Which House? This House! – ¿Qué casa? ¡Esta casa!

Thank you all for following along. It has been a lot of fun. In part I have been stalling because I was hoping to close on the house before I had the grand reveal, but the closing date keeps getting postponed. I hope I am not jinxing myself by telling you before everything is finalized. I guess if it all falls through, I will need your support to help me recover! So, this is the house. Did you guess it?

Gracias por seguir las entradas en mi blog. Ha sido una actividad divertida. En parte, he estado demorando porque quería terminar de comprar la casa antes de la gran revelación, pero la fecha de firmar todos los papeles se ha postergado. Espero que no sea mal augurio que te digo todo antes de que se finalice. Supongo que necesitaré el apoyo si todo fracase. Así que esta es la casa. ¿La pudiste adivinar?

Tutor 1

So, here is the story. We were not even looking for a house. I check the real estate pages every now and again just to see what is selling and for how much. When I saw the house on the river, I instantly coveted it. All day I obsessed about it, and when Douglas got home I showed it to him. Then, we were both obsessing about it. In the morning, I called the realtor that helped me buy the Cape of Dreams, and she got us a showing. We were both REALLY excited. Later, our realtor called us back and told us that we could go see the house, but that it was in contract. Big bummer! In the long run, I think that it is better for us that we did not get that house because we found out that it floods all the time. Still, it would have been really nice to live by the river and have coffee every morning on that amazing deck.

Este es el cuento. No estábamos buscando una casa. Chequeo las páginas de propiedades inmobiliarias de vez en cuando para ver qué se vende en el área y por cuánto. Cuando vi la casa en el río, la codiciaba de inmediato. Obsesionaba con la casa todo el día y cuando Douglas llegó a casa, se la mostré y los dos obsesionábamos. Por la mañana, llamé a la agente que me ayudó a comprar el Cabo de Sueños, y ella nos fijo una cita para ir a verla. Estábamos SUPER emocionados. Más tarde, nos llamó para decirnos que podíamos ir a ver la casa pero ya que otra persona que tenía contrato para comprarla. ¡Qué decepción! Al final, creo que es mejor que no la compramos, porque supimos que se inunda a menudo. A pesar de todo, hubiera sido divertido vivir al lado del río y tomar el café todos los días en ese porche increíble.

River 1

It seemed that once we had opened the door on the possibility of moving, it was hard to close it again. We kept looking at more houses online. When I saw this house, I almost did not tell Douglas about it because I knew that he was going to love it. Then, I told him, and we went to the open house. All four of us fell in love, even though we did not tell the boys that the house was for sale, so they did not know that there was a possibility that we could ever live there.

Parecía que una vez que abrimos la puerta de la posibilidad de mudarnos, nos fue imposible cerrarla de nuevo. Mirábamos más casas en internet todo el tiempo. Cuando vi a esta casa, no se lo quería mostrar a Douglas, porque sabía que le iba a encantar. Al final, se la mostré y fuimos a ver la casa en persona. Los cuatro nos quedamos enamorados, aunque los muchachos no sabían que se vendía, así que no sabían que había posibilidad de poder vivir allí. 

Tutor 1

Finally, I had the realtor take us to this house hoping that I would love it as well. I thought that it could be fun to renovate, and I was excited about the huge deck for parties. I also like that it came with rights to a private lake that we could easily bike to in the summer. However, as soon as I walked in the front door, I knew that it was not the house for us.

Finalmente, fui con la agente de bienes raíces para ver esta casa esperando que me enamoría de ella también. Pensaba que sería divertido renovarla y me gustaba la idea de tener fiestas en esa terraza. Me gustaba que tenía derechos de un lago privado adonde podíamos ir en bicicleta durante los veranos. Sin embargo, una vez que entré en la puerta, sabía que no era la casa para nosotros.

Lake 1

So, the tutor it is! As long as the closing happens soon. Once we close, I will share more pictures and information.

Entonces, ¡vamos a vivir en la casa estilo tudor! Si llegamos a firmar los papeles algún día. Una vez que lo hagamos, compartiré más fotos e información.

Tutor 1

Happy Homemaking!

¡Espero que todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog www.CapeofDreams.com

13 Comments on “Which House? This House! – ¿Qué casa? ¡Esta casa!

  1. I was hoping that was the one. I know you love old homes. The first thing I would do is take down that too big picture that takes your attention away from the stairway.

  2. Keeping my fingers crossed for a smooth and soon-to-be closing! I had to go back and read the description – so much to love. Isn’t it funny how those moving things happen? I visited my sister, brother-in-law and mother in NE Alabama in December, moved in to my new house 4 miles away in mid-August. I had no idea that was going to happen but all big obstacles melted away almost as soon as they showed up and it was clear that it truly was time to leave Oregon. I hope your experience is the same – validation all the way along the journey.

  3. I can really see you in this house! It will be so fun to personalize! (I can’t say “fix up” because it already looks like it’s in good shape.) Looking forward to more pix. Good luck with your closing … that can be so stressful! Hope it happens soon and smoothly.

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