Back Yard Tour – Tour del jardín de atrás

Many, many moons ago, I gave you a tour of the front yard and first floor, another of the second floor and finally the third floor of the Aerie. After that, I disappeared for a long, long time. Spring came and went, summer came and was supposed to go, but doesn’t seem to want to give in to fall. I changed the name of the house to Hawk’s Nest. Then, my blog was shut down because my auto-renewal didn’t work. It’s been an ordeal, but I am finally back. Today, after all these months of waiting, I am going to show you around the backyard. It is amazing or at least it will be once we fix it up.

Hace mucho, muchísimo tiempo te di un tour del jardín de frente y la planta baja del Nido del águila. Después hice una entrada de blog del primer piso y otra del segundo piso. Tras eso desaparecí por completo. La primavera llegó y se fue. El verano empezó y tenía que haberse ido, pero no ha querido dejar empezar el otoño. Cambié el nombre de la casa al Nido de Halcón. Mi blog se cerró por no pagar cuando la renovación automático no funcionó. Ha sido un calvario, pero por fin estoy escribiendo otra vez. Hoy, después de tanta espera, te voy a mostrar el jardín detrás de la casa. Es una maravilla o eso será una vez que arreglemos todo.

Back of house 2018

The living room has a back door that leads to a screened-in porch. You can see it from the outside in the picture above, and in the picture below, you can see the inside. Crème is dying to go outside, but we have to fix the dog door before she can go out. We don’t want her escaping because we have seen hawks in our yard, and I am sure they would love a creamy lunch. Those hawks are also the reason that I decided to change the name of the house.

Ha una puerta en el salón de estar que conduce a un porche con mosquitero. Se puede ver de fuera en la foto arriba y en la de abajo se puede ver de dentro. A Crème le encantaría pasar tiempo en el porche, pero hay que arreglar la puerta de perro antes de que salga. No queremos que se escape porque hemos visto halcones en el jardín y estoy segura de que les encantaría un almuerzo cremoso. Esos mismos halcones son la razón por la cual cambié el nombre de la casa.

Back porch 2018

The back yard can also be accessed through this side-yard gate. The cool thing about this gate is that not only is the portion under the trellis a gate, but what appears to be a fence on the right side is also a gate. That will make it much easier to bring large equipment through that area.

Se puede pasar por verja al lado de la casa para llegar detrás de la casa también. Lo que nos gusta de esta entrada es que lo que parece ser una cerca a la derecha de la verja también bisagras y se puede abrir. Será fácil dejar pasar máquinas grandes por allí.

Back Yard gate 2018

Going into the backyard, you can see the shed, which people mistake for a small cottage. It could perhaps be used as such for three seasons, but there is no running water or bathroom out there, so it would be rustic at best. The large tree in the center of the yard is a walnut tree. To the left you can see the fence separating the pool and hot tub area from the rest of the yard. In the far back, left hand corner of the yard, not visible in the picture, is a gate that leads to a state park. Our backyard is about 26 miles long.

Entrando en el jardín se puede ver un cobertizo para herramientos que mucha gente piensa que es una cabaña. Se podría usar como cabaña, pero sería muy rústica porque no tiene agua corriente ni baño. El árbol en el centro del jardín es nogal. A la izquierda se puede ver la cerca que separa la piscina y jacuzzi del jardín. En la esquina más profundo a la izquierda del jardín hay una verja que te lleva a un parque estatal. Nuestro jardín no termina por 42.195 kilómetros.

Back Yard 2018

Looking in the other direction, you can see the tree and shed again, but you also get a better view of another trellis, with a grapevine. Unfortunately, the former owners took the bench with them, so we need to get another one. The shrubbery behind that divides our yard from the neighbors. We love how private the property is.

Mirando hacia el norte, se puede ver el árbol y cobertizo de otro lado, pero también se puede ver un espaldero con vides. Desafortunadamente, los dueños previos llevaron el banco, así que tenemos que comprar otro. Los arbustos detrás de eso dividen el jardín de los vecinos con el nuestro. Nos encanta qué tan privado es la propiedad.

Back Yard 2018

Approaching the pool area, there is a good sized deck with a hot tub and an outdoor shower, which is partially visible through a third trellis.

Acercándose a la piscina hay una plataforma con una bañera de hidromasaje y una ducha afuera del cual se puede ver la puerta por el tercer espaldero.

Hot tub 2018

Yet another trellis gives admission to this fenced-in oasis. Unfortunately, it did not look this good when we moved in. These pictures are from years ago, and it took a lot of work and money to get almost everything usable back there. The hot tub still isn’t functioning.

Otro espaldero da acceso a ese oasis cercado. Desafortunadamente, no se veía tan bonito cuando llegamos. Estas fotos son de hace muchos años. Nos costó mucho trabajo y dinero poder arreglar casi todo. Aún nos falta mucho por hacer. La bañera caliente todavía no funciona.

Pool Entrance 2017

Here is a better view of what the pool used to look like. I am not sure when this picture was taken, but it certainly was not last year, because they never opened the pool last year.

Aquí se puede ver mejor cómo se veía la piscina hace muchos años. No sé en qué año se tomó esta foto, pero no fue el año pasado porque ellos no usaron la piscina en el 2018.

Pool 2017

So there you have the tour of the back of the house. I hope to start posting more regularly again so that you can see what the house looks like with our furniture. Wish me luck.

Así que ya has visto toda la casa. Espero escribir más a menudo para que puedas ver cómo se ve la casa ahora con nuestros muebles. Deséame suerte.

Back of house 2018

Happy Homemaking!

¡Qué todos tus deseos caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “Back Yard Tour – Tour del jardín de atrás

  1. I was so happy to see this post – I had been wondering but figured / hoped it was just life being busy. Your back yard is amazing. What a great place to BE. I’ve got a couple of hawks that live in the woods behind me and I’ve been hearing their hunting cries all summer.

    • Thanks, Barbara. We have had a lot going on, but blogging brings me joy, so I hope to do more of it. One of our hawks is noisy and will actually reply if I whistle at him.

  2. I’m so glad to see another post from you, Jessica! Your property is stunning. I’m sure you guys know how lucky you are. I look forward to seeing updated photos of the interior. I, too, have been away from my blog for a long time — over a year now. I have been busy with other pursuits, but I do intend to pick it up again. I just ran out of steam. Maybe it’ll be easier when it’s no longer nice out. Keep writing!

    • I would love to know what all you’ve been up to. I also want to share what we’ve been doing. It’s hard to find the time to write, but I hope to at least get some short posts done.

  3. Awesome! Wonderful house and amazing yard and pool. Love all the privacy your new house has! Great to hear from you again. I know life gets very busy. I got kind of burned out from blogging, but plan to start up again soon. I haven’t been up to much, but still have about 10 posts I could write!

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