Another Disaster – Otro desastre

Our house is a disaster zone once again. This time we planned it, but that does not make it feel any better. It all started on Friday night when I moved all of the plants into the dining room to get them out of the way. Our painter was scheduled to come at 10 am on Saturday morning.

Nuestra casa está hecha un desastre otra vez. Esta vez lo planeamos, pero eso no me hace sentir mejor. Todo comenzó el viernes por la noche cuando coloqué todas las plantas del dormitorio y la sala en el comedor. Habíamos quedado con el pintor que vendría el sábado a las diez de la mañana.

Plants on the dining room table

On Saturday morning we got up early and took everything away from the bedroom wall that needs painted.

El sábado por la mañana nos despertamos temprano y empezamos a sacar todo lo que estaba en el dormitorio enfrente de la pared que hace falta pintar.

Emptying the bedroom to prep for painting

Then, we started moving things from the living room into the second bedroom. Soon that little room was quite full.

Después comenzamos a mover las cosas pequeñas de la sala al dormitorio pequeño. Pronto no quedaba espacio en ese cuartito.

Things piled in the bedroom to prep for painting

As our living room was emptying out we began to realize that 10 am had come and gone. Douglas called and found out that the painter had overslept and would be late. About a half hour later he called to inform us that he had been called into work at his primary job to prepare for the upcoming snow storm. The prep and the subsequent cleanup of all that snow kept him away for the entire weekend.

Mientras vaciábamos la sala nos dimos cuenta de que ya era más tarde que las diez de la mañana. Douglas llamó al pintor y ese le dijo que había dormido demasiado tarde y que llegaría dentro de una hora. Media hora más tarde nos llamó para decirnos que le habían llamado de su trabajo principal para trabajar porque iba a haber una tormenta de nieve esa noche y hacía falta preparar. La preparación y la limpieza el día después le mantendrían ocupado por dos días así que no podría venir a nuestra casa hasta el lunes.

Emptying the living room to prep for painting

We took advantage of the extra time on Sunday to finish cleaning out the living room. Just when we thought that the little bedroom could not get any fuller, we fit more in. I tried to organize it so that we could still access a few things that we might need. I am now afraid that CPS is going to call to let us know that more children are on their way. It might be difficult to explain why the kids will be sleeping in the tub. I guess if that happens we can bring all of this crap downstairs.

Aprovechamos el domingo para terminar de vaciar la sala. Cuando pensábamos que no cabría más nada en el dormitorio pequeño, metimos más. Intenté organizarlo para poder tener acceso a las cosas que podríamos necesitar. Ahora temo que los de las oficinas de servicios de protección al menor para decirnos que tienen unos niños para nosotros. Será difícil explicarles porque los niños dormirán en la tina en el baño. Supongo que si nos llaman podemos llevar todo al sótano.

Things piled in the bedroom to prep for painting

Back in the living room, we moved all of the furniture away from the walls. Look what we found behind the bookcase between the living and dining rooms – cat toys and a million other little things that the cats think are cat toys. Among the paraphernalia was a chisel cover that Douglas “lost” in the middle of a project a while back.

De vuelta en la sala pusimos todos los muebles grandes en el centro del cuarto. Mira lo que encontramos detrás de la estantería grande entre la sala y el comedor – un millón de juguetes de gatos y cositas que los gatos piensan que son juguetes. Allí había la tapa de un cincel que Douglas había <<perdido>> en el medio de un proyecto.

Crap behind furniture

The few things that are left are now all in the center of the room. Ponche and Crème are thrilled with the new furniture arrangement. They think that we should leave it like this forever. I am not so sure it is the best look. What do you think?

Lo poco que queda en el cuarto ya está apartado de las paredes para dejar acceso. Ponche y Crème piensan que todo debería quedarse así para siempre. Yo no estoy tan segura de que es un buen <<look>>. ¿Qué opinas tú?

Emptying the living room to prep for painting

I am so looking forward to having this finished! Hopefully, work has commenced by the time this post is published.

Anticipo con mucha emoción el final de este proyecto. Espero que haya empezado antes de que se publique este artículo.


Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

9 Comments on “Another Disaster – Otro desastre

  1. Oh my, that’s quite a situation! I hope it is quickly resolved and everything is restored to it’s proper place. Sometimes when I have these furniture upheavals, it causes me to re-think locations and things get changed around. It can be a good thing.

    • It wasn’t his fault, but it was frustrating for everyone but the cats! They are loving it. It’s the best jungle gym ever. They already called Jackson Galexy to try to get him to tell us we should leave things this way for them.

      • It’s funny you should say that, because they called ME last week to ask if I would remind you again to build them a catio for the summer. Crème was quite sure you had nothing better to do. “Even a small one at a window,” she pleaded.

        Hope your painter makes quick progress!

        • I knew there was a reason the Creme kept knocking my phone off the nightstand! She has definitely been campaigning for a catio. As for the painting, we thought that it might get finished today, but apparently we do not have any more paint for the bedroom and the problem is that I have no idea what the paint color was called, since we painted it so many years ago before the blog. This could be a real problem!

  2. So sorry your painter didn’t show up as expected. As for your bedroom color, I hate when I have carefully chosen (agonized over) a room paint color and then can’t find the swatch, name, formula or whatever it takes to remix. Good luck with that. Can’t wait to see your freshly painted rooms. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

    • The walls look beautiful. I will publish an update tomorrow, but things are far from finished. I am not sure when I am going to have time to organize everything and set everything back up. Hopefully soon – I am so impatient!

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