Bathroom Grout Update… Finally!

You may or may not have missed me last week. I missed all of you, and I am glad to be back. Where did I go, you might wonder, but the truth is that I was here all along. I just could not find the motivation to write or work on my house. All of my energy was focused on my classes and making sure that Menderes was doing alright. What little time I had left over was spent watching television and reading. I am in season 5 of How I Met Your Mother, a show I never watched until last month. I also read two books*, both over 300 pages, so you can see that my time was not totally wasted.

This weekend, we had to appreciate the beautiful weather while we still had it. On Saturday, Douglas and I went for a bike ride. Menderes was not feeling well, so he stayed home.

Bike ride at Croton resevoir

On Sunday, Menderes was feeling better, and the three of us went for a kayak. It was a first for Menderes.

Kayaking in Croton

We have been enjoying having Menderes around. He is a great kid, and I am happy to spend time with him in the evenings, since Douglas does not get home until after 8:00 pm. The only problem is that it may be hard for me to keep up my posting schedule. Though my posts may slow down this school year, I am not going to quit blogging. I enjoy it too much, and I also fear that I will quit working on my house altogether without the motivation of sharing my progress with all of you.

But for today, I am finally going to show you the pictures of the finished bathroom. Ok, technically, it is far from finished, but I never showed you pictures after we grouted, sealed and caulked. I realize that it has been a full three weeks since that happened, but I am still excited about it.

I had recaulked when I bought the house in 2010, but I chose clear grout for some reason. Bad decision. This is what it looked like before I peeled all of the old caulk.

Old dirty clear grout in bathroom

When the caulk was off, it was even worse.

Bathtub need caulked

I recruited Douglas and Crème to take the faucet off, so that I could access the back of the sink.

Old dirty clear caulk in bathroom

More grossness appeared under there.

Dirt under bathroom sink faucet

Next, I lined everything with painter’s tape. This was a step that I had never done before, but it made things so much easier.

Sink lined with painter's tape ready for caulkTub lined with painter's tape ready for caulk

Just make sure that you wear gloves and then remove the tape right afterward.

Caulking the bathroom sink

Look how beautiful! I feel so much better knowing that there is no longer anything unpleasant growing in my bathroom.

Newly caulked tub

Lastly, here is the wall shot I promised a couple of weeks ago. I am loving the black grout. Now we just have to get around to regrouting the rest of the walls.

Newly regrouted bathroom wall

Happy Homemaking!

* The books were Boy, Snow, Bird and The Orphan Master’s Son, in case you were wondering.

There are still several projects from this summer that I never shared. I also worked on something on Saturday that I am excited to show you.

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

6 Comments on “Bathroom Grout Update… Finally!

  1. I just love those tiles, too!! Nice job! I’d never thought of painter’s tape for caulking, but it made a nice, neat line. Why do bathrooms get so gross, and why is getting them clean so hard?!? It’s not fair.

    • The painter’s tape was a miracle! It was so easy and made everything so perfect. I cannot even believe I dreaded that job for so long! Now I want to caulk everything. I wish cleaning were that easy!

  2. You are the queen of grout! Charlie, too, is a great grouter but I’m fairly hopeless. I have no patience for it. Even laying down the tape would be tough for me. The bathroom looks great and I’ll be the new clean feeling delights you. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

    • It is so nice that when we clean the bathroom, it actually looks clean. Well, other than the floor that is, but that is a project for another day!

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