You Light Up My Life – Me iluminas la vida

Longtime followers of this blog might remember that this is what the bathroom looked like when I first bought the house in January of 2010.

Los que han estado leyendo este blog desde el principio se acordarán del <<look>> original cuando compré la casa en enero del 2010.


Shortly after buying the house, I purchased a vintage light fixture from eBay for our 1950’s bathroom. It was the perfect fixture for the bathroom. Unfortunately, I do not have a picture of it. Here is a piece of it that I spray painted.

Poco después de comprar la casa, compré una lámpara retro de eBay para nuestro baño de los años 1950. Fue la lámpara perfecta para la época del baño. Es lástima que no tenga una foto. Esta es parte de la lámpara que pinté.

Spray painting bathroom fixtures

Sadly, when we tried to hang the light in April of 2015, we discovered that it did not fit properly. We contemplated many ways of making it fit, such as moving the shower curtain or raising the electrical box for the fixture, but in the end we were paralyzed by indecision for quite a while. Nothing seemed like the correct solution for the problem. That meant that we were left with this blinding eyesore for the next three or so years.

Tristemente, cuando intentamos colgar la lámpara en abril del 2015, nos dimos cuenta del hecho de que no cabía bien en el espacio. Comtemplamos maneras de corregir el problema, como mover la barra del cual cuelga la cortina o subir la caja electrónica de la luz, pero al final nos quedamos paralizados por la indecisión por un buen rato. Ninguna solución nos parecía ideal. Por eso nos quedamos con esta monstruosidad por los siguientes tres años.

Bathroom light fixture


Of course, the fact that we have patched and unpainted drywall over the tub meant that the light was not even the ugliest thing in the room.

El hecho de que tenemos un techo remendado y sin pintura sobre la tina significa que la lámpara no es la cosa más fea del cuarto. 

Patches in the bathroom wall and ceiling

Back in February of this year Douglas and I were in Home Depot looking for something else when I decided that I could not live another minute without purchasing a new light fixture that would fit in our bathroom properly. We debated between two for a couple of hours before deciding on this one. Yes, I know that it does not fit the period of our house, but I think that years of hideousness in our bathroom led me to look for beauty over anything else. I got distracted by the shininess.

En enero de este año yo estaba con Douglas en Home Depot buscando algo diferente cuando decidí que no podía vivir ni un minuto más sin comprar otra lámpara que cabría bien en el baño. Debatimos entre dos accesorios muy diferentes antes de escoger este. Sé que no cabe bien con la época del baño, pero después de vivir años con la fealdad absoluta de este cuarto me hizo buscar algo bonito y no importaba nada más. El brillo me cegó.

new bathroom light fixture

Installing it was an adventure, but since I waited so long to write about it, I no longer remember the painful details. One bonus of having two young children in the house is that I am so focused on them that nothing else seems to matter that much. Since, I did not take any pictures either, you will just have to imagine how much trouble we had by how disgusted with us Crème is in this picture.

Instalar este aparato fue una aventura, pero como esperé tanto antes de escribir esta entrada en el blog que se me olvidaron los detalles desagradables. Una ventaja de vivir con dos niñitos es que enfocarme en ellos no me deja pensar en más nada. Como no saqué ninguna foto de la instilación, tendrás que imaginarlo por la mirada asqueada de Crème aquí.

Cat in the bathroom

So, this is what our bathroom looks like now. HGTV eat your heart out. I haven’t decided if the bathroom looks better now or if the new light just highlights the hideousness of the ceiling. What do you think? Any bets about how long it will take us to fix the ceiling?

Así se ve el baño ahora. Espero que los de HGTV no se mueran de envidia. No he decidido si el baño se ve mejor o si la lámpara nueva hace resaltar la fealdad del techo. ¿Qué piensas tú? ¿Quieres apostar cuánto tiempo nos tomará reparar el techo?


Happy Homemaking!

¡Qué todos tus sueños caseros se cumplan!

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I am a teacher, traveler, artist, writer, homemaker and a whole lot more. In January 2009, I bought the Cape of Dreams. It was the second house that I had ever owned, but it was the first that I bought by myself. I now live in the house with my husband Douglas, our dog Kahlua, and Crème de Menthe, the cat. Because, what life is complete without a little Kahlua and Cream? I love arts and crafts of all kinds, and I refinish furniture as well. We are slowly redoing our entire house. You can read about my projects on my blog

8 Comments on “You Light Up My Life – Me iluminas la vida

  1. There was usual minor difficulty of switching old light for new: slight difference in mounting, what to attach ground to, etc. Only major issue was ring that holds glass globe(?) on didn’t go on correctly and refused to come back off despite almost no pressure used when screwing it on. Broke the ceramic mounting getting it off again. Argument ensued. Had to take back and exchange. Second attempt went without a hitch.

  2. That is one fancy light fixture! Your bathroom (which you know I love) makes me feel better about our living room, where the plaster repair and painting has stalled for at least two years. We’re having a party in a couple of weeks, and it’s not anywhere near being on the task list. Such is the life of DIYers. But you got the light fixture installed–bravo!! 🙂

    • I’m glad to hear you are going through with the party despite the condition of the plaster. We keep having company and just hoping that they don’t look at things too closely. The parties must go on!

  3. I say take progress when it shows up and live with the confidence that more will follow – eventually. That ceiling looks like it will be tough, so I think you all are just gathering your strength and fortitude.

    • That ceiling is going to be a nightmare! That is why we have been ignoring it. When we repair it, we also want to put an exhaust fan up there.

  4. LOL! this post amused me 🙂 And douglas’s comment. I love the new light and think it looks wonderful. pretty and shiny are always better in my book than historically accurate 😀
    did the boys help at all? or just Crème?

    • It feels as though the boys have been here forever, but the truth is that they arrived March 6. All of this happened before they arrived. They know nothing but shiny brilliance in the bathroom.

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