The “Too Much Fun” Excuse

So, I have been slacking on the projects around the house. However, this time I have a good excuse, actually I have several of them, but the main one is that I have been having too much fun. That is why I am not getting my housework done. In the past two months, I have traveled to Texas, Long Island and Chicago for various celebrations and I am still teaching full time, so I do not have much time to work on my project list. Instead of four weddings and a funeral, I have had two weddings and a prom.

Our first trip was to Lindale, Texas for my cousin’s wedding. We were fortunate to be able to take a day off of work in order to get to the wedding on time. That allowed us some time to hang out with the family at my uncle’s house. My brother-in-law, Jason Scott, was the photographer of all of the beautiful pictures in this post. He was kind enough to allow me to use them.

Relaxing in the yardRelaxing in the yard

The wedding was held at a ranch in Palestine, Texas. It was a stunning location. The weather was perfect.

Wedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in Texas

The ceremony was short and sweet. Everything was lovely.

Wedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in Texas

I cannot stress how perfect everything was at this wedding. It seemed as though it were out of a Martha Stewart magazine.

Wedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in Texas

We brought our DIY photo booth to the wedding, and it was a big hit as always. Is it just my crazy family that loves these things so much?

DIY Wedding Photo BoothDIY Wedding Photo BoothDIY Wedding Photo Booth

It was wonderful to be able to spend so much time with my family.

Wedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in TexasWedding ranch in Texas

Two weekends ago, I went to Long Island to help my cousin get ready for her prom. Her parents were in Massachusetts for the college graduation of their oldest daughter, so my mother and I offered to fill in. I love my darling Emma, but I cannot believe she is so mature. When did she get to be taller than I?


Last weekend, Douglas and I traveled to Chicago for a friend’s wedding. Reggie was my best bud and sometimes roommate in college, and our friendship is now over twenty years old. I am so glad that I could be with him and his bride on their big day.

Dressed for a weddingHindu wedding

This was my first Hindu wedding, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The ceremony was three and a half hours long, but we were fed breakfast and lunch and were allowed to eat, talk and walk around throughout. The time seemed to go very quickly.

Hindu weddingHindu weddingHindu weddingHindu weddingHindu wedding

This wedding at the Balaji Temple in Aurora, Illinois could not have been in a more different location than the last, but it was beautiful as well.

Hindu Temple, Aurora, IllinoisHindu Temple, Aurora, IllinoisHindu Temple, Aurora, IllinoisHindu Temple, Aurora, IllinoisHindu Temple, Aurora, Illinois

At the reception that evening I danced the night away, only sitting down for dinner.

Hindu weddingHindu weddingHindu weddingHindu weddingHindu wedding

The best part about attending a wedding in Chicago was that we could stay with Douglas’ brother Dan and his family. His kids adore their uncle!

Playing with kids on lawnPlaying with kids on lawn

On Sunday we went to Arlington Park race track with the family. It was my first time at a horse race. I will say that I was a little disappointed. Maybe it would have been different if we had won some money or if we had been sitting in the shade. However, I did enjoy my nieces and nephew, and it is always good to try something new.

At the Arlington Park race trackAt the Arlington Park race trackAt the Arlington Park race trackAt the Arlington Park race track

So, there are my excuses. I hope that you will forgive me. Keep your fingers crossed that I will get something done this weekend and be back next week with more progress to share.

Happy Travels!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

11 Comments on “The “Too Much Fun” Excuse

    • Thank you!. My new motto is, “If you are going to make an excuse, make it a good one.” As you can see, I will do anything or go anywhere to get out of work!

  1. You didn’t warn your faithful readers about your other travel plans for this summer. I can’t imagine many projects getting done. 🙂

  2. Wow. Small world. We lived in tiny Lindale, TX for about 4 years before moving back to Arizona. That’s where our last house was. I remember (in no particular order): lots and lots of brick houses, It was HUMID!!! but the county was “dry”, and world class BBQ.

    Keep having some fun!

    • That is crazy!You did not happen to live on Peachtree Lane, did you? All of the things that you remember are still true. When we were there in the August of 2011, my husband went for a couple mile run (which is nothing considering he ran a 62-mile race last year) and ended up with melted shoes and HUGE blisters. This time, luckily, it wasn’t that hot yet, and we also remember to stock the car with beer in Dallas before arriving. It was more enjoyable trip. BBQ was our first stop.

  3. You had some fun excuses! Looks like you had a great time. We have just returned from a wedding in Vermont–must be the season to travel! Now it’s time to buckle down again, for you and me, both!

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