if you could not figure that out from the title.

Sin embargo, este post es di mi viaje a Filadelfia con Sofi el 14 de enero y en particular, nuestra visita al museo Mütter, si no te diste cuenta por el título de este artículo.

Mutter Museum, Philadelphia

I first learned of this museum when my book club read the book Dr. Mütter’s Marvels: A True Tale of Intrigue and Innovation at the Dawn of Modern Medicine by Cristin O’Keefe Aftowicz. The book was fascinating to me as it told the story of the life of Dr. Mütter a physician from the first half of the XIX Century. He was truly ahead of his time, creating techniques that are still performed in modern medicine.

Aprendí del museo por primera vez cuando mi grupo de lectura leímos el libro Me fue fascinante la vida del Dr. Mütter, un médico de principios del Siglo XIX. Era un hombre adelantado a su tiempo e inventó unas técnicas que todavía se emplean hoy día en la medicina moderna.

Mutter Museum, Philadelphia

The museum was started with Dr. Mütter’s personal collection after he died in 1959. He had gathered specimens for many years for two reasons. The first was to further medical science with their study, and the second was to keep them from being gawked at in side shows for the monetary gain of other people. Since then, the collection has grown.

El museo empezó con la colección personal del doctor después de que se murió en el 1959. Había reunido los ejemplares y muestras por muchos años por dos razones. La primera era para adelantar la ciencia de la medicina con su estudio y la segunda era para mantenerlos fuera de los espectáculos públicos para la remuneración de otra gente. Desde entonces, la colección se ha ido aumentando.

Mutter Museum, Philadelphia

The museum does not allow photography of the exhibits out of respect for the people displayed within. However, there are some photographs on their website.The exhibitions for me were interesting, and I appreciated the parts which included the history of the people displayed. However, the babies floating in formaldehyde were the most difficult for me to witness. I left much earlier than Sofi. When I went up to her to tell her that I would be in the lobby waiting for her, she jumped a foot in the air when I said name. There is a surreal air about the place.

No se permite la fotografía dentro del museo por el respeto de las personas expuestas adentro. Sin embargo, hay algunas fotos en su página web. Las exhibiciones para mí fueron interesantes y apreciaba las partes que incluían las historias de las personas exhibidas. No obstante, los fetos flotando en formaldehido fueron difíciles de mirar. Salí más temprano que Sofi. Cuando me acerqué a ella para decirle que la iba a estar esperando en la entrada ella dio un brinco al aire cuando escuchó su nombre. Hay algo surreal en ese edificio.

Mutter Museum, Philadelphia

While we were there in January, “Tracing the Remains”, the artwork of Sabrina Small and Caitlin McCormack was on special exhibit. These women crocheted, embroidered and beaded internal organs and skeletons. Their works were intricately detailed. They inspired me to embroider a pillow with a diagram of a human heart. I can only hope that mine turns out a fraction as well as one of theirs. This exhibit will be at the Mütter Museum until July 6, 2017, and I highly recommend if you visit if you are in the Philadelphia area between now and then.

Mientras estábamos allí en enero, había una exhibición especial que se llamaba <<Trazando los vestigios>>. Era arte de Sabrina Small y Caitlin McCormack, quienes tejeron, bordaron y decoraron con cuentas los órganos internos y esqueletos de unos seres humanos. Sus obras eran intricadamente detalladas y me inspiraron a bordar un cojín con el diagrama de un corazón humano. Sólo puedo esperar que la mía resulte una fracción del buena de las de ellas. Esa exhibición será en el museo hasta el 06 de julio del 2017 y recomiendo que vayas si te encuentras cerca de Filadelfia en los próximos cinco meses.

Mutter Museum, Philadelphia
From the Museum Website

This post contains fewer pictures than most of my posts. Since photography is not allow inside the exhibits, I could only show you the pictures I took outside, one that I took from website and the two postcards that I purchased at the museum. Despite the lack of photos, I hope that I have convinced you that the Mütter Museum is worth a visit.

Este post contiene menos fotos que la mayoría de mis artículos. Como la fotografía no se permite adentro de las exhibiciones tenía que conformarme con unas fotos que saqué afuera, una que tomé de la página web del museo y dos postales que compré en la tienda del museo. A pesar de la falta de fotos, espero que te vaya convencido visitar el museo.

Mutter Museum, PhiladelphiaMutter Museum, Philadelphia

Happy Travels!

¡Feliz viaje!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

11 Comments on “The Mütter Museum – el museo Mütter

  1. I think you’ve actually convinced me I couldn’t stand the Mutter. I don’t like creepy things. I appreciate the need for Mutter’s research and collection but I probably need to read the book first to convince me of a visit. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

  2. I want to go!! That sounds amazingly cool and creepy. I’m glad you are feeling better. Love you so much sister

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