There’s Something New in the Neighborhood…

…who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Sorry, I seem to have a thing about referencing kitschy songs from the 80s the past couple of weeks. I promise that will stop soon.

However, there is something new in my neighborhood, more specifically, in my living room. One of the items on my project list was to replace the entertainment center that was in the corner. I look on Craigslist periodically, just to see if anything catches my eye, and on Monday night I saw a china cabinet that was the exact width that I was looking for. It would fit perfectly along that wall, giving me maximum storage while still allowing the curtain to hang down the side of the window.

China cabinet

On Tuesday we went to look at it.  The cabinet was not exactly what I was looking for, but it was a nice piece, and I was unsure if I would ever be able to find another with the same dimensions. It was well worth the $200 they were asking for it. I am sure that if by chance I do find one that I like more, I will be able to sell this one for $200 and make my money back. So, we brought it home. Thankfully, the seller was willing to help Douglas load it in the car. Our neighbor was outside when we got home and helped us carry it into the house. I was spared any heavy lifting.

China cabinet

My job was to make it look good once it was in the corner. First, I went over the little dings with Restor-A-Finish. There were only a few minor scrapes and scratches, but the piece looked better after I had rubbed it down.

Dings in cabinetDings removed from cabinet

Next, I had to arrange the shelves. I first put in the items that had been in the entertainment center and then brought some books up from the basement. Shelf displays in my house are constantly changing. I am sure that this will look different on any given day, but this is what it looks like today.

Staged china cabinet

Here is a close up of the left side. On the top is my collection of religious books. They have all been given to me at one time or another. The only major religions not represented are Hinduism and Judaism. On the middle shelf is a candle that was given to me by a student. and the bottom shelf has a metal box full of dvds I burned from old videotapes. If you want to see any embarrassing video of me or my family, that is where you would find it.

Staged china cabinet

The middle of the cabinet holds a picture of my host family’s house in Venezuela and the candles from our wedding on the top shelf. On the middle shelf is the Buddah Kitty I bought in South Carolina, the dictionary/guest book from our wedding and an incense burner. Below those are some of my art books, a candle and a framed invitation to our wedding.

Staged china cabinet

On the top right are some broken shells as well as a note that Douglas wrote me and I framed. I wrote about the the note in the post Frame Worthy. I plan to tell the story of the shells someday, but today is not that day. In the middle are my poetry books and on the bottom are a couple of backgammon games. Backgammon is taken very seriously in my family; we love to play and are extremely competitive. We do not believe in letting small children win to build up their self-esteem. My sister, the youngest, always complains that she never won a game until she was at least 17. She does have to admit that it made her tough, though!

Staged china cabinetThe cabinet will also be a good place to lock Crème when she goes into attack mode… not that I would ever do that!

Cat in china cabinet

So, that is my new cabinet. I must admit that the current styling leaves something to be desired, but it will come together in the months ahead. I am happy about the new china cabinet. The living room feels much bigger. I will show you what the room looks like now in another post.

Staged china cabinet

Happy Homemaking!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “There’s Something New in the Neighborhood…

  1. What a beautiful piece! Kudos to you for polishing it up and giving it a new lease on life! I think I will try that Restore-a-Finish on my mom’s dresser, which got water damaged when we had a massive leak disaster in the attic a few years ago. I hope you enjoy your new cabinet for many years to come!

    By the way, don’t worry about the song references. In my blog I’ve used some references to musicals, and I swear NOBODY gets it. That won’t stop me from doing it again! 🙂

  2. Hello, I am the seller. I just read your blog and I am glad to see the cabinet find a beautiful place to rest and I am equally glad to know that it is bringing you so much joy and pride. I’m happy to have played a part in that. By the way, I am still trying to sell the other beautiful china cabinet that you saw when you came to pick up yours.
    On another note, I agree with you about not letting children win, just to build up thir self esteem. I think doing the contrary builds a false sense of skill and then they go through life not tough enough to overcome defeat or failure. I think your approach does build toughness just as your sister attested to.
    Anyway, thanks for keeping me posted about your experience with the cabinet. Good luck with all of your endeavors.
    J T

  3. I want to see a picture of the cabinet from further back so that I can see how it fits into the room please. I also would like to point out that I may have one or two games before I was 17. 🙂

    • I can’t take a picture from further back. My living room is really small! I will try to take a picture from a different angle.

      And I am sure that you might have won one or two games before you were 17 when one of us war sick or distracted. 😉

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