Autumn in New York

This was my final weekend before swim season starts. Since I coach swimming, from now on I will have a practice or a meet every Saturday until the end of February. As much as I would have liked to work on a project and cross another thing off of the list, I knew that I needed to relax and make the most of my time off.

Hike in the autumn woodsHike in the autumn woods

Fall was always my favorite season. Summer now gives it a run for its money, but honestly, that is only because I do not work in the summer. I enjoy fall weather so much more than the heat of summer. I am a sweater kind of girl. I also love football, cider, Halloween, Thanksgiving and all the other things we associate with this season. However, the biggest reason that I love autumn is that I LOVE COLOR.

Hike in the autumn woodsHike in the autumn woods

My heart aches every day as I drive to and from work because I am overwhelmed by the beauty that surrounds me. I feel as though I am traversing a fairyland. I am blessed to be able to experience these colors in person.

Drive in the autumn woodsDrive in the autumn woods

I have lived in six states and two foreign countries. I have visited thirty-eight other states and over thirty other countries. I have seen beautiful things around the world, but little compares to the riot of color from September to November in the Northeast of the United States.

Hike in the autumn woodsHike in the autumn woods

I know that trees change colors in other parts of the world, but the mountains around here and the diversity in trees just sets this area apart. I only wish that I had been able to take these pictures on a sunny day, so that those of you who do not live around here could see what I am talking about. These pictures were taken on a cloudy day, but there is still beauty to behold.

Hike in the autumn woodsHike in the autumn woods

On Saturday, Douglas and I went to Teatown Reservation, which is close to our house. We are lucky to have many hiking trails and nature preserves within a short drive from our house, but Teatown is one of my favorites. There are many trails there, but this time we chose to walk around the lake.

Hike in the autumn woodsHike in the autumn woods

Kahlua was in heaven. Because it started to rain while we were there, we had the trails practically to ourselves and were able to let her off leash a good amount of the time. She is good about coming as soon as we call her, and she does not bother people or other animals, so we feel comfortable letting her run free. We put her back on leash whenever we heard people coming or while we were near the road. Don’t you just love the joy in her face?

Hike in the autumn woodsHike in the autumn woods

She has such a bounce in her step now. It is amazing that she has come so far from the sad, sick dog that we adopted last year. She even allowed several people to pet her.

Hike in the autumn woodsHike in the autumn woods

We often spot wildlife while walking at Teatown, but this time waterfowl were the only animals that we saw.

Ducks on lakeSwan on lake

One feature of the lake trail at Teatown that I love are the benches that dot the landscape. The benches are beautiful themselves and provide perfect places to peruse the tableau.

Hike in autumn woodsHike in autumn woods

I appreciated my final Saturday of freedom. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Hike in autumn woods

Happy Homemaking!

Hike in autumn woods

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

4 Comments on “Autumn in New York

  1. Fall is completely different in my home country and I think that’s why I find fall colors just breathtaking. Sometimes we just want to drive up north to see the trees and admire the beauty. We haven’t been to Teatown for a walk yet, but I just put it on my list. Happy Monday!

    • I understand how you feel. I lived in the Andes Mountains in Venezuela, and they are beautiful in their own way, but I missed the fall colors while I was there. I also never felt that I could adequately describe what it looked like here in autumn.

      You should go to Teatown. They have have wild animals that have been hurt that they are rehabilitating. I’m sure your kids would love to see those.

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